Meta-PokéBase Q&A
–3 votes

Can someone (Pokémaster?) reduce the amount of ads? The ads are covering too much the website (and Pokébase) Why the excessive use of ads in this website?

Edit: Pokemaster posted on my wall asking for me to post a screenshot. While in not on it, I'd say... The Pokébase uses a lot of ads (in the top and bottom of an answer), On Pokémon's pages (e.g.: Bulbasaur) they use the same source of others Pokémon pages that doesn't make any sense (Before them, there's an actual ad).

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As PM said, could you please send the screenshots?
you should at least try an antivirus program to rule it out. i dont know why you're being difficult about it lol
There's only one ad there.
Um those aren’t really ads? They seriously just direct you to a different Pokémon’s page lol. I actually like that feature :P

Then again I could be misunderstanding what’s being said.
Iirc, PM added those at some point as a QoA feature- they are handled like adds but are really just links to other frequented or related pages to the ones you are currently on, and only appear on the non-Q&A section of the site. They provide use to people on this site, and don’t do thinks that regular adds do like redirect you to other sites or give this site money. :P

2 Answers

8 votes

Hey Blazikin, while I'm not a staff or anything, I do want to make sure you see this, hence the answer.

Like others said, there's a perfectly reasonable amount of ads on this website, and they're out of the way. Can you post a screenshot? If you have ads all over your screen, it's possible you have a malware or a virus that's infecting your browser. I used to have a similar issue, where when I was on Wattpad, and only Wattpad, the screen was filled with ads when it shouldn't. If that's the case, it has nothing to do with the site, but rather your device.

I recommend downloading Avast Antivirus or Malwarebytes. Give them a run, and they might find the source of your issue. Also take the time to uninstall your browser. After, the chances of the issue going away are very high.

If this is the work of a virus, which is most likely, refrain from using credit card info or any ID. Clear your browser history, delete any suspicious files, clear your cache, and again use a free antivirus software. After that, refrain from going on any weird sites (for example: Rom downloading sites, free gaming sites, free anime sites, adult sites, the dark web, or anything really that seems sketchy), downloading anything, or pressing on ads. Quick note: this type of virus is more annoying than harmful, you shouldn't worry too much.

I'd also recommend keeping both of those programs on your device and give them a run approximately once per month, as a precaution.

Please let me know if this helps!

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8 votes

Since you updated your question I'll make another answer. Thanks for posting a screenshot.

The Pokébase uses a lot of ads (in the top and bottom of an answer),

That is only two. I guess it can look a bit crowded if there is only one answer and it is short, but I'm not sure if there's an easy way to solve that (it looks fine if the answer is longer or if there are multiple answers).

On Pokémon's pages (e.g.: Bulbasaur) they use the same source of others Pokémon pages that doesn't make any sense (Before them, there's an actual ad).

The screenshot you posted is a different type of ad that sometimes shows related pages from this site. I answered about this before, but it basically fills space if there aren't any ads to show and may be useful to visitors.

On the Pokedex pages there is one ad at the top of the page, that one from your screenshot in the middle, and one at the bottom. All well spaced out since those pages are quite long.

The majority of pages on this site only have two ads, though a few like the Pokedex have three ads. I think that's perfectly reasonable and much lower than most sites on the internet. Have you been on Bulbapedia recently? They have ads covering 70% of the page!

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