Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes
Pretty sure you can't via the users page if you're a normal user. You can always get to their profile through searching or clicking on their name, however.
You can't search by the Users page because of the glitch limit of 334 pages.  The only way is to find it is through their answers, questions or comments to get to their profile.

1 Answer

1 vote

You can find some users with 20 points if you go far enough through the user list. However, as J mentioned, the software doesn't load user pages beyond the 334th page, so you can't see anywhere close to all of them.

If you know the exact username of the account you want, then you can type it into the address bar of your browser to go directly to the page. (Depending on your browser and the username you want, you may need to know URL encoding to get the correct page. Try CyberChef's URL Encode.)

If you know the username roughly, then you can try searching google for it. If you know some posts the person made, then you can try searching for those as well. The filter might help you find people's user pages. If the account doesn't have any posts, then it probably wasn't ever indexed by google, so you will have more trouble finding it.

If the account doesn't have any posts and is old enough to have gone beyond the 334th page, then you are probably never going to find it unless you know the username exactly.
