Pokémon Rate My Team
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Okay i have already built 2 other teams for VGC but i love trying out new teams. This team revolves around trick room and more specifically Empoleon. I have no idea (well i have a few ideas but you get the point) who the last party member should be so that's where you come in.

Cresselia @ Mental herb (if i can get one)Levitate)
Relaxed 252 hp 252 def 4 sp.def
-Trick room
-Helping hand
-Light screen

My trick room setter. TR (trick room) is obvious why i have it. Psychic can help me take out fighting types that give Empoleon grief. It also helps with Amoongus & Breloom. Helping hand boosts attacks more specifically Marowaks earthquakes and rock slides. Sableyes will-o-wisps will cripple physical attackers so light screen is the better option.
-(Other Options)
I am considering running a magic bounce espeon @iron ball because it can't be taunted but if i can find a mental herb there's no reason too.I was considering ice beam as most prankster taunt users have it or safeguard for breloom but empoleon carries ice moves too and emboar can mess up breloom.

Sableye @Leftovers (Prankster)
Careful/Sassy 252 hp 252 sp.def 4 atk
-Fake out
-Sucker punch

Gives Cresselia Fake out support to set up TR easier. it also cripples physical attackers
and that combined with light screen drastically improves my teams bulk. Sucker punch takes out ghosts and psychics that cresselia cant deal with. Priority recover helps in case this thing is threatened.
-(Other Options)
Trick lagging tail will mean even out of trick room i can still outrun one mon. Taunt could be useful but mental herbs make me waste the turn. Detect could be used to dodge marowaks EQ but.... otherwise recover is better.

Empoleon :D @Water gem (torrent)
Quiet 252 hp 252 sp.atk 4 def
-Ice beam
-Grass knot

Scald has good accuracy and doesn't hurt my allies. Ice beam hits grass types and dragons (which empoleon counters nicely due to steel typing) and grass not is for opposing water types and more specifically gastrodon. Protect is obvious as empoleon doesn't want to take friendly fire.
-(Other Options)
Hydro pump has more power but the accuracy makes me wary of it. I have no idea what item to run so for now water gem makes up scalds lower power. Blizzard is in the same boat as hydro pump... the accuracy makes me wary.

Emboar @expert belt (Blaze)
Brave 252 hp 252 atk 4 sp.def
-Flare blitz
-Hammer arm
-Rock slide

I hate Flare blitz's recoil but it has so much power. Hammer arm is great and it makes me "faster" in TR. Rock slide has great coverage especially against flying types. Protect is obvious.
-(Other Options)
I could run a special fire move like fire blast, flamethrower, or overheat to avoid recoil as Emboar has base 100 sp.atk and since this is TR i run brave not adamant. Life orb could be used but i don't need more recoil.Thunder punch or Fire punch could be used ..... but rock slide is better in doubles and fire punch is to weak.

Marowak @thick club (lightningrod)
Brave 252 hp 25 atk 4 def
-Rock slide
-Low kick
This thing is a monster in TR. The thick club doubles its decent attack to ridiculous levels. EQ takes out steels and electric users. Rock slide gives him great coverage and hits those who aren't hurt by EQ. Low kick is for Ferrothorn in case i'm under rain.
-(Other Options)
Thunder punch could hit Gyrados hard but i'm not too worried about him as Sableye could cripple w/ priority will-o-wisp. Swords dance or fire punch could be used but Emboar brings the heat and i am not good enough to predict a swords dance correctly.

Now here is what i am asking for suggestions and a 6th party member to counter some of my team's weaknesses. Thanks for the help and may the hax be with you.

It's not THE worst I have seen. But there are obvious improvements to be made. Unfortunately I don't really know what to recommend.
marowak in tr <3
my other teams were also TR
is one of my other teams
This team is gonna have a hard time versus Crobat. Inner Focus Taunt shuts Cress down. I know it is holding a Mental Herb but a second Taunt shuts it completly. I suppose Sableye and Cress are your leads? Inner Focus cause some trouble for you. I would like to battle this team.
LCB said everything. This is a decent team, but has still room for improvements, like a Crobat-Counter.

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