Pokémon Rate My Team
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If you want advice on a competitive moveset, post it as an answer below! (Post-game battle facilities like the Battle Tower count as competitive here, so you may post sets for those.)

You MUST include ALL of the following details in your submission:

  1. The battle format the set is designed for.
  2. The item, ability, nature, moves, and proper EVs for the moveset. Showdown-importable syntax is strongly recommended.
  3. An explanation of the moveset. Outline the strategy and what the set is designed to achieve. Mention what prompted you to ask for help.

For in-game movesets, advice is usually the same, which you can find on this question: How do I make a good moveset for in-game playthroughs?

"Rate My Moveset" questions are retired with each new generation. You're still more than welcome to post movesets for past-generation formats here; just make sure you specify.

Past editions


10 Answers

2 votes

Gen 8 SS Monotype (Flying)

Dragonite @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 116 HP / 140 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Roost

This is a Dragon Dance BoltBeam Punch Dragonite set for Gen 8 Monotype.

Set Details: This set is made to be a wincon vs opposing Flying teams, as Flying is considered the best type in Gen 8 Monotype. Dragon Dance allows Dragonite to have a higher attack and be able to outspeed opposing Pokemon who are fast. Roost is used to let Dragonite last longer. Thunder Punch and Ice Punch lets Dragonite hit all of the Flying-types in the metagame super effectively, which is useful for the Flying mirror matchup. The BoltBeam Punch Combo is also useful against Pokemon such as Garchomp, Hippowdon, Toxapex and Slowbro.

Problems/Concerns: Why I came here is for the EV spread. 252 EVs with Jolly Nature is used to outspeed Adamant Dragonite variants. 116 HP EVs are used to make Dragonite's HP over 350 and an even number for the situation Dragonite's Heavy-Duty Boots get knocked off. The remainder EVs are in attack. However, I'm considering going Adamant Nature. If I do go Adamant, should I try to outspeed opposing Adamant Nature Dragonite EVed to outspeed opposing Adamant Dragonite? Adamant Dragonite usually doesn't use 252 Speed EVs. How should I do Attack and HP EVs if I go Adamant? Should the HP hit a certain benchmark? If I should stay Jolly Nature, should I use less speed EVs for more EVs for the HP and/or attack stat?

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!

Fast, bulk and offensive in the same idea. Wow man, just wow.
0 votes

National Dex OU

Shedinja @ Air Baloon
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Ability: Wonder Guard
Tera Type: Eletric
Adamant Nature
-Shadow Sneak
-Swords Dance

This thing is literally UNSTOPPABLE, with it Tera type, wonder guard, and air balloon, nobody can even scratch Shedinja, unless:
-Chip damage ( toxic, burn…)
-Mold breaker or anything else
-Embargo(who use it?)

Hazards are pretty common, so you have to pair it up with a defogger or spinner. I don't think this is unstoppable, just annoying.
Claydol can handle this
bro got banned
0 votes

National Dex AG
The Rayquaza @ Normalium Z
Ability: Air Lock
Shiny: Yes (must be)
EVs: 252 Spe / 126 Atk / 126 Spa
Lonely Nature
-Dragon Ascent

Let me explain: this set focus in setup Ray for being a total machine of destruction. Dragon claw/ ascent are STAB, celebrate is for raise ALL
stats, and flamethrower is in case of a steel type comes in and to caught physical walls off guard.

What you guys think?

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Dragon Claw can probably be replaced by  Earthquake, and Flamethrower probably by V-Create. The EVs should be changed to something like 252 Atk, 4 SpA, 252 Spe or just full attack and full speed if running only physical moves.
I want to keep the status boosting in Ray, so no V create for me.
The split EVs between Atk and SpA waste 4 EVs due to EVs not being rounded. I’d recommend setting those towards Atk due to more physical moves on this set.
In most cases when you run a mixed attacker, it's better to invest 252 evs in one offensive stat and put 4 in the other as opposed to splitting them evenly. In this case, it's probably better to run 252 Attack 252 Speed.
0 votes

Gen 8 OU
Blissey @ Life Orb
Ability : Serene Grace
EV's : 196 HP/252 Def/60 Sp.Atk
Bold Nature
- Tri Attack
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Soft-Boiled

I've been using this for a bit, and it's done ok for me. Most people have a more support-like Blissey, but this is more of a setup sweeper type. I went through posts talking about Blissey movesets, and never saw this.

My thought is :
- Tri Attack for STAB, as well as the burn, freeze, or paralyze chance that Flamethrower, Ice Beam, and Thunderbolt get, which is a boosted chance for each thanks to Serene Grace.
- Psychic covers her fighting weakness.
- Shadow Ball for the Ghost types, and also, with Serene Grace it has a 40% chance to lower Sp.Def, so she could actually kill.
- Soft-Boiled because she is a Blissey, but also it helps with the Life Orb.

The reason I'm asking is because I haven't seen Blissey like this. Most are support, for good reason, but even the aggressive ones take different routes then this one. I'm curious as to if this is simply a bad idea or no one has just posted it.

Setup sweeper? You don't have any setup moves like Calm Mind. I personally don't think this is a very good set. Even with Life Orb, Blissey's Sp.Atk is too low to be a good offensive pokemon in gen 8. I think you're better off running Heavy Duty Boots Teleport support sets that capitalize on Blissey's strengths. Also, I'd run Natural Cure so that you can absorb status for your team mates. The choice of coverage is pretty wonky too, the point of coverage on offensive pokemon is to make them harder to wall, not to cover defensive weaknesses. To that end, you should run moves that allow to hit pokemon that resist your STABs super-effectively, such as Fire Blast to hit Steel types. That said, I wouldn't run offensive Blissey period.
I worded it weirdly, i meant kind of like a setup sweeper, as the sp def debuff boosts my damage, but I didn't mean that it was a setup sweeper, so sorry for wording that wrong. Aside from that, though, I do agree with all of your response, I have a different blissey I use that is a pivot, but I was curious about something like this as well. Thank you for the answer!
A good way to sanity check your own idea is to compare it to what you could have instead:
60 SpA Life Orb Blissey Tri Attack vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Clefable: 105-125 (26.6 - 31.7%) -- 24% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Clefable in Psychic Terrain: 363-427 (92.1 - 108.3%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
You could have exactly the same coverage on Tapu Lele if you wanted.
0 votes

Gen 3 OU
Sing Blissey
Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 44 HP / 252 Def / 212 SpA
Bold Nature
- Soft-Boiled
- Ice Beam / Counter / Toxic / Wish / Thunder Wave / Heal Bell
- Thunderbolt / Seismic Toss / Fire Blast
- Sing
Spread Explanation
The special attack investment allows you to always 0hko bulkless Dugtrio after 1 layer of spikes.
The rest of the EVs are put in bulk to better take hits from Physical and Mixed attackers like MixMence, MixTar, DD Mence, Defensive Swampert etc. You can invest more in Sp.Atk or run a Modest nature to deal with speciallly bulky Dugtrio. On some specific teams(that are really weak to Milotic), you can run max Speed to sleep it before it can recover. Timid nature is also an option to outspeed max speed Adamant Tyranitar and Max Speed Swampert.
Set Details
Soft-Boiled provides recovery to last throughout mid-paced and long games. Ice Beam let's you beat Salamence 1v1 and stops Dugtrio from effortlessly trapping you. Thunderbolt hits Skarmory hard and stops it from getting free Spikes. It also stops Defensive Starmie from spinning (using Rapid Spin to remove Spikes) for free. It also let's you check Gyarados and pressure Milotic and CM + Rest Suicune. This is appreciated by the Offensive TSS teams this set usually finds itself on. Seismic Toss can be run to provide a neutral option to chip all targets decently except Gengar. Blissey has a bunch of other amazing options for it's 2nd and 3rd moveslot, you can read the reasoning for them in the Blissey smogon analysis.

Reasons to run Sing + Team options
1. Sing surprises common Blissey switchins like Metagross, Tyranitar, Snorlax, Milotic etc. If it hits, it provides your team's offensive threats with a free switch and potentially neuters a massive threat to your team.
2. The low accuracy is an issue, but Blissey gets lots of opportunities to throw it out, potentially making up for it.
3. It allows you to deny recovery to walls like Milotic, Defensive Jirachi, opposing Blissey etc.
4. Offensive threats like MixMence, MixTar, CB Aerodactyl etc. greatly appreciate the extra momentum this provides.
5. This set should generally be used on offensive TSS(Toxic, Spikes, Sandstorm) teams. These teams use Spikes, Toxic and Sand to wear down opposing defensive walls.
6. It can also be used on Defensive Spikes teams with Dugtrio as Sing can lure in sleep fodder like Pursuit Tyranitar and Magneton for it to trap.
The main reason this isn't used more is because Blissey has a boatload of other great options, but this can be devastating in the right MU with good luck.
Sing Blissey sleeps Skarmory and denies opposing Blissey recovery
Note: This set isn't mine(it was popularized by Astamatitos), but the commentary on it is original. I hope this type of post is allowed.

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0 votes

Gen 9 Ubers

Colossal (Kyurem-White) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Turboblaze
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dragon Pulse
- Fusion Flare
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam

This monster is terrifying. 400 something Sp. Atk and Tera Ghost Shadow Ball is a monster, and assuming you get the Sp. Def drop, Fusion Flare just drops the opponent dead. Please give me any feedback you have!
Mainly, the issue is that it gets hard countered by a Zacian due to a lack of bulk, because fusion flare still has to hit first before the Titan gets 'bladed.
How do I bulk the Kyurem w/o having a baby sp. atk?

Maybe give it focus sash so you will be able to get the fusion flare out and kill zacian?
Good idea, the expert belt isn't hugely needed
0 votes


So I have a little sister that loves the F meowstic. its her fav Pokemon and wants to turn in into her ace in the team. But she wants me to create the moveset for her. But I dont really have much experience with psychic type mons. Can you guys tell me if this is a great moveset or what needs to be changed.

Meowstic(F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Timid Nature
- Psychic Terrain
- Calm Mind
- Energy Ball
- Stored Power

Psychic Terrain: So we have psychic terrain for priority moves like Sucker punch which is Super effective agaisnt Meowstic. and psychic terrain boosts the power of Stored power as well.

Calm Mind: Calm mind is to boost the SpA and SpD(obviously) But the most important thing is this to boost the power of Stored power. I usually use it 2 times. after 2 times stored power base stats become 100. which is pretty good. and Calm mind increases SpD as well. so it can take a little bit of SpA.

Energy Ball: Energy ball is the move i use agaisnt Dark type pokemons or if my stored power is disabled or agaisnt water types.

Stored Power: Here it is. The ace move of the pokemon. So Stored power is the Damage move of the moveset. Dealing massive damage after the times of calm mind.

Tell me what you think

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What battle format is this for?
Sorry to follow you around constantly but I think the requirements are pretty clear. If the truth is you don't really care about VGC, OU etc then you should probably just go for the in-game advice linked in the OP.
I think this set is pretty good! Just it takes 3 turns to set up so maybe stored power isn't the best option. Also it has a severe lack of coverage so you will definitely need strong teammates. But also it could have potential to deal A LOT of damage. Maybe swap calm mind for coverage and have a teammate with calm mind and baton pass?
0 votes

Vikavolt Levitate Heavy Duty Boots
252 spa 84 def 84 spd 88 HP
+ spa - attack nature (Modest I think?)

Energy Ball
Volt Switch
Sticky Web

This set could also easily be used for a normal format, but Discharge is really good for free for all. Preferably free for all.

Discharge is powerful STAB with a 30% paralysis chance that takes advantage of free for all and hits all opponents.

Sticky Web support is always valuable, and Volt Switch lets you deal high damage and pivot, and with Vikavolt's extremely low speed you know you'll attack after the opponent so your switch-in doesn't take damage.

I, sadly, chose Energy Ball over Bug Buzz. Bug Buzz is an extremely strong STAB, but since this set is more balanced rather than my usual hyperoffense, I can't have both, and we really could use the coverage against spinners like Great Tusk.

So, what do you think? Should I swap Heavy Duty Boots for the Magnet to boost Electric type attacks, or do a different EV distribution?

I'm kinda new to pokemon, so any suggestions are useful. Thanks!

0 votes

I am relatively new to pokemon, but I have a good idea for Chlorophyll Vileplume on a sun team. I'll release the other team members in another post but right now I just want to see what y'all think of an offensive Vileplume.

This is for maybe Gen 8 National Dex or Gen 9. Any basic brawling format would do, maybe even doubles.

Vileplume Chlorophyll Black Sludge

252 spa 252 spe 4 hp

Solar Beam
Sludge Bomb / Venoshock
Weather Ball

Solar Beam and Poison STAB let it deal lots of damage, with higher damage potential on Venoshock but a 30% poison chance on Sludge Bomb. Weather Ball has an insane 150 BP in sun, and will probably OHKO annoying Grass, Steel, Bug and Ice types like Amoongus, Ferrothorn, Brute Bonnet, and Ribombee.

With Chlorophyll, Vileplume's speed is at base 100, and aside from high immediate damage from its moves it can still provide utility by poisoning everyone on the enemy team.

This could also serve as a check to Rapid-Strike Urshifu since Vileplume resists both it's STABs and can do heavy damage with Solar Beam. Maybe Great Tusk too because Vileplume resists it's Close Combat and can do lots of damage with Solar Beam

Also, is Black Sludge the best option or would something like the item that increases poison type damage be better? I think it's called Poison Claw or something.

And could Toxic be swapped for Synthesis or Moonblast? Maybe even Pollen Puff?

Let me know!

0 votes

Ability: Magician
No item
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Dark / Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Psychic Noise
- Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Ball

I think this is pretty good.

Magician only works if you don't have an item, so you can steal something good and then steal another thing if you eat a berry or get your item knocked off. Just worry about Black Sludge. Tera Dark lets you resist enemy Dark and Ghost types, and Delphox can hit Bug and Fighting types with it's STAB. Tera Ghost buffs Shadow Ball, lowers your weaknesses, and you can actually hit all of Ghost's weaknesses super effectively. The EV spread is for maximum damage and speed, as this is a sweeper.

Flamethrower is a great, reliable STAB with high damage and a 10% burn chance. It could be swapped for Fire Blast or Mystical Fire.

Psychic Noise prevents the enemy from healing and does good STAB damage. Could be swapped for Psychic for higher damage.

Dazzling Gleam lets you deal with Dark and Dragon types. It does good damage.

Shadow Ball lets you deal with Ghost and Psychic types and deal good damage.

Is there any way I can make this better? All suggestions are welcome.
