Meta-PokéBase Q&A
10 votes

So it's not quite the 3rd for me yet, but it's close enough, and my time zone's behind most of the world anyway, so I'm going to go ahead and open signups for

The Polytype Tournament


  • No two Pokémon on your team may share a type
  • Showdown! OU format

I've said this on both the Discord server and in the chat room, but both single-typed Pokemon and type-changing abilities are allowed.

Simpler rules than usual, but hopefully no less fun!

Signups (now closed)

Please read the tournament guidelines before signing up. Signups should be an answer that includes your Showdown! username, time zone, and available times. It should look something like this:

6 PM through midnight on weekdays, all day on weekends

Signup deadline is January 10.

Want to suggest your own idea for a tournament or vote on other ideas? You can do that in this thread.

Good luck, everyone :)

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Hi, I'm new to the site. I would like to ask if there is any Pokemon level limit and maximum amount of Evs and Ivs at the tournament?
We're playing using the OU format, which does not put any additional limits on levels, EVs, or IVs other than the limits that are already programmed into the newest Pokemon games (ie. level 100, 252 EVs in each stat, 508 total EVs, 31 IVs in each stat).
I'm quitting the tournament because I can't access Showdown now. It can't load or anything, either screen freezing or giving Error messages. So I'll resign from the tournament for now
One more question, will we take a vote to decide which specific parameters will have to be met for teams (e.g. All Dual Types, like the original tournament suggestion recommended)?
Cant wait to begin the tournament!
Good luck everyone!

25 Answers

2 votes

GLHF everyone :)
Showdown: ZenDaruma is my main, I'm occasionally on my alt SSSuperiority.
Timezone: CST
Avalible almost every weekday at 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Wednesdays 3:00 PM to 3:50 PM, Weekends 2:00/3:00 PM to 6:00 PM/7:00 PM

Can we try to meet tomorrow at 5 pm your time?
I think that can work, if not at 5:00 I'll probably be on at 4:00
2 votes

How do i do this? Im not entirely sure. If i am missing something can someone tell me lol
Showdown name(s): Dogs my Friend(likely this one), wEEEnEr, hiiamafrog, hiimafrog, RestDragapult
2-4 PM weekdays


Hi, can we battle today after 12 PM GMT +5:30? I'm generally free whole day until 7 PM.
2 votes

Showdown username: Z-Oceana (yeah I know it's lame >.<)

Time Zone: EST

Available: uhhh
weekdays I can do like 8:00 A.M to about 12:30 P.M., and then at night possibly, but Idk when sry.

weekends I can't.

2 votes


sumwun vs J™

Remember to save your replays! You will have until Monday, March 1st to battle. Extensions may be granted upon request.

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I lost. gg
When you announce the winner, can you make sure to also say that someone should sign up to host the next tournament?
1 vote

AGCL3 Swastik
GMT +5:30
Available after 12 PM on 7 days of week, maybe absent after 4 PM
