Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Jasone Anderson (page 3)

A pirate? Nah, couldn’t tell lol. allowed to be fair probably nobody will be calling him Captain anything he’ll just be Ronin to everyone because that’s how they would know him, but we can make that work. It’s annoying to him. They don’t go home Captain. I can just hear him now” disrespectful!0 (angrily storms away$ and I can just see my chat, Maddie, being like “what’s his problem?” And sniffing hardly as he walks off

Oh, and I was also going to say early”dih” when you mentioned me, just sending you the link to the Google dock when I get it, I was not intentionally trying to over complicate things lol
How was the eclipse BYW? i’m asking because I’m actually thinking about using an eclipse to be the trigger that is what makes our Pokémon characters turn into people, like they don’t know what it is there may be assuming it’s a rift or some thing but if I don’t wait around during the story, and it was actually an eclipse I had some sort of weird thing going on with it. I wouldn’t know exactly what but definitely something

I’m assuming Well, you said about that new region that must be the new one here I was thinking za was the new region isn’t pretty sure it’s supposed to be ancientkalos or something, but that little bit of Unova flavor thrown in for good measure or something Like I said, I haven’t heard anything about
Apr 9, 2024 by Dyla N
P.S thanks!
Apr 8, 2024 by Dyla N
That was not what I was expecting for a bio, wheres katakana? must be that new legends region I just was announced recently it was like za or something like that, that supposedly has something to do with it Kalos and one other region rumors were saying possible Unova I haven’t seen anymore about that for like two or three weeks, hmm of course, the only thing that’s missing in there it’s possibly how he wound up in the hidden form if you previously belong to a training or had to been a reason for him to get away from that trainer and I think I’m either missed it or wasn’t in i’ll have to screenshot that stuff and send it to my friend because she likes to put all the characters into a single document once I get done
Apr 8, 2024 by Dyla N

In the Pokemon world, humans and Pokemon have lived happily for centuries and forged many kinds of bonds. But not everything is as it seems and not all humans have always been, well, human. A group of Pokemon have been living peacefully keeping to themselves but one day something strange happened, and some of them were “reformed” as humans, they kept their memories from before but now they can’t return home, humans are strictly forbidden and there are no exceptions, even for those who once lived among them. homeless and with no clue what to do the exiled group makes their way into the human inhabited parts of the world where they’ll have to learn how to survive in a place where no one will believe their story and even if they did, what’s to stop them from finding the hidden forest and mysterious sea where these Pokemon are from?



Pokemon species” Gothorita

Human name: Maddie Blackthorn

Human age: 14

Human appearance: Maddie’s hair is still black like it would be if she were herself but it’s in two small buns on top of her head that are adorned with small white chiffon bows, her skin is the color of lightly creamed coffee, rather than its usual lilac shade. Her eyes are large and blue, but by human standards rather than the usual Gothorita has, and they are still blue, though a few shades darker than normal, giving her an almost exotic appearance. She wears a black lace overlay fitted tank top, under the lace is a satiny material, over this she wears a black long sleeved cardigan that closes with a snap that is decorated with a white bow, a short black faux-leather miniskirt that has a white bow off to one side of the hem and black knee high boots. She is about four eleven in height so she’s still quite small but feels huge. And she’s quite thin, some might say she looks too thin but it’s normal for her.

Personality: on the surface Maddie is impassive and an introvert, keeping to herself, she was like that before being turned into a human, due to the fact that she could see the future and when she did, she stared off into space for long periods of time which made others around her nervous. Since she’s been transformed though she no longer has the ability to see the future and feels like a large part of her is missing, this is what makes her continue to be an introvert even as a human. But under her distant demeanor she feels emotions deeply, you might say she’s an empath and can sense others emotions, sometimes she can’t even tell if something she’s feeling is her or someone nearby. When she senses that someone is hurt or ill and they aren’t admitting it she cautiously approaches them and asks if she can help, this  is a new development since being changed so she thinks that it replaced her “Future Sight” when she senses someone is happy and joyful she’ll smile a lot more and come off as being an “almost” social butterfly, but as soon as the happy feeling is gone she’s back to her  normal self, when she senses someone is sad she offers them an ear and occasional advice, though it isn’t like she’s a sage or anything and just says what’s on her mind, which can seem a bit unsympathic, especially if she’s telling you to get over something, granted, she will tell you her reasoning so there’s that going for her at least. When she senses anger she too becomes angry and aggressive, sometimes it’s passive, sometimes not. It’s easier for her to keep to herself most of the time so she knows what she’s really feeling but she’s slowly trying to  put herself out there more, though that nearly cost her everything last time.

History: Maddie actually has some experience in the human world, well the parts inhabited by humans, so she’s often looked too for advice but her experiences with humans are less than desirable. She once belonged to Team Rocket, an evil organization that kept trying to take over different regions using Pokemon to get their way, this eventually led to the Shadow program which caught Maddie’ attention, she was still a young Gothita at the time, but she got too close and was captured bya young grunt who had just recently joined, so they were beginners together. for a while everything was okay and Maddie didn’t even realize what was happening to her as slowly, the grunt was putting her through the Shadow Training A.K.A the Shadow Program, a few months passed and though it was more instinct, Maddie slowly understood what was happening, every day she felt like a part of what mde her her, was being ripped away and replaced with something worthless. The final blow came when her trainer decided that it was her fault that they had lost a battle therefore, abandoning her and flying away in the balloon that had been her home for a long time. she was eventually rescued and Purified and even evolved to her current form but her new trainer, who had been the one to first call her Maddie, seemed to use her less and less and ignored when Maddie tried to engage with her, she w was pretty much using Maddie for two selfish reasons, one, as long as Maddie was out of her Poke Ball and walking with her, Maddie would find things along the way like candy and even Stardust which the trainer took and used on other Pokemon, Maddie didn’t really mind that at first but she did mind the other thing, her  new trainer would go around bragging to everyone how Maddie should be grateful that she bothered to rescue her and that she wasn’t even going to at first and how she decided too, only because it meant she could look good to other trainers. Once the ignoring turned into outright negligence and eventually emotional abuse, Maddie managed to steel away from her train during the night and made her way to the Hidden Forest where h she’s been living for the last several months.  All this makes it extra hard for Maddie to accept, that for now and for the foreseeable future, she’s a human and she refuses to become a trainer, it wouldn’t be right in her mind, but she won’t stop anyone else if they want to, she’ll just keep nagging them about it.


Moves: because she was once a Shadow Pokemon, she only has two moves currently, though they manifest differently since she’s a human. She has Confusion, which manifests s having the ability to hypnotize people and leave them well, Confused. Her other move is Psybeam, which allows her to know exactly where she is and which way is North etc.
Apr 8, 2024 by Dyla N
Either way, I still need your email. It was her I didn’t make you a viewer not mine. She has me as an editor on there, even though I don’t do editing. I’m pretty sure in order to share the link to you. I have to have your email I mean I could try copying pasting what I have when I have it and put it on my wall but I don’t know if that will work…. actually, it might work just fine because I think I remember that’s what you were often doing was copying and pasting the links. so I should be able to do that. currently I don’t have. The first now 25 chapters my friend was just playing the last 10 or so went to the dock and then I wrote chapter 25 today so that’ll get put in later probably tomorrow or sometime this week anyway I’ll let you know.

And yes, mystery dungeon reversed I think we actually took part in one either that IGori wrote some of because I remember, I had a Medicham I believe I named Madeline or something like that do you want to see me?the Gothorita’s bio? I can C/P it either my wall or yours
Apr 8, 2024 by Dyla N
Yes,her who did you think I mean?
So, I’ll be doing ch25 tonight I hope but I’m not introducing Zoey yet so,if you’re intrested,which h’m guessing you are since you gaskets, I’ll also, sometime, be doing another fic where mon are turned into people,if you want,I can send my OCs bio for that one too it’s not started yet and mg url friend is gonna make a couple too I’m making at least one more who’s an Armarouge ,the current one USA Gothorita
Apr 7, 2024 by Dyla N
Hi! I was able to post Zoe‘s bio on my wall so she’s there. I will tell you now scar is supposed to be scarf. you can blame word for that error. and some further information the reason that she’s supposed to use burgundy because like it says in her bio, she trained as a connoisseur before becoming what she is now explains more about what changed her mind in her own in her bio burgundy is one of the main characters in the story so that’s why she’s connected to her because it’s supposed to be this moment that comes up in the story with the main characters when they meet Zoe and Bernese like oh by the way that Zoe and tell him what she does and then her care, her sister and her friend sister‘s friend the ones I told you about last night I kind of looking at her like and you didn’t tell us because and burn like it’s not my mind and two of them. Kind of looking at her kind of funny that’s a scene picture so that’s why it is specific to her . and know that scene has not happened yet and it could be even more interesting if you threw your character in there if you were plan interested if you have any other questions about the story, I can try to answer them like I said, we may be late to chapter 24, but not has gone on yet.
Apr 7, 2024 by Dyla N
(Eyes light up mischievous) you really still wanna be in my fics? i’m actively adding new characters to the one my friend and I are doing right now like I literally created a new character two days ago.(since last part wrapping.) not character will be beginning introduced soon maybe than the next five chapters if you want, you can maybe get introduced to along with her., her name is Zoey she won’t be a regular character I mean she pop in from dying of Time but she’s not a main character she’s Kinda like a Pokémon ranger, except that she actually captures her Pokémon and trains them, and they’re all purified And or shadow, depending on how long she’s had them, but she rescue shadow Pokémon and has been for about three years I think I put a at age 16 I wouldn’t be able to share the first 24 chapters with you because of how long they are well actually, my friend has been putting them into a bulldog she might be able to share that with you or I can possibly forward you the email. I can’t remember if I ever got an email or not to do that with though. Otherwise I could just give you chapters 25 and on as they come out as long as I don’t go over the 8000 character limit please. I mean, if you really wanna join in maybe you can make your character somehow fit in along with Zoe maybe they’re also someone who has something to do with shadow Pokémon. or maybe it could be like your time traveling persona, and they’re just learning about shadow poke and what they’re like. And Zoe is kind of teaching them. (Shrug) actually I think I can copy and paste the email I sent with her bio on it if you wanna check her out., I put that on my wall
Oh, and i’ll have my friend help me put your code back on my phone if she comes over later today

By the way, glad to hear from you again, this might sound kind of weird but I think I have all the us then I thought we’re gone and was sad about the main one was you, probably because I think you’re the only person on here it’s the same age as me lol which, by the way, I think you just had your birthday so happy birthday. that was also sad about it because I remembered the things I had said to someone else. and when I was saying them, I didn’t really think about it.but we’re going to realize it could’ve been interpreted as me being a when I didn’t want you to see that and be upset about it or if you were upset about it, I wanted you to know that I didn’t really mean to be mean
Apr 7, 2024 by Dyla N
Side note: guess what? My latest poke fanfic just hit ch 25 today, and I was very tempted to create a Hasone character for it battle respect I didn’t it’s basically about my main character, who was bringing his younger sister by(yes, I know she doesn’t really have one) kind of going on a journey, but rather than collect gym badges, she rescue shadow Pokémon, and her two of her companions actually are the ones from the gym challenge funny where all the chapter 24 the only one of them is actually gotten a gym badge. They both challenged the same gym, but only one of them won. my friend made those two characters. and I also created a member of team rocket well. She’s an ex member of team rocket, but she was my main character Violet’s best friend when they were younger. good stuff happened that was kind of bad and Cindy ran off. That’s the admin extreme market admin. I mean eventually Violet and Brandy found her at a team rocket warehouse and persuaded her to come back with them. but I was on the prologue.
Apr 7, 2024 by Dyla N
Woah alive
Mar 30, 2024 by Zyla™️