Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

If you want advice on just one Pokémon's moveset, post it as an answer below. This is for competitive movesets only. You must include all of the following details, or your post will be removed:

  • Specify the battle format the set is designed for.
  • Include item, ability, nature, moves, and proper EVs for the moveset.
  • Include an explanation of the moveset: the strategy, and perhaps what prompted you to ask for help.

If you want advice on in-game movesets, it's generally pretty easy. Just level up more, use a variety of attacking types and make sure you're attacking from the strongest stat.

This thread has been retired. Go to the new thread by clicking below.

closed as a duplicate of: Rate My Moveset thread [edition 2]
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Wait, do we get advice after the tourney, or do we not post at all until after the tourney?
Sorry for the noobish question.
You post for advice anytime you want, but I'm saying that you should post after you've lost just so your opponent doesn't see your Pokemon and counter it.

Although I really don't care. :P
My Greninja gets no love at the bottom ;(
Don't worry, Joltiemon. Got ya covered.
For some reason, I can't answer. So I'll just comment instead.

How about Fling + Iron Ball + Magician Physical Hoopa Unbound?

Hoopa-Unbound @ Iron Ball  
Ability: Magician  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Fling  
- Substitute  
- Focus Punch  
- Hyperspace Fury

Pretty dumb set, I know. Whatcha think?
You can't answer bc the question was closed. Please comment on the linked question instead

11 Answers

1 vote

Magnezone @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hyper Beam / Signal Beam
- Metal Sound

This is a gimmicky set. First, you use Metal Sound on the opponent to lower their Special Defense. If they don't attack you, use it again. If they do attack you, Sturdy will let you survive. The Custap Berry will give your next move priority, so you can obliterate them with the appropriate attacking move. Signal Beam is really situational but is useful if your opponent is 4x weak to Bug (Exeggutor, Celebi, Malamar, Hoopa-U, Shiftry, and Cacturne). Hyper Beam is almost always a better pick.

Nature and IVs are chosen to minimize defenses to increase the likelihood that you will be taken down within 1/4 HP so Custap Berry can activate.

- Priority and Alolan Marowak
- Multi-hit moves (especially Bonemerang) and Alolan Marowak
- Pokémon that resist/are immune to your attacks like Magnezone, Steelix, etc. and Alolan Marowak
- Things that will negate Sturdy like Burns, Bind/Sand Tomb/etc., Fake Out, etc. and Alolan Marowak
- Did I mention Alolan Marowak?

1 vote

My team for 1v1 is Butterfree, Charizard and Porygon-Z, but Butterfree and Porygon-Z is the best for me, here are four mons from different teams that I found really useful.

Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf/Toxic Orb
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Trick
- Hyper Beam
- Skull Bash
- Tri Attack
The use of Choice Scarf here is for the first priority. A lot of players use this mon in 1v1 and increase the speed, so it moves first. The contradiction is you can’t choose another move. I highly suggest use Hyper Beam (if the item is Choice Scarf), and Trick (if you use Toxic Orb). Hyper Beam usually is a One-Hit KO.

Butterfree @ Leftovers
Ability: Compound Eyes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sleep Powder
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Substitute
First make the opposite mon sleep first, then Substitute. Mons usually sleep for 2 rounds, so use Quiver Dance next. Afterwards, if the opposing mon wakes up, the Substitute will take damage for you or fade if it is a super effective move. Continue the cycle then use Bug Buzz. The good thing is the Bug Buzz still does damage to the opposing mon when it is in Substitute.

Shedinja @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Toxic
- Bug Buzz
- Facade
- Shadow Ball
As Shedinja has Wonder Guard, it is almost flawless (?). Toxic the opposing mon so it will die slowly and painfully (okay I’ll be professional again), then Facade the mon, as the power doubles when the opposing mon is Poisoned. If the opposing mon is a Ghost type, then Shadow Ball it. BOOM.

Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Fake Out
- Return
- Focus Blast
- Low Sweep
First use Fake Out (you’ll know why), then Return. This is all I can give you.

I sincerely hope that this will help you.
(I am currently testing Shuckle.)

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ok, loppuny is much better with high jump kick/drain punch then focus blast. also run ice punch, not low sweep, to cover dragon and ground types. Why have rocky helmet on shedinja because it will die in one hit so have focus sash to live. have shadow sneak instead of shadow ball because shedinjas attack is higher than its special attack and for priority and bug bite/ x-scissor instead of bug buzz for the same reason. butterfree is fine. porygon 2 is a wall not mixed sweeper. I will write an improved version because yours is terrible.

porygon- 2 @ choice scarf
trait: download
Ev's: 252 HP 252 special defense 4 special attack
nature: impish
- shadow ball
- trick
- thunderbolt/ tri attack
- recover

so the same concept but better. trick + choice scarf can lock your opponents into [hopefully] a set-up move. if they don't you can attack with shadow ball, thunderbolt or you can spread status with tri attack. and recover is for recovery.

EDIT: realized you said porygon z not porygon 2. but the set is still better so ignore what i said about porygon 2 set. just give porygon 2 thunderbolt and shadow ball instead of hyper beam and skull bash
I like these.

Comment on your shedinja set:
Facade isn't doubled if the opponent has a status ailment, it's only doubled it YOU have one.

Comment on your shedinja: he can't have his facade's power doubled. Ever.If
Also, shedinja is awesome.
1 vote

Smeargle @ Salac Berry
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD
- Endure
- Spore
- Endeavor
- Extreme Speed

Turn 1, use endeavor. Hopefully the opponent will attack you and bring you to 1 HP, activating salac berry.
Turn 2, use spore to put your opponent to sleep.
Turn 3, use endeavor to bring them to 1 HP.
Turn 4, use ESpeed to end the battle.

This set has several counters, here are some of them.
-Possibly Knock Off
-Grass Types/Electric Terrain
-Ghost types
-Psychic Terrain
-Waking up within 2 turns

The Far Better Strat

Sawk @ Liechi Berry/Choice Band
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD / 0 Spe
- Reversal
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Stone Edge

Minimum speed investment usually lets the target attack first. That brings you down to 1 HP. At 1 HP, Reversal has 200 base power. combine that with a good attack stat and 1.5X attack, and you have a very powerful pokemon. Stone edge hits birds, PJab hits fairies, and KO hits ghosts and psychics.

1 vote

Idk why nobody has the BEST set for 1v1: Perish Song Users, but here's a few examples.

Celebi @ Mental Herb
Ability: Natural Cure
Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 HP/4 Def
IVs: 0 Atk
- Recover
- Perish Song
- Protect
- Substitute
Description: 252 Spe + Timid and Mental Herb is to outspeed Taunt users. (Like Heatran, not that many people would use him in 1v1 though). So, this is what would happen. Celebi used Perish Song! The opposing __ used Taunt! Celebi's Mental Herb activated! Celebi used Protect! The opposing ____ used Taunt! Celebi used Substitute! The opposing ____ used Taunt! Perish count dropped to 0. ____ fainted. Celebi fainted. EvilTwinNeedle won the battle! This set is VERY weak to Crobat as it's super effective, has Infiltrator, and outspeeds. This set is also weak to Soundproof pokemon, and pokemon that will set up on Celebi and OHKO it.

Primarina @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrrent
Timid Nature
EVs: 252 HP/252 Spe/4 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Perish Song
- Protect
- Encore
- Icy Wind
Description: This set is VERY weak to Taunt, but resists setup really well as it can trap opponents into only using the same setup move over and over.

Please tell me why you check your computer eagerly every day to find out if I got downvoted. (No Dis Oshawott, that wasn't a jab at you, I've always ended with that.)

Bcs perisong is banned!
1 vote

This is what I call koilin’ kobra (I am not good at making names :p)

Pokemon: Arbok
Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Shed Skin
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Adamant Nature

  • Coil
  • Gunk Shot
  • Sucker Punch
  • Dragon Tail

I like this set because of the ability to not be countered easily. Without Coil, this set might as well only run splash. Or Teleport. Or... You get my point. (Even though Arbok cannot learn splash or teleport). Anyway, Gunk Shot is powerful STAB and has nearly perfect accuracy thanks to Coil. Sucker Punch is to outpriority your opponent on 1 HP. (Focus Sash) Dragon Tail is for doing great chip damage on your opponent. What about the fairy types Dragon Tail can’t hit? Gunk Shot.

The EVs are to fulfill Arbok’s role as a sweeper. Focus Sash is to survive the setup turn. Shed Skin is to hopefully heal off any status conditions, mostly burns. Finally, an adamant nature is to hit as hard as possible.


Mawile: Dragon Tail and Gunk Shot have no effect, and resists Sucker Punch. If you use this Pokemon, please have a Mawile check.

Marowak: One word: Bonemerang

Multi-Hitting Moves: Breaks through focus sash.

Hope I did better than my Slowbro set!

edited by
If you want, leave a better name below!
New names:
- Kobra Kai
- H2So4
Kobra Kai it is!
1 vote

Please rate this Pokémon. Thank you.

Zeraora @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 6 Spe
Careful Nature
IVs: 0 SpA
- Plasma Fists (strong, STAB, and signature move. Flying and Water coverage)
- Drain Punch (for restoring health after using Bulk Up. Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark and Steel coverage)
- Knock Off (for getting rid of held items. Psychic and Ghost coverage)
- Bulk Up

I am not getting rid of Bulk Up so don't try to make me.

EDIT: This answer (question?) is closed, because I already decided on how I was going to train it and I did train it.

edited by
We can't rate is because we don't know how it would be in the metagame.
Oops, almost forgot. I heard that July is the month of the Zeraora event (for Japan, which means soon it’ll be in the other countries). This info is legit, probably, I think.
You could test it if you battled yourself in Balanced Hackmons and only gave the Pokémon 1 extra EV.
Knock Off is probably better than Throat Chop.
Mine has Knock Off now.
I assume this is for the 1v1 meta? If so, Landorus-T and Mega Gyrados completely destroy it before it can do much at all. Landorus-T can be handled with HP Ice, while Gyrados needs to be KO'd by a teammate unless you get a strong enough electric Z-Nuke (which requires a little more investment in Attack or Special Attack). Something like this makes Zeraora a real killer in 1v1:

Zeraora @ Electrium Z  
Ability: Volt Absorb  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe  
Lonely Nature  
- Plasma Fists  
- Superpower  
- Knock Off  
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Especially Due to this:

-1 252+ Atk Zeraora Gigavolt Havoc (180 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Gyarados-Mega: 360-426 (108.7 - 128.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Sorry, just seeing this now. Thanks for the rating.
1 vote

Mimikyu @ Mimikium Z / Ghostium Z
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw
- Shadow Sneak
- Swords Dance

Thanks to Disguise, Mimikyu can take a hit, and either set up Swords Dance or go for the KO with one of two viable Z-Moves. It does have its counters, but Mimikyu wins many matchups in 1v1, and is probably one of my favorites in the tier.

0 votes

Evs:252Speed 4Sp.D 252Sp.A
-Dark Pulse

Now the reason for the extra Evs in speed is because I do not want to risk getting out speeded and get stuck on something with alot of weaknesses like Ice beam which is why I wish it got vaccum wave or something but what I do with this set which I have nicknamed speed switch Greninja is I always start with him he is not one to switch and is actually not strong enough for that. He always starts he has no sweeping pattern nothing to memorize just speed when he gets out speeded I don't switch him he is what I use to dent the the opposing team and then I have a retaliating Pokemon a wring out guy and the holy of all walls that don't top out at 5mph Serperior

I will definitely use this set! I might use Hydro Pump instead, for more power.
And maybe a different item. Other than that, PERFECT set.
No ability. What is it?
0 votes

Here is my Slowbro:

Pokemon: Slowbro
Item: Slowbronite
Ability: Oblivious -> Shell Armor
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 Sp. Def
Calm Nature

  • Yawn
  • Nightmare
  • Whirlpool
  • Slack Off/Dream Eater

The idea of this set is to trap your opponent with Whirlpool, then put them to sleep with Yawn. Then, use Nightmare for chip damage. Slack Off is for reliable recovery, but Dream Eater can be used to recover HP while damaging your opponent.

(Note: This set is used best under Trick Room)

I do not play showdown.
What is showdown, anyway?
Virtually everybody in the competitive community uses this platform. Become familiar with it at least, if you do not want to use it.
If that is showdown, than I do play it! I thought it was something like VGC.
Yes einstein, it is.
0 votes

Oooof... Mega Aerodactyl is annoying!

Aerodactyl (M) @Aerodactylite
Ability: Tough Claws
Evs: 160Atk / 252Spe / 98SpDef
Nature: Jolly
Ivs: 0SpA
Iron Head
Dragon Claw

So the plan with this Mega Aerodactyl is to basically Mega Evolve, out Speed LITERALLY EVERYTHING and proceed to beat stuff with the 3 coverage moves, then rinse and repeat with Roost. The SpDef Evs could be moved into HP if you want.
- Fast. Very Very Very fast
- Has a sick beard
- Special Defence Evs help it to take hits
- Shut down by PZ15's Mega Alakazam

Nailed it.

Beard Battle: Mega Alakazam Vs. Mega Aerodactyl. Who Would Win?!!?!??!?
Oof, toughie! Probably 'Dactyl as it has Crunch, and with a Jolly Max Speed Evs and Ivs set, it would probs out speed and OHKO 'Kazam.
Good to know if I ever go against a mega aerodactyl! Now, who has the better beard! Mega alakazam Vs Mega aerodactyl! This one should be even tougher!
damn son. i like the rocky 'dactyl beard, but 'kazam's moustache-beard takes it out!
I agree.
0 votes

Do you think a Fake Out+Technician Persian would work for OU?

When I looked at the Smogon sets for both Alolan and Kantonian Persian, I was surprised there was nothing on a Fake Out+Technician set. I feel like that would be a really good combo, especially with a Life Orb.

This is the set I came up with:

Persian @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Aerial Ace
- U-turn
- Bite

Fake Out+Technician+Life Orb is for a powerful chip damage move, with the added bonus of priority and flinching. U-Turn allows Persian to safely switch in-and-out, and perhaps Fake Out multiple times with other VoltTurn users on the team. Aerial Ace is for dealing with Fighting types, and it doesn't miss. Bite can help flinch the opponent again, and gets boosted by technician. The EVs and Jolly nature allow Persian to hit as fast and hard as possible, and 4 Special Defense helps it to get a bit of bulk.

So what do you think? Is this a decent strategy? Are there Pokemon that do this better?

What are some good teammates for this kind of Pokemon? I kind of want to test this set out and build a team around it.

Persian doesn't work in OU. Technician Fake Out is a tiny niche and in literally every other way Persian is really bad. There are faster VoltTurners and slower, bulkier ones for switch advantage too, Mega Medicham has a weaker Fake Out but a stronger...pretty much everything else and actually good offensive typing and the fact you literally resorted to Bite as the last move means its movepool is a little off.

If you want to use Fake Out, use Mega Medicham or Mega Lopunny. Medicham's is weaker but it better in literally in every other way and Lopunny's Fake Out is very strong due to its great attack and STAB.
Thats true. It was an idea tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This set is cool, I like it, but it won’t work in OU well.