Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Recently, when I try to post on someone's wall, it shows an error message:

"A Question2Answer database query failed when generating this page.

A full description of the failure is available in the web server's error log file."

What is happening?

It happened to me before. Try refreshing it. If it doesn't work, the post's probably too long.
Umm this is happening for over a week now
And my post is like 7 lines
I got that error while trying to make my profile longer.

I think Pokemaster edited something about wall posts, but not sure what.
Btw azelfeo,
Thanks for the shiny poipole!
I couldn't thank you because of ☝️
Had to reset it 24 times to get 0 IVs in attack.
It is really good in rating battles, though I wish it was timid☹️
Shiny naganadel is as lit as poipole
(See what I did there?)
SeeYaLater, maybe you're right
@Deathrider - You’re welcome.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

It’s because your wall post had an emoji. When I tried posting emoji(s) on walls, I got the exact same error message. So, until this is changed, just type stuff like ^ and :(.

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So... basically he has to stop being a basic mobile user?
I think the error also comes if your profile is super long (I tried to add stuff to my long profile and I got the error.)
@Octalmari Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.
Oh, so the PDP code doesn't support the use of special characters.
I understand, and it must be quite complex to add it too.
The same program that lets you post comments with emotes handles walls posts too, so it should be within reason. There’ll be a fix for this.
I was saying that it is difficult to be implemented. Not just a copy-paste.