Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Based on the feedback on this thread about rules for in-game teams, I wrote two options for how we could solve the issue. We want to know which one you prefer. Click the link to vote anonymously.

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As a refresher (though you should read this answer first!):

Option A

Strategy advice for playthroughs must be generalised. PokéBase questions should be re-usable by anyone, so we don't give advice for individual people's teams. However, you can ask general questions like "What are the best strategies to beat Totem Lurantis?" and "Which of Aggron and Golem is more effective for Emerald playthroughs?"

Option B

Advice for in-game teams must be focused. Open-ended "rate my in-game team" questions are not allowed, but you can ask for help with specific battles or optimisations, e.g. what the final member should be. If you post your in-game team, you must include the following:

  • Items, abilities, moves and natures for every Pokemon, plus levels where applicable.
  • Indication of exactly which game you're playing and exactly what issue you need help with.
  • A brief explanation of each Pokemon on the team (or something equivalent), plus a distinctive title (i.e. not "help with my Emerald team").

(Feel free to suggest changes to these rules, especially the dot points in option B.)

I've voted!! (Option A uwu nyaa mrrow :3) (!!)
About the dotted points in option B, I feel that they're nice but no one gives a description about anything, even in the RMT Section where they're extremely important. And aren't we still allowing these type of questions, like "who can be the last member"?
Great, thanks :)
Nobody gives a description because it's not in the rules yet. It's going to be in the RMT section rules soon, and people will actually do it because we'll remove every post that doesn't do it. Don't worry.
Option B allows "who can be the last member", but option A doesn't. There's no dot point in option B that says it has to be a full team, but every Pokemon you *do* include needs to have full details (minus EVs).
Oh I thought it was in the rules. And yeah I got the point, Option B seems substandard if we compare it to Option A x].
I voted. I wasn’t here for the last poll, unfortunately, but I am mostly satisfied with what was discussed in the last thread.  :P
And oh when's the poll gonna end I'm extremely curious xdd.
Results come tomorrow (approx 12 hours).
Ayy that's cool thanks lord Fizz.

1 Answer

0 votes

Looks like we're divided on this one. B wins the majority, but a big group of people prefer A.


I was going to say we'll go with B, since it won the majority and it means we can "re-try" in-game team advice with tighter rules. But I just remembered that Pokemaster basically approved A as a rule a few years ago.

His opinion might have changed, so I'll give both versions of the rule to him and see what he thinks (knowing that B won the majority). But assuming nothing has changed, we'll probably go with A, since there were a lot of people who voted for A as well.

In any case, we'll review this again after the rules are changed, and see what people think. Thanks again for voting!

Okay so as far as I've digested about the poll is that more people votes for Option B, whereas Pokémaster has, even though not totally completely, approved Option A as a rule. Oh so Mr. Pokemaster would be approached with both versions and his verdict would be the final ruling? That's epic, but "retrying" in-game team advice would be a bit.. weird, if we have some poor experience with it before, I guess.. Damn the results are surprising x].
I just hope nothing has changed A looks more refined to me, lol.