Meta-PokéBase Q&A
5 votes

1.) Take out the "gender" section of your profile. Nobody puts their real gender there anyways, I just mostly see stuff like "genderless" or "87.5% male, 12.5% female". If people want to make their gender public, they could easily put something like "My gender is male" in their About Me.

2.) People with a special role in database have a badge. Like in showdown. Experts would have +, Editors would have %, Moderators would have @, and Pokemaster would have #. This would stop authority from getting impersonated and also let other users know what status they are if they're new.

3.) When you downvote someone, before your downvote takes effect you have to check off one or more of the following boxes (give a reason for down voting)

  • Material that contains inappropriate or rude content unfit for pokemondb
  • Material that is hard to understand
  • Other (You get 3 lines of space to explain)

Any suggestions for other common reasons of downvoting?

4.) Have a bot for people to discuss trading on its Wall Right now the only way to conduct trades or communicate to someone is on chat or on their wall personally, but you might just want a specific pokemon and don't care who it's from.

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I actually wanted to ask a question about trading but someone else asked it lol.
Material that contains inappropriate or rude content unfit for pokemondb That stuff should still be flagged.
The main reason for downvoting is if their answer is wrong or bad in any way.
- There's no point in removing the "gender" section of the profile. It's easy to find and encourages people to put their gender there. It's also just a bit funnier why you don't have to say "My gender is corn" or something stupid.
- It'd be pretty hard to impersonate somebody of authority because, first of all, many active users can't change their names at all times, and, second of all, they wouldn't get anything out of it.
- It should be pretty obvious when/why someone downvotes a post. It's only a problem when people downvote other for no reason or when people whine about having their posts downvoted. Most reasonable people also comment a reason why they downvoted.
- I doubt that having a bot for trading would help. You can just ask around on people's walls or ask different people in chat. It's not that hard.

Also, please don't use the "please-dont-retag" tag. Thanks.
Please don’t retag my please-dont-retag questions
If you don't care who it's from then you should probably be posting trade offers on a real forum that's bigger than this site.
the most interesting thing in this comment thread is the "please-don't-retag" tag. That is genius. Who created it?

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer
  1. Does it matter? It was mainly there just so you don't call someone "him" when they're a girl (and vice-versa). If people want to have fun with it that's fine. There is no requirement to put anything in at all.

  2. This could work in some places like Meta or chat, but on the main Pokebase it can be harmful as people are more likely to upvote mods/editors because they see them as more reputable, and ignore good answers posted by others. That's why I removed users' points showing on every answer.

  3. Downvotes are for incorrect answers so I don't think there needs to be a checklist for that. As it says in the rules, "When downvoting posts, it is helpful to add a comment so that the poster knows what they did wrong." However I have been planning to add a checklist for flagging, so that mods know what the problem is. It could also allow automatic closing of duplicate questions.

  4. I don't understand the point of this. For trading to work both users need to be online at the same time. Therefore, they can use chat, which is for trading with anyone. This may be solved better in future when we have the forum.

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