Meta-PokéBase Q&A
5 votes

I've got a few suggestions in mind to make the db a bit more convenient, if that's even the right word, for new users anyway

On this first one, my memory might be a bit vague since it's been over a year since I joined. When first creating a new account, instead of just filling up a form with the username, password, blah blah blah and confirming the details, it would instead redirect to a page that has the basics on how the db works when it comes to the points, questions, answers, mods manually checking stuff and a short introduction to the site. On the bottom of the page, there would be a button that says 'I have read this stuff blah blah blah and confirm the details I filled up'

That suggested intro page should contain screenshots and details about the sections on the db. Something like 'green is the color of the qna section. Here is where users would ask questions relating to anything about pokemon, minus roms'. Below that text would then be a screenshot about sample questions that belong to the qna section

After that would be the rmt section with the intro to the areas with a text that contains something like 'orange is the section to rate teams. COMPETITIVE TEAMS ONLY. In game teams are not allowed'. Like with the previous one, it would also contain a screenshot of the questions in the rmt section. And while I'm on it, make it a rule that if an asker does not specify which format they are playing on, the question would be rejected. Really, there are some questions I think, where the asker just posts a team, doesn't include a format, and then ignores that thread for a few days. I mean, if one wants some help with his or her team, that person should at least make it easier to identify what format. If that person isn't playing on common formats, then he or she must specify the custom rules and list them down

Lastly would be the meta section. Same as my other two suggestion, 'here is here questions or threads relating to the db itself belong' and a screenshot of the meta section and the type of threads that belong in this section. This way, new users wouldn't post their questions in the wrong section

After this short intro to the db, an explanation about the points system would then be shown. I'm sure we all saw some questions being asked twice because the asker didn't bother to read the part where 'your question will be checked shortly'. Basically, only the important stuff would be explained in the page intro upon creating an account like questions from new users have to be manually checked, how many points you need to do stuff like no longer have a mod check your question or post on a wall, and the roles of the site like expert or mod or something

After those things would be the rules of the db. There already is a rules page but let's be honest here, we all joined in and ask questions before we read any of the rules. This way, new users would be familiar with the site's rules before posting stuff. Also, highlight it that a user should not at all worry if their question is closed due to being a duplicate. I'm pretty sure many users felt dumb when having their questions closed but it isn't really a big deal since this isn't google after all that reads every single word you type in

Another random suggestion would be the flagging. I'm not gonna bother adding my own thoughts since Fizz already gave his but what I am suggesting is on how the flagging works. Five flags and bye bye question. If this does happen, make it send a notification in the 'my updates' part so that the user would be aware what happened to his or her question. While on the topic of updates, maybe add this to the site intro as where you click to see recent activity on threads you participated in. That's basically common sense but I don't think it hurts to tell about it

Finally, I have on last suggestion and probably the one I deem to be the single most important one, turn off auto correct or at the very least make it optional. Really, auto correct is one of the most annoying things ever and not just on the db but just about anywhere that you type in

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I don't think we have built in autocorrect here, you should probably check if you can turn it off in your device.
Wait, it doesn't? I mean, the auto correct only happens after pressing the 'add comment, answer or question' button and not while typing it
yeah sorry bro the autocorrect thing as a your device thing, not a site one
You know, up until you guys mentioned it, I never even knew windows ten had an auto correct in the settings. How strange it only seems to function on this site and not anywhere else, or any other program for that matter. Oh well ignore that part then
If your post is removed with flags, it *does* appear in your updates list (removed under the name 'anonymous'). However, rejected posts via the admin queue do not appear as far as I know, which is a problem I've posted about previously.
Oh. In that case just ignore that part as well

And there is one thing I forgot when I wrote these suggestions. On the right side below the 'useful meta posts', add a section that says 'important announcements'. What these announcements contain would be stuff like name changes, db tournaments and whatever else is deemed to be an announcement. Or just add that to the 'useful meta posts' to save some space or something

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