Blissey Lv.100
attacks: Toxic, Wish, Ice beam, Flamethrower
Evs: HP:252,Attack:0,Defense:252,Sp. Attack:4, Sp. Defense:0, Speed:0
Ability: Natural cure
Nature: Bold
Electrode Lv.100
Attacks: Thunderbolt, Foul play, Taunt, Volt switch
Evs: HP:252,Attack:4,Defense:0,Sp. Attack:0,Sp. Defense:0,Speed:252
Ability: Soundproof
Shuckle Lv.100
Attacks: Rollout, Rest, Earthquake, Double-edge
Evs: HP:252,Attack:252, Defense:0,Sp. Attack:0,Sp. Defense:0,Speed:4
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Adamant
Deoxys-attack Lv.100
Attacks: Psycho boost, Spikes, Superpower, Extremespeed
Evs: HP:0,Attack:252,Defense:0,Sp. attack:4,Sp. defense:252,Speed:0
Ability: Preassure
Regice Lv.100
Attacks: Focus blast, Ice beam, Toxic, Thunderbolt
Evs: HP:252, Attack:252,Defense:0,Sp. attack:0,Sp. defense:0,Speed:4
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Modest
Kyurem-black Lv.100
Attacks: Freeze shock, Fusion Bolt, Ice beam, Outrage
Evs:HP:252,Attack:252,Defense:0,Sp. attack:4,Sp. defense:0,Speed:0
Ability: Teravolt
Nature: Brave
All Pokemon are shiny. None of my pokemon have items, because I dont know wich one to use. I don
t use any of the choice items. Ex: Choice specs