Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Hello, I use the Pokemon coverage calculator a lot. However, when I use it, there is one important thing that it doesn't tell you. In the section for the normal effectiveness Pokemon, it doesn't tell you whether or not you have a stab move that is normally effect against the Pokemon or a coverage move. For example, if I have a Magearna that knows a fairy, fighting and ghost move, Toxapex will appear in the normal effectiveness Pokemon. However, the only move that Magearna can use against Toxapex is a non stab ghost move (Shadow Ball). This wouldn't even dent toxapex. In order to prevent this, we need to be able to select your Pokemon's typing, and then add a new section where it shows which pokemon you don't have a stab move normally effective against. We need this feature to prevent what happened in my example, and what will continue to happen in many more cases. I get that this isn't as useful if your using the calculator for a Pokemon team, but it is useful for a single pokemon. Thank you, please add this feature.

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