Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I only just realized this was a thing, and I don't understand the point of it. Comments to hidden posts are hidden from everyone except Editors and Mods anyway, so what is the point of having non-hidden comments that are still hidden from view to everyone but Eds and Mods?

Sorry if that was confusing.

I think the people who made the Q2A software were too lazy to fix this.
I think it's done that way on purpose, because if it isn't then it creates work for you if you ever want to reshow the parent post. If you really want to hide those comments, you can just click the "hide" button on them.
I think Pokemaster does hide dependent comments to hidden posts though.

1 Answer

6 votes
Best answer

All users can still see their own posts, even if they're hidden. So if you hide a question, the asker can still see it along with all visible comments. If you hide a comment on that question (assuming it was made by someone else), then the asker wouldn't be able to see that. It also affects the editing ability of editors/mods, since we can edit "visible" comments nested on hidden questions/answers, but we can't edit them if the comment itself has also been hidden.

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Hiding comments on hidden answers or questions is done to moderate content, reduce clutter, protect privacy, and maintain a respectful online environment.
According to a random Pokemon generator.