Pokémon Rate My Team
6 votes

It seems everyone was going to be completely original and use rain. So I tried sun with some pretty nice concepts. The teams changed a bit from my first battle.

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Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Flash Fire | Careful | 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Leech Seed | Spikes | Thunder Wave | Power Whip

Every round / practice battle I had someone would use a Pokemon such as Ferro or Scizor with a 4x weakness to fire. Yet none of them used Flash Fire :P
Its a pretty nice set being weak to only fighting while sporting brilliant defenses and supporting capabilities. I figured Spikes would come in handy seen as many levitating Pokemon like Gengar would loose their ability in order to abuse Normalize.

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Victini @ Choice Band
Tinted Lens | Adamant | 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
V-create | Zen Headbutt | Bolt Strike | U-turn

The gem of the team that actually saw very little use outside of a battle with MK...
The idea of the team is to hit hard and I figured in the sun Victini could. However I would have a problem with all them water types so I tried tinted lens which increases the damage of not very effective moves by 50% or something.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tinted Lens Victini V-create vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Palkia in sun: 302-356 (93.78 - 110.55%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO <-4x resistance with very respectable defenses...

It straight up OHKOs everything. Even its U-turn managed to deal 30% to Mike's max HP/Def Jellicent.

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Umbreon @ Leftovers
Drought | Careful | 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Foul Play | Toxic | Moonlight | Protect

The durable weather setter. Its just so bulky and pretty hard to take down with Moonlight restoring it to full Hp after almost every hit.

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Skarmory @ Leftovers
Intimidate | Impish | 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Whirlwind | Roost | Stealth Rocks | Brave Bird

I needed a Pokemon to cover for Ferro's fighting weakness while adding to the hazards. Intimidate just stops physical attackers from doing anything. Skarm is also my check to Gengar being able to Whirlwind it out constantly racking up hazard damage.

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Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Shadow Tag | Modest | 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Overheat | Shadow Ball | Energy Ball | Hidden power Fighting

Yay another fire type. I needed a spin blocker / scarf user with trapping ability's (originally scarf Keldeo with Arena Trap). Chandy fit the job well while just hitting stuff hard.

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Infernape @ Life Orb
Sheer Force | Naive | 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Fire Blast | Thunder Punch | Mach Punch | Stone Edge

This thing hits really hard :O
I didn't see anybody utilize Sheer Force Life Orb sets which is surprising as some Pokemon such as Infernape could really devastate with it. Fire Blast is over Flare Blitz just to hit Pokemon on the special side really.

My team had quite a few glaring weaknesses but my thought process when making the team was just hit hard and bring support while using some different abilities and members to everyone else.

good team could use some inporvments

ferothorn is a good idea.

get rid of skarmory for a gengar with wonder guard.

umbreon is a good idea but get rid of foul play for payback.

get rid of stone edge for rock slide on infernape for beter acurusy and power.

chandelure needs choice specs
Well it kicked my ass. +1
In b4 everything has mold breaker....

y u no use Solar Power?
Didn't even think about Solar Power :P
I made one of these a sun team, i had a Roserade with Solar Power. I giga drained every turn!!! still sucked.
mod please hide as this was duplicate of latest comment
good team could use some inporvments

ferothorn is a good idea.

get rid of skarmory for a gengar with wonder guard.

umbreon is a good idea but get rid of foul play for payback.

get rid of stone edge for rock slide on infernape for beter acurusy and power.

chandelure needs choice specs.

And victini should have turbo blaze.

oh and if you add sheeninja with sturdy you will always win.
Sweet team Blob :3
Hey why was mine hidden?
Please why i thought it was great!

This is probably one of my better answers?

Why the heck was it flaged?

So what if i answer no one does metta questions so why didnt you answer it?
It wasn't long enough.
Honestly this team is just unoriginal standard shenanigans with different abilities :\ This isn't really what the tournament was about, imo.

I liked the other stuff because it didn't focus on synergy, it focused on playing around with cool ideas. Magic Bounce Cress, Normalize Gar, really cool combos.
I think I know who downvoted!
I like this team since it works, which is more than I can say for most of the teams we saw in this tournament. Well done Blob.

As for why your answer was hidden, not only did it not provide ample explanation, it honestly wasn't a very good answer. Wonder Guard was banned in the tournament. Rock Slide is statistically worse than Stone Edge. Chandelure is a bit slow without a Scarf. Foul Play is far better than Payback on Umbreon. You suggested adding a Gengar with Wonder Guard twice. I would very much prefer Tinted Lens to Turboblaze. And Sturdy Shedinja is predicatable as can be.
Payback is better:-)
Lol no.

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