Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

There are 75,383 users here, of course all don't have voting rights, but there must be above 1000 users who have, so why not many users upvote? Likewise, in moveset questions, "Be sure to upvote the best ones", but most people don't.

Because we don't have the time to check every single thread to see if we agree with an answer
You know, I've been wondering this too. It's probably because they just don't choose too. Or if a question has many answers, they could just scroll past yours. It's all up to what a user chooses to do.
"Because we don't have the time to check every single thread to see if we agree with an answer
commented 46 minutes ago by Demon Hunter"
Exactly, not everybody looks at every question and sometimes people think that the answer has enough upvotes so it doesn't need an extra upvote. Also there aren't that many active users on this site.
I know that I usually don't give out upvotes often.  I only reserve it for answers that are really good.  I know that I also don't visit moveset threads often.
i think people give out more than enough upvotes as is. people will copy and paste a paragraph from bulbapedia/smogon and have nothing else in their answer and will still get 3+ upvotes for it. what are you expecting?
There is also the fact that less than 200ish people are actually active in the community at any given time. There are a lot of accounts that are made and never used, have left long ago, or have never even commented or accrued points in any way. It is very unlikely that 1% of all users are active enough to vote on those things. :P
Codeine kiss, it's only 3 upvotes,not enough at all.
It's probably because humans are too lazy to upvote.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

I was going to comment, but then I though it’d be better to answer. :P

Not every user who leaves a comment believes the post is good enough or warrants an upvote. You also forget the implications of down votes; which can cancel out upvotes. Your question is starting to become silly, imo. :P

Let me give an illustration. It’s like you’re saying that Michael Jorden has to (or should) shoot hoops with every single one of his millions of fans—not even .1% of the people on this site vote on questions regularly. :P

Any question with more than 20 upvotes that isn’t a move set question, name change season post, mod psa, or similar commonly used threads is an enigma, most of which are very popular, very old, or both. The highest voted question has 185 votes, not even 1% of Pokebase users. :P

This site has had a small active community for years, and it is unlikely we will ever reach 25% user activity, which isn’t even 25% user voting (nor do I think we could handle that much active users right now). :P

Source: EXP

Hope I helped!

edited by
At least respect my question by not telling it ridiculous D:
I used the word Ridiculous because I thought that this was obvious, and there were so many good comments about it, but I guess I’m not you. Sorry if I offended you. <:P

I’ve edited to a less opposing word to convey the message that I don’t think your post is bad, but that there is enough evidence in the comments alone to have at least some clarification. :P
1 vote

Some users just choose not to give up-votes.
It isn't up to us to determine whether our questions or answers deserve up-votes. It is up to the other users. Our answers could be really good, but it might not be what the asker is looking for. Some users might think that the answers could be better.

Because we don't have the time to check every single thread to see if we agree with an answer
commented 22 hours ago by Demon Hunter

This is true. Users might not need to view certain questions, so they pass them up. Or, a user might not know the answer to a question, so they don't pay attention to it. Some of our answers and questions are on things that some users don't care about.

Exactly, not everybody looks at every question and sometimes people think that the answer has enough upvotes so it doesn't need an extra upvote. Also there aren't that many active users on this site.
commented 21 hours ago by Syl ™

Syl ™ is correct. Less users means less up-votes. If there aren't much users, then not you won't receive many up-votes.

I know that I usually don't give out upvotes often. I only reserve it for answers that are really good. I know that I also don't visit moveset threads often.
commented 19 hours ago by J™

i think people give out more than enough upvotes as is. people will copy and paste a paragraph from bulbapedia/smogon and have nothing else in their answer and will still get 3+ upvotes for it. what are you expecting?
commented 19 hours ago by Codeine Kiss

These two comments tie in to what Syl ™
said. Some users just don't think an answer deserves up-votes. Some users, like J™ don't give out up-votes unless the user thinks that a question is deserving of one.
As for questions such as the moveset pages, there are so many users who answered it that it really isn't that hard to pass up your answer. Also, a user might not think a moveset is that good. The same goes for other questions with multiple answers. You can easily pass up your moveset. This refers back to what Demon Hunter commented. Not every user looks at every single page.
There is also the fact that some users don't pay much attention to questions that already have answers. We can't determine what other users are thinking, so we don't know if they think our questions and answers are good enough to get an up-vote

Hope this helped.

Er-hem, then why people can drop up a comment about it but not a upvote? Are they don't have time to simply click the up-vote button but can give a comment? And of course, there must be 100+ users at least, even though almost all answer have less than 10 votes.
I also want to add i try to limit how much i upvote because i hate the way the button looks after, and i get really tempted to repress the upvote just to turn it back to normal (which removes the upvote), so for me not upvoting/downvoting often comes from the very irrational anxiety of the button change. I usually only upvote if im positive ill never look at it again

For example, this thread, since its still active im going to look at it again amd again to see what's new, so i cant bring myself to upvote the answers. Kind of dumb, but thats why for me