Hey Kingdra, this is a nice team, and I gotta say it's a step up from your last NU team I rated ;] it's got good synergy and stuff, but some of the moves and EV spreads are a little odd. Not too many issues with it otherwise. Anyway, lez do it!
Not bad. But dafuq is Sunny Day there for? It doesn't benefit your team at all. Also, Lairon doesn't have the speed to pull off Substitute, not like it would be useful anyway. So give him Earthquake and Roar instead. Also, you're missing 4 EVs, put them in SDef.
I like it. But Focus Sash is a no no, because hazards are extremely common in NU and you don't have a spinner. Instead, I recommend a Choice Band or a Life Orb. Choice Band hits harder and has no recoil, but if you're not so confident in your prediction skills, Life Orb is a nice power boost too. Even Expert Belt could work, to bluff a Choice item. Replace Drill Run with Low Kick, because it hits heavy Rock types harder, most notably Regirock. Stick the last 4 EVs in Defense.
Future sight... it's not worth it. It has no extra coverage, and since you have no investment in bulk, you want to hit hard and fast. Give her Shadow Ball instead, to hit Psychic and Ghost types harder while getting perfect neutral coverage. And put 4 EVs in HP.
Beartic isn't great, it's too slow to sweep and Aqua Jet isn't very powerful without STAB. Also, he compounds your Fighting weakness. I have a nice replacement though:
Gurdurr (M) @ Eviolite
Trait: Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch
Bulk Up and Eviolite along with the SDef EVs make this guy into an unstoppable tank. Drain Punch is reliable STAB as well as recovery. Mach Punch is priority, and can finish off weakened opponents. Ice Punch hits Amoonguss as well as Flying types. Payback is an option, but it doesn't get the power boost against threats like Musharna, which detracts from its usefulness. You can opt to go 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef which hits harder right away but is harder to set up with.
Electro Ball sounds nice at first, but then you consider that the kind of things you're revenge killing are other scarfers and setup sweepers, and its power is often not enough. Thunderbolt is much more reliable and decently powerful too. Focus Blast over Psychic to hit Thick Fat Piloswine, normal special walls like Lickilicky and Audino, and Magnemite (lol?). Last 4 EVs in HP.
Looking solid. Although you'll want 248 HP / 8 SAtk / 252 SDef so you can survive 5 switch ins to Stealth Rock.
[1]: http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites/icons/black-white/305.png
[2]: http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites/icons/black-white/78.png
[3]: http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites/icons/black-white/282.png
[4]: http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites/icons/black-white/614.png
[5]: http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites/icons/black-white/125.png
[6]: http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites/icons/black-white/131.png