Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Number 1: Show all the user's types (should we call them roles instead?): my prt scn isn't working as of right now, so I don't have screenshots, however let's say we're looking at Fizz's profile. Instead of saying 'Moderator' at the types section, I suggest making it say all the user's past roles or whatever you want to call them. So, something like 'Registered User, Expert, Editor, Moderator, etc..'

Number 2: New roles for tournament winners? I think it would be cool to have a role that shows you won a tournament, so if you'd go to Nebby's profile you would see 'Registered user, Expert, Avatar tour winner'.

I know Pokemaster is busy with the new and returning Crown Tundra Pokémon and their movepools so if this is annoying I'm sorry. I don't think this change should happen right away with several mods and editors being busy with tournaments and META questions

I mean, with the exception of Pokemaster and Movesetbot, I’m pretty sure everyone goes through roles in the same order, ex.: every moderator was once an editor, and an expert before that, etc.

1 Answer

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Best answer

1.) As KRL said, with the exception of PM and....PM, your current user type implies what you were beforehand.

You can't be Expert without being a reg user first. And you don't get promoted to Mod without being an editor first. There is no practical reason for this. And besides, you can look at all the individual things we can do under permissions on our profiles anyway if you want details.

2.) This isn't smogon. There currently isn't much of a tour focus or a competitive drive in general. While this could be a thing if we were allowed to make and suggest code to be pushed (hint hint), it's currently unnecessary and not the best use of time or resources.

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