1.) Take out the "gender" section of your profile. Nobody puts their real gender there anyways, I just mostly see stuff like "genderless" or "87.5% male, 12.5% female". If people want to make their gender public, they could easily put something like "My gender is male" in their About Me.
2.) People with a special role in database have a badge. Like in showdown. Experts would have +, Editors would have %, Moderators would have @, and Pokemaster would have #. This would stop authority from getting impersonated and also let other users know what status they are if they're new.
3.) When you downvote someone, before your downvote takes effect you have to check off one or more of the following boxes (give a reason for down voting)
- Material that contains inappropriate or rude content unfit for pokemondb
- Material that is hard to understand
- Other (You get 3 lines of space to explain)
Any suggestions for other common reasons of downvoting?
4.) Have a bot for people to discuss trading on its Wall Right now the only way to conduct trades or communicate to someone is on chat or on their wall personally, but you might just want a specific pokemon and don't care who it's from.