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Wall for trachy (page 60)

I'm sorry but your profile picture on questions looks like a rooster yelling... When you look at it on your page it dosent xD
Aug 2, 2013 by Kiovei
Such a shame we're losing Matt Smith. He's no Tennant, but then again, nobody is David Tennant. Oh well, there has never been a bad Doctor and expect the next one to be great. Now all we need is a good companion...
Aug 2, 2013 by trachy
Still holds all the charity and pay what you want options of the Humble Bundle, so it is honestly the best way to buy games. I haven't played King's Bounty and Men of War, but I have heard they are pretty great. On my list of games to play, but Steam Sale and all.
Aug 1, 2013 by trachy
Well, if anybody needs $250 in savings:
I can't speak for the quality of the games, since surprisingly, I've played none of them. However, they are critically acclaimed.
Aug 1, 2013 by trachy
trachy is spiderman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 1, 2013 by MrKijani
Jul 31, 2013 by the_netts
I have never seen such a long list full of collectables, wow o.o
It is glorious..
Jul 30, 2013 by Aeternis
For people looking for an amazing game deal, check out the latest Humble Bundle

These are AAA titles on offer. I can't speak for Sacred 2 or Risen 2, but Saints Row 2 and 3 are just plain old crazy fun. Dead Island is supposed to be a solid game, although you need a fairly high spec PC in order to run it. You also get all the soundtracks besides one for Saints Row 2. More titles from Deep Silver will probably come later, so if you want to wait before paying the average, that is fine. You can always go back and add money to your intitial purchase.

Humble Bundle also allows you to split the money as you want between Deep Silver, the Humble Bundle site, the Red Cross, and Child's Play. Pay what you want, support good causes, get games out of it.
Jul 30, 2013 by trachy