Team Preview
So yeah, hello and welcome to the best team I have ever made. I know I said that flatly, but it really really is the best. Don't go searching on Smogon for any teams I might have stolen, because really, this team isn't stolen. So onto the team. I was just cruising through the OU Pokemon, in search of Pokemon which I haven't encountered a whole lot throughout battling in OU so far. One of these Pokemon was Staraptor. I really got interested in Star, and decided to build a team around it, and it worked and made into a great and successful team. This is all I've got to say here, just read everything else :D
Team Building Process
This team is based around Staraptor, who is very under-used in the OU metagame.
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![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=6b6048e6a3e643ed&
I needed a good SR setter, and a surprise dragon counter.
![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=547c7361099a0ded&
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I went for a Nasty Plot BP Celebi so that it can assist Heatran/Hydreigon or itself.
![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=547c7361099a0ded&
![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=6b6048e6a3e643ed&
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![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=880dfb6e2db0858a&
Thirst for a solid Banded Pokemon to bore holes in opponents.
![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=547c7361099a0ded&
![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=6b6048e6a3e643ed&
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![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=38efba73488a4326&
Anther great Dragon Counter and I needed a great Scarfer.
![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=547c7361099a0ded&
![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=6b6048e6a3e643ed&
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![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=3fee1e2271111e3a&
To top off, a D-Dancer to basically win a game against unsuspecting opponents.
Staraptor's Success
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Brave Bird vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Celebi (Neutral): 123% - 146% (500 - 590 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Double-Edge vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Hippowdon (+Def): 48% - 57% (204 - 241 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 14% chance to 2HKO with Leftovers.
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Double-Edge vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Sturdy Donphan (+Def): 51% - 61% (199 - 237 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Close Combat vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Ferrothorn (+Def): 59% - 70% (210 - 248 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Brave Bird vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Sturdy Forretress (+Def): 50% - 60% (180 - 214 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Double-Edge vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Flash Fire Ninetales (+Def): 78% - 92% (274 - 322 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Brave Bird vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Water Absorb Jellicent (+Def): 70% - 83% (286 - 336 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Brave Bird vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Gliscor (Neutral): 60% - 71% (214 - 253 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Brave Bird vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Unaware Quagsire (Neutral): 70% - 83% (277 - 328 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Reckless Staraptor (+Atk) Brave Bird vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Water Absorb Politoed (Neutral): 78% - 92% (300 - 354 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
This thing hits like a truck charging at full speed, wouldn't you agree?
The Team
| Staraptor @ Life Orb
Trait: Reckless
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Double-Edge
- Close Combat
- Quick Attack
So here is the man! As you can see above (in the calcs), Staraptor pretty much 2HKO's almost every OU defensive wall, some which it 3HKO's, but those are Pokemon which I wouldn't stay in on. A lot of you might be thinking, where's the Band? Well, here's my answer. Star (imo) doesn't function well with Band. It doesn't get to plough out the power of the moves it has, and can't be used to full advantage. Moves are self-explanatory.
| Heatran @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earth Power
Offensive Heatran is really important. It wipes out some of the can-be threats and sets Stealth Rock up well. I know there's no EV investment in HP and defensive areas, but tbh what Heatran does with it's set atm, it's not really necessary. Most importantly, the Speed investment allows it to outspeed some Pokemon like Gliscor, Breloom and Conkeldurr who are all slow but dangerous to this team.