Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Amethyst (page 693)

You sebding her a heart makes he wanna go “awwwww how cute” ir “how sweet”
Jul 9, 2020 by Dyla N
S5 (i think)
(En route to to Twinleaf town X is leaning on Aria’s shoulder a little Kiara and Paul are still holding hands are right behindthem Pika Abd Gladion are cuddling a bit)
Aria: how ya doing? (She looks at X)
X: as good a can be expected for a guy whobprobably twisted his ankle.
Pika: oh, so your just fine? (She leans her head oncGladipn’s shoulder)
Gladion: i don’t think that’s what X meant
Pika: yeah whatever.
Paul: (stopping suddenly) psst guys, look there behind that tree. (He points at a large oak tree)
Pika: (loudly) what! It’s just a TREE.
Paul: (whispering) shut yp Pika
Puka: (still loydly) no! You do not tell me to shut up!
Kuara: (quietly) can I? Pika look closely abd for Arceus’s sake quiet
Puka. (Squinting) oh!! It’s a LOUDEED!! Why didn’t you just say so?!
Kiara: ihm Pika that’s an Exploud. And toy just woke it up.
Pika: i did? Yay!
Paul: no not “yay”
Aria: um guys?
Kuara: (ignoring Aria   Unintentionally ) we didn’t say “hey it’s Exploud.” Cuz we thought it was obvious.
Aria: guys?!
Pika: ( purposefully ignoring Atia) well it wasn’t!
X: GUYS! (Everyone looks just in time to see the angry  headed for them)
Pika: oh yeah like that’s MY fault it’s mad.
Paul: it’s ALWAYS your fault
Kiara: um that was harsh:
Gladion: shouldn’t we be running ?
Aria: no, i’m not running. (She stands her ground but has no Poke Ball)
Kiara: Monferno! Come on out I know you can do this! (Monferno jumps put eagerly until ge sees his opponet then he panics$ WOAH easy Monferno, you can beat it.
Paul: Honchcrow! Stand by for battle! (A sleek Abd very strong looking Honchcrow appears )
Gladion: battling works too. Silvally! Ket’s do this!
X: we’ll help as well, Roserade, I chose you!  (Aria and Pika are the only two trainers wuthojt a pokemon)
Aria: guess we’re the cheering squad.
Pika: uhm nuh-uh I don’t cheer.
Aria/ you really are a puece of work aren’t you?
Pika: yup! Though I have no idea what it beans to. BE a “piece if work”
Aria: just.. never mind. (Cheering) ALL RIGHT GO TEAM!
X: (looking at Aria) thanks!
Kuara: alright Monferno, use Ice Punch! (Monferno does abd Exploud’s legs are frozen)
X: quick Roserade use Magical Leaf! (The gangs  surrounded  By floating leaves)  
Paul: Honchcrow! Use Sky Attack! (Explod is distracted long enough that everyone escapes)
Aria: woohoo! We did it.
Pika: “we” you didn’t fight
Paul: neither did you.
Pika/ whatever
X: (inder his breath) i’m really starting to hate the word “whatever”
Aria/ (quietly) me too
Gladion: well- (before he can talk Pija vheek kisses him) uhhhh (he blushes)
Paul: woah! Really again?
Puka: can it Kaul
Paul: My. Names. Not. Kaulll!
Aria: wait what just happened?
X: pika kissed Gladion
Aria: i SAW that but...again?
X: yup again
Aria: oooooh
Paul: aren't too young to kiss?
Pika: aw c’mon Kaul you know you would if you could.
Kiara: what?!
Paul: i am pretending I never heard that.
Aria: yeah same
Kuara: def now let’s hurry!
Jul 9, 2020 by Dyla N
Haven't played in like nine hundred years
Jul 9, 2020 by Driftyy:]
I say it’s vetter to be sebsetive than clised on
Jul 9, 2020 by Dyla N
You say that like...i dunno like you thought i didn’t agree at all. Heres an ivservance i have made of you, tell me if i am wring but i think you are a sensetive person, i like that quality in people sorry if that seems odd
Jul 9, 2020 by Dyla N
X of the DD's, XXDDD
Jul 8, 2020 by Gau
Magnet Pull?
commented 2 minutes ago by Mega-Blade X

Epic egnorc
Jul 8, 2020 by y-chai

I would swallow my pride
I would choke on the rinds
But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside
Swallow my doubt, turn it inside out
Find nothin' but faith in nothin'
Want to put my tender
Heart in a blender
Watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion
Rendezvous, then I'm through with you
Jul 8, 2020 by y-chai
Want to put my tender
Heart in a blender
Watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion

Glazio so co-wrote this song.

Good job Glazio, if you’re reading this. Great song.
Jul 8, 2020 by y-chai
Jul 8, 2020 by y-chai