Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Don't you hate it when you're looking in My Updates and see there's a new update, but you think it's old so you ignore it and you never see it? Or when you're looking in my updates and see that there's no new updates?

Or have it optional to do, mostly because I never check my email or whatever anyways, so I don't need to clog it up with random Pokébase alerts. :P
Good suggestion. This is a pretty basic UI feature we should have. Swear I suggested it a few years ago, but the thread must have been hidden.
What about when you see, "your comment followed by..." Except the only problem is you're not even part of the conversation anymore (that happens to me, a lot). This is a good question though.
Yeah, I hate it when I'm checking my updates and I see that the question has been hidden, or the author of the comment has removed their comment.
Maybe it would be cool to be alerted about new wall posts too.
Quick bump cause no one is seeing this right now

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

This is something that's being worked on (it will be integrated into the core software, Question2Answer). Hopefully in the next few months!

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