Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

I am asking because someone put a question about two hours ago, and it has about 200,000 views! Is this a hack or legitimate count?

What question? Does it still say it has that many views?
I just looked at all the questions from the last 48 hours, and none of them have over 1000 views.

1 Answer

3 votes

The view count is legitimate, as the question you were viewing was not asked two hours ago. Instead, it would have been answered two hours ago, and thus the question appeared on the front page despite being old. You can supply a link to it if you think I'm wrong.

Many questions accumulate thousands (even millions) of views because they feature prominently in search engines, such as our moveset threads which are among the top results when you search '[pokemon] moveset'.

Theoretically, you could hack this website, and virtually any website at all if you knew their vulnerabilities. The thing is that finding those and exploiting them is very very difficult, and to bother trying you'd need a much better motive than to simply play with question view counts.
