I am relatively new to pokemon, but I have a good idea for Chlorophyll Vileplume on a sun team. I'll release the other team members in another post but right now I just want to see what y'all think of an offensive Vileplume.
This is for maybe Gen 8 National Dex or Gen 9. Any basic brawling format would do, maybe even doubles.
Vileplume Chlorophyll Black Sludge
252 spa 252 spe 4 hp
Solar Beam
Sludge Bomb / Venoshock
Weather Ball
Solar Beam and Poison STAB let it deal lots of damage, with higher damage potential on Venoshock but a 30% poison chance on Sludge Bomb. Weather Ball has an insane 150 BP in sun, and will probably OHKO annoying Grass, Steel, Bug and Ice types like Amoongus, Ferrothorn, Brute Bonnet, and Ribombee.
With Chlorophyll, Vileplume's speed is at base 100, and aside from high immediate damage from its moves it can still provide utility by poisoning everyone on the enemy team.
This could also serve as a check to Rapid-Strike Urshifu since Vileplume resists both it's STABs and can do heavy damage with Solar Beam. Maybe Great Tusk too because Vileplume resists it's Close Combat and can do lots of damage with Solar Beam
Also, is Black Sludge the best option or would something like the item that increases poison type damage be better? I think it's called Poison Claw or something.
And could Toxic be swapped for Synthesis or Moonblast? Maybe even Pollen Puff?
Let me know!