Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Can a user "view" a question multiple times? Also, can people not logged in "view" a page? I ask because I see a lot more views on questions than active community members.


1 Answer

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How does the view system on db work?

If somebody accesses a post, then it gets a view, as long as you weren't also the last person to view the page. (This stops you inflating the view count by reloading the post.)

Can a user "view" a question multiple times?

Yes. As Pokemaster says in the thread Kyogre71 linked, if you access the page again after somebody else views it, then a view gets added.

Also, can people not logged in "view" a page?

Yes. This wouldn't be possible otherwise.

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So you can abuse the view count by reloading the post from 2 different IP addresses?
Yes, that's exactly the kind of view count I was sceptical about. Got it, thanks.