Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

Lately, it has become a recurring problem that new users have been unable to locate questions they've posted. This is because the platform (as I understand?) has no page that displays rejected posts to their authors, and no page that displays posts pending approval to their authors. I've mentioned this problem before, but have since learnt it applies to more posts than I thought, so I am posting about it again.

It would be ideal if these kinds of posts would appear in the 'My Updates' area, so that users have a simple way to keep updated on where their posts are. I'd say that one in three new questions comes from a new user via the approval process, and over half of all posts we remove are rejected in the admin. That is a lot of content that goes invisible for some period of time, and you would understand that's frustrating for these people and for us as mods.

You may have already noted to fix this, but if you have, I don't know about it. Could you give us an indication on whether this will be dealt with, or let me know if I'm just mistaken about this?

I think this question has already been asked.
I know about that. I want to address that issue, and remind of the one I linked above, in one post.

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