Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

To this page, I mean. It currently only goes up to LGP/E, meaning we have an entire game with missing info. Might be nice to keep up-to-date so the site is accurate. Here's all of the moves and locations because why not:

Base game

Grass Pledge / Fire Pledge / Water Pledge: The southwestern park in Hammerlocke

Frenzy Plant / Blast Burn / Hydro Cannon: East park of Wyndon

Draco Meteor: Left side of the Hero's Bath in Circhester

Steel Beam: Near the Motostoke Docks


Burning Jealousy / Grassy Glide / Expanding Force / Steel Roller / Scale Shot / Meteor Beam / Misty Explosion / Rising Voltage / Terrain Pulse / Skitter Smack / Lash Out / Poltergeist / Corrosive Gas / Coaching / Flip Turn / Triple Axel / Dual Wingbeat / Scorching Sands: In the Dojo, after completing Mustard's trials

Thanks :D


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