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5 votes

Seriously, this is something that keeps me up in the night.

Low ladder players send their Rotom-F sweeping replays in NDAG.

Haha very funny.

Of course, I mean no offence to the great people who’re still in low (and no) ladder and think Pokémon is a German enterprise, but really, these replays aren’t entertaining.

Not for me at least.

The Replay’s thread also explicitly states:

Lower ladder matches aren't good. There are no stakes in a low ladder game, and either player is very likely to make basic misplays. This makes the match difficult to watch.

Omg man people KNOW how to read then why so much clutter? I believe they get so much enticed in their victories by Tropius in Gen 7 AG that they think others would also come and enjoy with them.

Seriously, about a quarter of the replays in the thread are almost zero entertainment. We don’t need that. A good replay should be something in which Zarel and Hoeenhero crash in and destroy the mind of the battlers, or some immense hax, courtesy of Finchinator. Or some salt.

So, these replays that nobody would pay nothing for need to be cleared. Cleared like answers deleted or something, and the person who answered it told not to post low ladder replays.
Of course, I’m not saying that low ladder replays are always bad, but the majority of them are bad, everyone’d agree with me.
Therefore, I repeat again, the replay’s thread needs to be cleared.

OK I guess I didn't make myself clear.

I don't want answers to be condensed in a single answer with a bunch of low ladder replays that make me yawn, I want them to be scraped off. Removed from the thread. Hidden. Banished to La La Land. Never to come back. Or something else where people don't see them and get bored.
And, obviously, all low ladder replays aren't bad, so all aren't bad. What can I say about this, like, three-fourth's (or more, I dunno) of them are bad, so I made that as a generalized statement, so don't feel bad guys...

Thanks for reading my Battle and Pokémon Duel Replay’s primer. Hope you enjoyed.

And yes, feel free to edit the content or the title, as I guess I may’ve been too harsh on the poor people.

edited by
Can I link this in the question so that the no and low ladder people enjoy their time?

1 Answer

5 votes
Best answer

I think the best solution to this problem, if others agree with it, is to close the original replay thread and post a new one. I think the amount of work required to quality-check every existing replay is higher than it's worth, and we'd probably make some enemies basically telling people "you suck so bad we can't enjoy your replay".

I'm not going to do this unless other people tell me it's a good idea, so please comment if you're for or against this.

In the new thread, we'd encourage people to flag unremarkable low ladder replays and then we'll deal with them from there.

selected by
Really good idea
@X This was mentioned above, but I don't mean at all that we should move the old replays. If people want to repost their replays then they may, but the point is to start a new thread and leave the clutter behind.
If you're set on cleaning it up yourself, then that works too, but I don't think it's worth your time.
A new thread, freshly baked would be better I guess too. The old thread would remain as it is with the replays that are in it, and a new thread with the new replays.
It’d also mean a lot less work, which’d surely save time.
And about low ladder replays in the new thread, the community can flag those answers if it turns out to be a snoring sweep.
People seemed to like this, so now it's done.
I should add: the way this thread is set up means that experts can enforce "replay quality" rules by editing answers, so go ahead and do that if you like.
I went with a 1300 Elo requirement because I think that's the best way to generalise the sentiments here while not creating unhelpful rules like "make sure your replay is good". If you think this is bad, then let me know.
I agree that low ladder games are not universally bad, but it's clear that people think a lot of them are.