Meta-PokéBase Q&A
9 votes

I disagree with this post, which says that they're not allowed because they're illegal. If that's the case, then why do we allow questions about Hackmons on RMT or Pokebase? If we support Showdown, we should be supporting all formats of Showdown, not ones that are supposedly "legal". If it's thought about that way, then we shouldn't allow anything related to Showdown or Smogon, because the entire battle simulator is illegal use of Pokemon.

It simply makes no sense how we only allow some illegal sets (because remember, all of Showdown is illegal), and not others, especially when we're perfectly okay with having questions about those illegal OMs elsewhere on the site.

It's legal if Showdown! says it's legal.
I agree. I we can have Hackmons Rates in RMT, we can very well have OM Movesets in the threads.
I don't think the 'legality' of it should be much of an issue.
bwahaha be ready to see my eternamax movesets now. If this is implemented.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

By "illegal", I meant anything that is not possible to obtain in the base game (this is terminology used in official rule books, and by players).

But that doesn't help anything, because we allow National Dex sets which are technically illegal too. So, think of it this way: anything legal in the base game or in National Dex is allowed on moveset threads. If your set for an OM is conformant to those things, then it is allowed.

The reason we don't allow hackmons, STABmons, etc on the moveset threads is most people viewing those want to see moves, abilities, etc. that the Pokemon actually gets. National Dex mostly conforms to this and has a very large playerbase, so it gets a pass.

This is not the same as allowing hackmons teams on RMT etc, because nobody is going to click your hackmons team expecting anything except hackmons.

We will make reasonable exceptions, e.g. Tera Electric + Air Balloon Shedinja is heavily restricted even in National Dex and is very obviously game breaking.

edited by
I understand this perspective, but it still doesn't seem altogether reasonable. You say this...

 "It isn't helpful to anybody except specifically hackmons players"

...But if that's the case, why do we permit, say, Gen 8 ZU sets? That's not going to help anyone except specifically ZU players, so why bother having them allowed? I suppose I can sort of see the logic, but I simply don't agree with it.

Fair enough response though -- the rest of it makes sense. Thanks.
I think that ZU will at least tease out the "basic" good moveset ideas for Pokemon in that format. I think it's clear that in general, Uxie is a defensive Pokemon that runs rocks, knock, U-Turn and STAB -- and that's exactly how it's used in ZU. There will be nuances based upon the different metas in each possible format, but the general gist is there for people who only care about the general gist (or don't care about ZU, or play a different format, etc).
My argument is that a hackmons Uxie set (hear me out lol) ceases to be a Uxie set. It is a set for Uxie in a different universe where it can access every move, every ability, every EV, etc. It's helpful for people interested in that, but for everyone else who just wants a Uxie set, the ZU content is going to help much more.
If the top-voted moveset is helpful only to hackmons players, then it either would not be top-voted, or there are a lot of hackmons players on this site. I don't see how either of these possibilities is a problem.
@X no problem -- again, let me know if you're still not sure about this.
@sumwun it doesn't have to be literally the #1 post on the thread. Especially since we removed all the old answers on those threads, you can get near the top with only two or three votes. I think that's very much possible to get, especially if you vote for good movesets first (and formats you like second). And bear in mind most people reading those threads are not users of PokeBase (see their views in comparison to other questions).