Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

I usually find new moves in here that I haven't heard of like darkest lariat that I really get curious on how they look in battle. There can be an option to view a moves animation in different generations. Maybe I can just go search them but I don't think I can find every specific move animation I want. And no, starting your device to see the moves animation in the game itself isn't convenient.

He's talking about full animation, not just pictures
That's kinda a lot, considering how many moves there are ×8 because of all 8 gens
there are full animations on bulbapedia move pages @Kyogre71 :P (at least for gen 4 and 5)
but I think that would be too much work for all 8 gens, and there is (almost) no point to it
Oh I didn't know that Nebby, cool

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