Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Hi all! Based on the results of July's moderation survey, I/we have come up with the following changes to the msq moveset threads that will hopefully improve content standards and reflect community sentiments. Let us know what you think. We'll begin to roll this out in the coming weeks.

Descriptions are required

Based the overwhelming response in the survey, we have decided to require that moveset descriptions are included in answers to msq threads. The exact wording of the rule, which has been added to the guidelines list, is as follows:

Include at least two sentences of explanation. Justify the choices you've made and suggest how/when the set should be used.

How harshly should we enforce the new rule? For example, should we allow a description like this? "Ice Beam for STAB, Calm Mind for setup. Psychic for coverage against Fighting and Poison."

To properly enact the new rule (and the improved content standards that come with it), we will need to remove old moveset answers that lack descriptions. This is a large undertaking, but everybody can help by doing the following:

  1. If you see moveset answers that lack two proper sentences of explanation, please flag them. If there are multiple of these answers on the same question, flag the question instead (we'll know what to do).
  2. If you have posted movesets in the past that lack two sentences of explanation, you will want to add onto them if you don't want them to be removed.
  3. Up-vote submissions that have good explanations!

If your old moveset gets removed and you want to improve it, just let us know and we'll reshow it for you to edit.

If these changes work well on the msq threads, then we'll consider rolling them out for lcmsq as well (bearing in mind those threads are much less essential to PokeBase).

New recommendations

Requiring a battle format was another popular suggestion from the moderation survey. We'd decided to add only the description rule (for now), as enforcing a battle format rule would involve removing a much larger amount of content, and many sets are applicable to multiple formats. We will revisit this if we are still unhappy with the quality of msq threads after enforcing descriptions.

There is also the issue of Showdown-importable syntax. First of all, thank you very much to everyone who has been editing the answers to be Showdown-importable. I agree this is worth our time, and I have been silent-editing posts when I come across them to use the syntax. However, I think it is a tough one to enforce outright, and maybe a bit unfair when it's easy to edit the post instead of remove it. To compromise, I've made it a firm recommendation in the moveset guidelines, along with specifying the battle format.

I've also decided to make "one moveset per answer" a recommendation, not a requirement. It's better if movesets are posted separately, but it's tolerable when they aren't, as long as the content is good.

One final note on new requirements: we will be removing old posts that recommend strategies that never released, such as Gems other than Normal Gem in Gen 6+, and replaced HAs such as Shadow Tag Chandelure. An existing requirement is that movesets are legal within the base game, so we will enforce that in cases like these.

Addressing branched evolutions, etc.

The moveset threads are organised so movesets for not-fully-evolved Pokemon belong in the thread for fully-evolved forms. This system works in the majority of cases, but there are some exceptions, such as regional variants and some forms (e.g. Rotom).

Another such exception is the case of Pokemon with split evolutions: which thread should movesets for these Pokemon belong to? What about Pokemon like Scyther, whose best movesets are quite different from Scizor's? We plan to finally address these problems by adding moveset threads for Pokemon that fit either of the following descriptions:

  1. The Pokemon has some competitive viability, and has branched evolutions (where Raichu and Alolan Raichu, for example, are considered to make a branched evolution for Pikachu).
  2. The Pokemon has some competitive viability, and its usage in competitive is considerably different from that of its evolved form (and deserves to be tracked in its own thread).

I can think of the following Pokemon that should get their own msq thread under these conditions: Eevee (#1), Pikachu (#1), Clamperl (#1), Porygon2 (#2), Galarian Corsola (#2), Scyther (#2, maybe #1), and possibly Dusclops. If there are others, please name them. (We won't do threads for every Pokemon with a split evolution; Wurmple movesets are unnoteworthy.)

We will also roll out moveset threads for Pokemon introduced in Legends: Arceus that appear in Scarlet/Violet, obviously pending confirmation of which Pokemon are in.

There is also the issue of Pokemon like Ursaring that gained an evolution in the time passed since their thread was posted. How should we handle these? Options include:

  1. closing the original thread for the Pokemon (but not hiding it) and directing new submissions to the new fully-evolved page, or
  2. leaving things as is with a note on the fully-evolved Pokemon's moveset thread.

Are there other conditions where Pokemon, forms, etc. should get their own threads? Should the two conditions above be changed? Let us know what you think.

Improving question descriptions

The descriptions in the moveset threads themselves could also use some work. They have slight variations depending on when the thread was posted, and they could be changed to emphasise the new content requirements, such as descriptions.

I have drafted a new description linked here that we might use going forward. Please give your suggestions and critiques of this! The sections in angled brackets < > will appear only when they apply.

Of course, it would be even more burdensome to update the descriptions of the threads in addition to auditing old content. That's why we (hopefully) won't need to! I plan to write a script that will automate HTTP requests to PokeBase to update the threads.

The script would use data to figure out what the contents of the description should be. I would let it run over a few hours, to avoid burdening the server. This script could be reused any time we want to update the threads in the future. ETA on this is November/December when my semester is over (as it will involve a bit of data collection/scraping).

In the meantime, please give your thoughts on the draft description above and any other topics related to the moveset threads. I hope you've found these to be fairly common-sense choices to improve the moveset threads.

edited by
Good that we can agree on which Pokemon should have their own threads. If there are any other missing, please do name them.
Do we have opinions on how harshly the descriptions rule should be enforced? After doing some "trial" runs of the threads, I think that we should remove posts with description like the one given in the OP, as they tend not to be very good anyway. But if other people don't think so, that would be good to know.
I'd love it if posts without descriptions were removed. They don't usually contribute to the threads, and most of such answers aren't good.
Removing the old answers which don't coincide with the rules would be a fresh start for the threads. The threads lack some major context and feel old. The dry answers should give way to newer, better answers.
An issue would be moderating new answers without descriptions. I feel like this is gonna be like the RMT; people post without reading the rules. This wouldn't very huge, though.

e: How about we add descriptions in older answers which lack them? Possible even add missing details such as generation to stop unhelpful comments.
Yes, I have actually been adding descriptions to some old answers that have half-decent sets (example: I would encourage others to do the same if they have experience with competitive Pokemon.
Don't worry about moderating new answers. I expect description rules to be followed better on moveset questions than RMT, since there will be dozens of existing answers in front of you that show how things should be done.
What do we do for movesets that have an old HA, i.e Shadow Tag Chandelure?
I did promise to cover that, whoops. Will add. In short, they're being removed.

1 Answer

1 vote

How harshly should we enforce the new rule?

My opinion would be, "not harshly". A lot of movesets don't need much explanation. Give people plenty of time to go through their own answers and update them.

There is also the issue of Showdown-importable syntax... However, I think it is a tough one to enforce outright, and maybe a bit unfair when it's easy to edit the post instead of remove it.

Agree with this. Although they should be competitive movesets, I'm sure we get a lot of people coming from Google just looking for basic movesets. And many are likely playing competitive via the games themselves, not on Showdown. Hiding answers which aren't perfect would hinder people who don't know/care about Showdown.

Addressing branched evolutions, etc.

Agree on those points. I can go ahead and set up questions for those Pokemon, let me know the list when decided.

There is also the issue of Pokemon like Ursaring that gained an evolution in the time passed since their thread was posted.

I think it's best to make a new question for Ursaluna (and Overqwil, Sneasler etc), and keep the old one separate. If Ursaring does find new usage people might add movesets, but regardless it's still useful for older generations where Ursaluna isn't available. We can make a list when SV releases.

The descriptions in the moveset threads themselves could also use some work. They have slight variations depending on when the thread was posted, and they could be changed to emphasise the new content requirements, such as descriptions.

Haha, while going through your post I noticed the Scyther question mentioned pre-evolutions so I removed that and changed to the Home sprite (great minds think alike!). I just re-edited to add your link suggestion, for Scizor.

I plan to write a script that will automate HTTP requests to PokeBase to update the threads.

I'm quite wary of this - while it might be fine for most Pokemon there are a lot that will require special clauses, like the Scyther/Scizor examples. Plus there's always a chance something will go wrong (nobody can program something perfect first time) and one or more questions will end up with dozens of edits. There are also measures in Q2A (e.g. CSRF tokens) to prevent automated posts.

If it's useful, I can provide a list of all the moveset questions, with the Pokemon name and "alias" (the lowercase version used for URLs/images). That would help fill in the "{name}" parts from your sample description. Then we could perhaps do the majority like that with some manual editing for any remaining.

Wow, thanks for spending time writing this. Glad we can agree on the changes -- obviously feel free to handle the new prevo threads if you like, or we can handle them ourselves eventually.

I agree the main audience for the moveset threads is people on search engines (the view counts kinda spell it out). This is another reason I'm a bit cold on enforcing battle formats, as many people likely read the threads without a particular format in mind (or even competitive in mind, as you mention).
I should add that Showdown syntax pre-dates Showdown and has been an unspoken standard for sharing movesets for a long time, but yeah I don't think it's reasonable to enforce that.

Totally understand your concern over me doing scripts -- try to trust me that I know what I'm doing. It would definitely not be my first time automating POST requests, and it wouldn't be my first time on Q2A either as I will test extensively via localhost first. I already have a list of special cases (e.g. separate Scizor/Scyther threads, separate threads for some forms, etc) that must be handled, but you might be right that manual editing is reasonable for those.
A list of moveset links (or, more specifically, the post IDs from the URLs) is one of the things I was going to scrape, so that would definitely be helpful. Very much open to having assistance with this in general (or just doing it manually if you really don't want me to script it).
Which are the prevos that need threads? Is it just the ones you mentioned - Clamperl, Porygon2, G.Corsola, Dusclops?

Happy for you to try the script. You could start with 1-2 questions as a test, and if all works well then expand it. I’ll put together a spreadsheet for you.

Another thing I maybe mentioned before was changing all the MSQs to be asked by MovesetBot. It would mean a few users losing some points but it would add consistency, and perhaps make it clearer that they can’t be asked by regular users.
Yeah, just the ones in the OP. There may be others I missed (hopefully not, but feel free to add more if they clearly fit the criteria).
Thanks again for helping with the sheet. And yeah, I won't run any script on all 500 threads straight away :)

I agree moving the threads to MovesetBot is a good idea.