Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Jasone Anderson (page 5)

hi :)
Feb 14, 2023 by Matrix_7439
I like the Tag Team idea, but I agreed me with something to do later on
Since I’m not, particularly in the mood to get smashedPol but i think you’re also right there’s a lot to doin Castilla city… except I don’t know what that lots of stuff is heh. Hmm either gym would be fine with I can imagine you getting just as overwhelmed the waycolian as you did with Barry if we use the anime version “i’m a Hissui expert” no expert is not the word he was in but for the life of me I can’t think of what the word is he does he use? actually, he might not say that exactly but he might have something tto say

Oh connoisseur that’s the word he keeps using (it’s self in the head) dih and remember I am going to be getting a new member of my teamslon Knox, he’s a Tentacool/Tentacruel and he was likeophelia, is shiny but that will be the end of mineshinies after that, I’m gonna have to figure out what else I’m going to end up catching i’m kind of thinking that after we go to each region and go back to a little  Alola, the in between timesAlla, I will get my team(unless you have some brilliant idea as to how I might get my hands on ithissui mon, probably one of the starter))

Well, since I don’t have any plans for tomorrow anymore(the ones we had got canceled last minute) I’ll probably find a way to work on the next chapter i’m also slowly working on a story with mineirl BFF so I might work on that toowe’ll see
Feb 12, 2023 by Dyla N
Kind of. That would be cool but triple types would break the game, and wouldn't be a one time gimmick
Feb 4, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
Jasone Andersone is undoubtedly the OC of all time
Feb 2, 2023 by BM™
oh my god i found another mandjtv fan in this site
Jan 13, 2023 by ケンサさん
Now I’m just curious what you know of me on the Internet let me know if you think this is accurate about me or,in%20our%20annual%20astrology%20forecast.
Jan 11, 2023 by Dyla N
Thanksp app people for seein AI!

Okay heres Ophelia’s info
Lv 31
Nature: naive
CharacteristicRakes plenty of sieastas
Ability: insomnia
I like how are characteristic and ability contradict each other
Dec 29, 2022 by Dyla N

RIP Ash Ketchum
I wanna be the
very best, like
no one ever was.
Dec 17, 2022 by Jasone Anderson
I am totally calling youBro when I ask what the problem is I don’t think you meant me to obliterally use that word but I’m going to now thanks LOL(makes scheming sound) do I call you little bro or big bro LOL I will hopefully get on that. Next chapter soon have a couple other stories I need to do some editing on the next few days. Hopefully one of them is really short though. However, the catch to that is that the other one is actually quite long at least by my standards. The short one is around 300 words you’re the one that’s longer tomorrow 2000 words. The short one is actually based off a song by Taylor Swift and no I’m not really a super fan girl I I used to be, but I do like the song that inspired the story both of which are called.Mastermind however, I don’t think Taylor was really planning on her protagonist in her song to be a murderous whereas in my story, that’s exactly what she is a murderer. He’s back from the dead, and going to go kill a Prince.
Nov 17, 2022 by Dyla N