Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I posted something called pokegames: a thing for people to post all the pokemon games they had found ever. I think it was hidden because I cant find it anymore. I think I should have at least gotten an Email.

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I do not know if it was hidden - but most likely YES. It is seems to be a dumb question. The key is, we cannot send email for every hidden question. That´d be seriously A LOT.
Or did I misunderstand anything?
You understand.  Are there really that many!?

1 Answer

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Firstly, yes it was hidden. Partly because there was a similar question here, and partly because it was too vague and unlimited. Especially your comment "Pokemon Simulators and online games related to pokemon are good too" - there are literally hundreds of these, and they all disappear as quickly as new ones appears.

Asking just "What are all the Pokemon spin-off games?" might be an OK question, since there is a fixed list of official Nintendo games (although there are tons of those as well). Ask that question if you like and we'll see how it goes!
