Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Hellfire Taco (page 79)

"But PUs aren't as glamorous as you might think. Since collision detection only takes the land on the stage into account, PUs are completely invisible and they have no objects, enemies, items, or even platforms. So if your dream was to visit Randall in parallel universe, I'm sorry, but it's not gonna happen. This may make it seem like it's not worth it, but bear with me, it's gonna be okay."  
Mar 29, 2017 by Hellfire Taco
I don't like sand. It's coarse and tough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
Mar 27, 2017 by Toucanadian
"The sand thing took it!" -My stepbrother
Mar 27, 2017 by Hellfire Taco
And now that you're grown, you eat five dozen eggs?
Mar 27, 2017 by Toucanadian
Mar 21, 2017 by Felix⠀
"I'm not very strong, really near-sighted, kind of shy, and I tend to be a little reckless." -Jeff
Mar 13, 2017 by Hellfire Taco
Icindineronater- A blue fruit with a purple inside.........P.S: They are tasty.
Mar 12, 2017 by Champion Red
Sigh.... Aliens on the loose.. Kds to feed... When will this end?...
Mar 11, 2017 by Champion Red