Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Fizz (page 6)

Regarding ,
Does this apply to the thread about shiny Pokemon that Amethyst made? i.e, if someone asks a question regarding how Mass Outbreaks in PLA affect shiny odds, is it ok to close the question in regards to Amethyst's all-encompassing post, or do we leave it open?
Jul 7 by MonkeyBusiness
gets really mad and starts hurting myself and others around me
Jul 4 by Hellfire Taco
The suspension doesn't seem to be affecting my new account, so I should be able ro rejoin the servers I'm in.
Jul 4 by -RisingManectric-
My username is TheRaptor5988.
Please include the period, because if you do not, you'll be talking to a hacked account. That's the same account that's on the DB server. My alt has a display name of "Raptor Alt", and my username is "TheRaptor5988.".
Jul 4 by TheRaptor
Hey Fizz, I need to talk to you or a member of staff in discord please. I feel like there's a lot to explain, and I did not realize Volt was already affected by this too. I fell for a scam that caused me to lose my account on discord, but thankfully I got my alt account. But I would like to explain what's happened over the past few days if at all possible. Do you mind?
Jul 4 by TheRaptor
Hey. I had a situation popped up and someone somehow got a hold of Raptor's discord account and that person used his account to falsely report mine and ended up getting suspended. I had to create a new account, and the new account is volt078805. Can you give that account access to the Pokebase Staff Discord server and the Pokebase discord server?
Jul 4 by -RisingManectric-
hes capping fizz. hes capping. "sunfish" arent even real and their eggs. well. lets just say nobody can even count that many. my dad says the biggest number is 2 THOUSAND and he says theres no reason to count past that. please band user felix for peddling lies. god freaking bless.
Jul 3 by Hellfire Taco
Can you PLEASE tell Hell-liar Taco that "Sunfish lay more eggs than any other creature in the animal kingdom; they have been known to lay up to 300 million eggs into the ocean at once" is a fact and not cap
Jul 1 by Felix⠀
Thanks --- very helpful :)
Jul 1 by Amethyst
How did you figure out that this is "SEO spam"? I'm unfamiliar with the signs.
Jul 1 by Amethyst