Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for ~Silver~ (page 170)

Its beautiful omg
Jan 14, 2021 by Amethyst
Hi. I have a quick question. WHERE DO YOU LIVE. Ok, seriously, what´s your competitive team that you like. If you do competitive. Maybe we could do some random battles or something. idk I´m bored ok.
Jan 14, 2021 by Calquischezlerynop
Who do you think? Ut was Gladion she besajcally said i shkuldn’t change my name because jt’s cknfhskngj belueve she said “i dln’t sed whg you can’t waut for jffcual name changes not wajjtjng looks like yku have no patience” that’s part anyway and i don’t have patuence. Ih she also said “also yiur explouting an error”  i just rolled my eurs at that she exploits Pokemon games to me theres not much difference  

Yeah i can see her being a really njce person someday. I thknk there’s glod in everyone some show the good some don’t but no ones all bad.

Aren’t you like a Senior? Think abkht jt lije “ i’m almost done  with the year”  and imma good  just the typical  things reading, writing, lustening to music etc not much to do with c-o-v-i-d still arkund tho shh we still go kut on kcassion like ln tiesday when i got my new book we alwats wear masks and sabatuse tho so hopefully we’re goid
Jan 14, 2021 by Dyla N
Hey, I added you to my friends list :)
Jan 14, 2021 by Inactive
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i think I’m not, honestly
Jan 14, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Leave it then. And I'll delete below msg too.
Jan 14, 2021 by Hoenndragon
I strongly doubt that Primal doesn't greatly dislike me. Also can you dm
Jan 14, 2021 by Amethyst
“lol but just consider, i dont think they dislike you”

Idk about Gladion but that’s 100% wrong for me  lol
Jan 14, 2021 by BottomlessSea
OK, how do you get away with changing your name so often yet I get yelled at for doing it once well once recently.

J gitta say i really eeslecf how yiu see the good in everyone.  I like to thknk i do too but ... i hope she can be reached too j think her RL has a lot to do wjth it from the bits i lnow i think there are twl kibds kf people  that come kut kf this stuff those who take jt and use jt to nahe them strobgef, kinder, pardkn me fir saying so but i think you fit into this griup abd those who only see darkness j think gladion hs one of the dark obes. Also uf yiu need abythinv in this projext gladion i gotcha!

Inrealetedly how have you been?
Jan 14, 2021 by Dyla N
I'll tell you exactly what I think of that plan in ~20-30 min, on showdown
Jan 14, 2021 by Amethyst