Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

Back here again with an Uber team fellow battlers. This time it's
actually a decent team. I'll try to make the intro short so we can get
right to the team c:

(I think I failed)

I started off with wanting to use one of the best Scarfers in the Metagame. Genesect makes a great pivot and brilliant lead with few pokemon capable of threatening it. Choice Scarf Darkrai and Choice Scarf Shaymin-S using Dark Void and HP Fire respectively counter Genesect as a lead. Deoxys-S out-speeds and KO's with a 4x effective Fire Punch. Other then those three which can be easily dealt with, Genesect made the perfect lead.
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The next pokemon I wanted to try out was Kyogre. Originally going for brute force and sheer power I ran the Bulky Specs set. I soon changed to a ScarfOgre set. This allowed me to have a great revenge killer and secondary scarfer who could surprise people with a Scarf being Genesect was my main scarfer. Somewhat lacking in the power that SpecsOgre has it still cleans teams up quite easily with an 87% (After Stealth Rock Damage) Health Rain boosted Water Spout.
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With a Physical-Biased Genesect and Special ScarfOgre I now needed someone who could set up some hazards to assist the first two. I looked around and the pokemon that came up as having incredible bulk and the ability to crush foes quickly, Dialga found it's way into the team. Providing excellent coverage for Kyogre is a must and with 4x resistance to grass and 2x resistance to electric Dialga truly fits the bill.
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Now with two attackers and one offensively geared pokemon I needed some walls on the team. The first to come to mind was the pokemon every OU battler bemoans seeing on a rain team, Ferrothorn. Under rain it takes far less damage from Fire, and is now only OHKOd by fighting type moves(which Blaziken doesn't mind dishing out) It also gives me someone to cripple attackers and set up more hazards. My team loves Ferro and Ferro loves us.
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Next up I needed someone to suck up all the fighting weaknesses I had, and also counter Spinners. Luckily ghost types fulfill both these needs and so with the understanding that I needed another wall, I chose Giratina-A to pair with Ferro. Capable of sucking up Fire moves and Fighting moves for him it becomes a core to be reckoned with, add Kyogre to cover Ice and it becomes perfect.
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Well with these five members I was truly at a loss for a sixth. ExtremeKiller Arceus wouldn't work as it increases my already fragile fighting weakness. But then another ExtremeKiller came to mind, someone who maybe didn't do it as well as Arceus, but also allowed me to fulfill other roles, like killing Forretress and Ferrothorn in rain. Rayquaza was added to the team in short order.
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With these six and synergy that works well enough for me, I was ready to make the sets.

Team Continued in answer (Pokemaster fix the dumb character limit!!)

Team Threats:

There aren't many pokemon that can single handedly threaten this team, and even those that threaten it mightily can be taken down with some work.

Arceus-Normal - In the Uber S Rank Arceus-Norm threatens pretty much every team in Ubers. Instead of having a hard counter I get by through sacking a pokemon then bringing in Giratina who can survive a +2 Shadow Claw. She can fire off a Will-O-Wisp or a Dragon Tail depending on if I feel lucky or not. If I get the burn off then I feel safe to switch into Ferrothorn who can Seed stall Arceus to death.

Groudon - Eliminates my weather causing Ferro to become vulnerable. Also capable of sweeping the team if set up at +3 Attack and +2 Speed. Rayquaza can't do much damage with ExtremeSpeed due to its bulk. My best hope is to get Giratina in to fire off a Will-O-Wisp. If at +3 though, he stands a good chance of OHKO'ing Giratina.

Palkia - Under rain Specs Palkia can damage most of the pokemon on my team. 2HKO'ing Ferrothorn and Giratina with Fire Blast and Spacial Rend respectively. Out-sped by my own Kyogre who is unable to do enough damage with Thunder unless it is already weakened. Generally I wear it down with Will-O-Wisp from Giratina while it's locked into Fire Blast or something, or I send in Ferrothorn to take a Spacial Rend and paralyze it. Dialga can also suck up a hit and paralyze it. Genesect finishes it off with Download boosted U-Turn.

Kyogre - Specs Kyogre like Palkia can do massive damage to the team. With HP investment it can survive my own Kyogre's Thunder and OHKO with it's own. With Water Spout and full HP it can 2HKO Ferro under Rain. Giratina remains capable of taking a few hits and knocking it out of the field with Dragon Tail. Genesect can hurt it very hard with a U-Turn or if desperation calls for it, Explosion, which will often damage it severely enough that guarantee's it's death by Rayquaza priority.

Scarf Darkrai - Generally any Darkrai other then Scarf can be out-sped and OHKO'd by Genesect's U-Turn. Scarf Darkrai however can utilize Dark Void and render Genesect utterly useless for the battle. My back-up then becomes Kyogre, who can OHKO it with Hydro Pump in rain. More of an annoyance then a threat, it means i'm fighting the battle with 5-6 instead of 6-6.

I'd be most happy if anyone has advice for the team. It's well rounded and most threats can be dealt with.
Wins: 42 | Losses: 9
Ladder Peak: 1898

Thanks for taking the time to read this team.

(Thanks for the title Once)

retagged by
My name was inserted into an RMT. I'M NOT CRYING! Its just my allergies...
I came up with a title :D
Bu-bu-bu-but, why?
fu Doc, the last title was brilliant.
:( :c .
Take it in the- What? WTF is wrong with you?...
Lol. It was just a joke, btw.

1 Answer

0 votes


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@ Choice Scarf
Trait: Download
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SAtk
Naughty Nature
- U-turn
- Explosion
- Ice Beam
- Blaze Kick

A physically biased ScarfSect set all suggested by smogon. U-Turn is my main move and gets my STAB and scouting. Ice Beam is mostly coverage and works well revenge killing pokemon like Rayquaza and Giratina-O. Blaze Kick kills lead like Custap Forretress and other Genesect. Also hits Ferrothorn for some strong damage. Explosion is for when I come in with 3% left and I feel like taking down that 100% Kyogre who just gave me an attack boost from Download. Download of course is one of the reasons Genesect makes such a wonderful scarfer.


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@ Choice Scarf
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Water Spout
- Thunder
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump

While Specs Kyogre boasts incredible power with its rain, specs, and STAB boosted Water Spout, ScarfOgre is a true force to be reckoned with. Out-speeding almost all other base 90s that choose to run Adamant/Modest over Jolly/Timid this Timid Scarfer can deal unprecedented damage at full HP with Water Spout. Thunder is truly a gift from god allowing Kyogre to face off against other Kyogre. And while Thunder cannot OHKO due to its absolutely incredible bulk it does survive opposing Thunder itself, and get the KO next turn. Ice Beam is coverage although Water Spout has 2HKO'd offensive Dialga before so sometimes it is preferred depending on my situation. Hydro Pump is preferred over Surf for power as the nature and item do sacrifice power. Used to be Sleep Talk to hard-counter Darkrai but that was replaced when I realized I was never going to use Kyogre to counter Darkrai.


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@ Leftovers
Dialga @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 228 SAtk / 252 HP / 28 Spd
Modest Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave
- Draco Meteor
- Thunder

My part-time hazard/status setter and part-time special attacker. He can easily set up a Stealth Rock after crippling the opponent with an often devastating Thunder Wave. If he's still alive I can fire off an incredibly powerful STAB Draco Meteor. Or if it fits the situation better we can abuse the ever-present rain with a powerful Thunder. It's gotten me out of several scraps with Manaphy having that Thunder. 28 speed EVs allows me to speed creep speed creeping Dialgas and other speed creeping base 90s such as Kyogre and Groudon.


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@ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
- Leech Seed
- Spikes
- Thunder Wave
- Power Whip

While Dialga can take several powerful hits he lacks the staying power of Ferrothorn. Instead of running Specially Defensive Ferrothorn, which may be the better option in a tier filled with Specs users such as Reshiram, Palkia, and Kyogre, I chose to instead run fully Defensive Ferrothorn. This means I can switch into nearly any physical attack directed at my other pokemon and take as little damage from it as possible. Leech Seed is additional healing and great for stalling out my opponent and forcing a few switches. Thunder Wave is great for screwing nearly any offensive pokemon my opponent has. Spikes is normally easy to set up given the right conditions and cripples the foe by a large amount on any switch. Power Whip is strong STAB but doesn't see much use altogether.


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@ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Careful Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Dragon Tail

Giratina is easily the best phazer I have ever used. With a fully Special Defensive spread she can take any special attack including Spacial Rend from Specs Palkia(69.18 - 81.51%). She can also easily cripple physical attackers with a Will-O-Wisp then fire off a Dragon Tail to eliminate their boosts. RestTalk provides ultimate survivability, and it doesn't often matter whether I get Will or Dragon Tail, so long as I don't get a Talked Rest. The second part of my Defensive core for the team, Giratina is vital to the team. Often I've had her go down early and it has always become difficult to win after that.


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@ Life Orb
Trait: Air Lock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naughty Nature
- Swords Dance
- ExtremeSpeed
- Dragon Claw
- Overheat

While he doesn't often survive the battle Rayquaza can be a huge help to the team. He fills a few different roles. With Air Lock he is my weather breaker, rendering Sand Rush, Swift Swim, fire-reducing effects and more useless. No more shall that Ferrothorn bother me and with Overheat, it shows. Swords Dance boosts its' already great attack into something to be reckoned with. ExtremeSpeed is great for killing off threats or getting one last move in before going down. He does a lot of that. Dragon Claw is STAB and useful against non-scarfed pokemon that I want to damage as much as possible. Life Orb allows him to do much more damage then almost any other item, and seeing as he's my suicidal attacker, he needs to do as much damage before his time is up.

Replays (Not that any of you are completely devoid of a life and have the time to watch them all)

Replay #1
Replay #2
Replay #3
Replay #4
Replay #5
Replay #6
Replay #7
Replay #8
Replay #9
Replay #10

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Looks good however you don't have any Pokemon dedicated to dealing with hazards. Nor a Pokemon capable spinning away them hazards and dealing with Ferro who walls the entire team par Rayquaza who dies quickly with hazards and life orb. Kyogre could do with a boost as a specs set will likely 2hko a defensive ferro. Don't quote me on that.
I posted that under team threats part, "With Water Spout and full HP it can 2HKO Ferro under Rain."

As to the spinner it doesn't bug me too much Toxic Spikes only truly bug Kyogre who switches enough to be bugged by the constant wearing down. Dialga, Ferro, Genesect, Rayquaza are immune to TSpikes. Giratina can get rid of the poisoning with Rest. Spikes rarely get a full three layers so that doesn't wear down too much. And Rocks only hurts Ray hard, but since he normally comes in to take down at most two opposing pokemon, he doesn't need to switch again. Suicidal Attacker as it is. So I forwent the spinner.
252+ SpA Kyogre Water Spout vs. 252 HP / 208+ SpD Ferrothorn in rain: 150-177 (42.61 - 50.28%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Just saying ;) Thats considering the Kyogre didn't take any hazard damage. The Pokemon that hates hazards the most is both Kyogre (as stated) and Genesect. That said I wouldn't know who to replace.
Yeah because they are constantly having to switch. However it hasn't really been that much of a pain for me as after leading with Genesect I normally just bring them in for revenge kills. And as mentioned it's normally only Stealth Rocks that gets set up and maybe one layer of spikes. So far not that big a deal for the team :P
Did you use the replay of Ferro haxing Ho-Oh ? I'm so nooby ;_;
lolol PX