Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

I sometimes see people answering a question with 'Game Freak logic.' Personally i think that that's fine, as long as the answer has been on the unanswered list for a while. Usually answers that truly could be answered with gf logic are questions like "Why does X Pokémon have this color?!" which should be hidden anyways.
It happens that people answer questions that could have a legitimate answer while the question has only recently been asked.

Negative things about that:

  • sometimes people give other examples of Game Freak logic and get points just for that, which is rather unfair
  • people could look a question up that could be answered with gf logic and literally get gf logic as the answer, which could give people a bad view of the site
  • gets taken off of the unanswered list which means that it gets less attention, which means that if there was an answer that made sense that it cannot be seen by the world

But what is the mods view of when you are allowed to answer with Game Freak logic?

Any Game Freak logic question that remains unanswered for more than a week can definitely be answered with "Game Freak logic". Some questions obviously have no better answer, but I think it's easier to decide for each question than come up with a general rule that includes every bad question and no good questions.
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I feel like questions that can be answered with game freak logic should be closed with the note 'game freak logic'. Just a suggestion though, and moderators (and editors i believe) are the only people who can close questions and they are usually busy with school/college/university so I don't know if it'll work
Some questions that are obviously Game Freak logic questions, such as "why does curse have different effects?" still get good answers. Closing every Game Freak logic question is a bad policy.
Would agree with sumwun for the most part here. Context of the question is really important in understanding whether GF Logic is a valid answer. Generally, if possible, its good to not use "GF Logic" but I imagine its easiest to deal with these kind of questions on a case-by-case basis.

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