Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

So it all started when I was battling on showdown using my sand-stall team which I find relatively successful Blob's prophecy came to pass:

That said stall isn't used for a reason. Its completely outclassed in
the current meta by hyper offense. Its a dying playstyle in all tiers.
Can't wait to see how it ladders.

(That psychic Blob :P)

Anyways as you might have guessed editing my team would be pointless since I set it to be a sand-stall team and was therefore not ready to replace any Pokemon mainly because it was also not really needed. So I grabbed my newest alt (Aeternis) and started building a team. A team with the foundation of my beloved weather, Rain.

How the water drops formed the ocean

I was already set to make a rain team so picking the first member wasn't exactly hard. I chose no one else but the ruler of the seas, Lord of all aquatic life, bringer of pure water, Kyogre. Anyhow I like this guy mainly because it only takes a few boost to enable it to completely drown seas under his divine wrath. I also wanted a bulky attacker for the sole reason of me loving bulk. Seeing as I didn't want to spend and a teamslot on a bulky attacker, I left the role over to the one that keeps pulling my foot to force down the rain

Now that I had my summoner I needed something that could easily destroy opposing Kyogre, Dragons, Lead Darkrai, Mewtwo etc...Soon Zekrom descended from the stormy clouds scorching everything under him with his dreadful lightning. However Palkia soon came racing along and so they competed. Who would be my revenge killer after some serious debates with Kyogre we decided that Zekrom got the spot. After a few test I did realize that Zekrom was a much more reliable and powerful revenge killer as there are only a few Pokemon that can actually take Bolt Strike. In him I found my Lead Darkrai, Mewtwo, Dragon revenge killing counter.

The 2 seemed to be very successful seeing as they not only covered or neutralized ones weaknesses but also formed quite the remarkably scout out for safety duo. However the one attack that Kyogre could neutralized still did that awful amount of damage so I needed something to form a complete resistance to dragon type attacks and besides that my team wasn't exactly laughing with entry hazards so as you might have guessed I added that one Pokemon that could make my dreams reality. An old member from the sand-stall team soon found his home here but just with an adjusted role in spinner, entry hazard layer and physical sponge

Now that I had my physical sponge, I needed a Pokemon that had no issues taking special attacks at all so Blissey to was added and to be honest she tends to be that one Pokemon that keeps the team solid and she makes an excellent wish passer as nearly any Pokemon will get a fully recovered HP once it receives Blissey's innocent wish. Pretty much my supporting Pokemon.

Anyways it is my intention to keep Kyogre alive as long as possible and surprisingly it doesn't seem to take Earthquakes from it's archrival Groudon very well. I was done adding dual types as they only tend to make your team die quicker once a threat comes to the battlefield so I searched a little deeper into the tier and I firstly came to find Arceus-grass. In the beginning it was a solid member on my team but soon I had to replace it seeing as all it's calm mind boost were just blown into oblivion by Groudon which was it's target. So I searched a little further and I found a grass type that was both faster then Darkrai and that wielded an incredible special attack stat. Shaymin-Sky the guardian of the Gracidea flowers and eternal Gratitude started as a test subject on my team. Not only could it KO both Groudon and Kyogre but it could tank a Fire Blast from support Dialga and 2HKO it with Earth Power as well as seriously dent Extreme Killer Arceus with one special Seed Flare, thus making it part of the crew

As you might have guessed there is no Uber team that I had made, have made or will ever make without a special variant of Arceus who's role is bounded with a specific type of team. Anyways before Arceus was added I had the classic ResTalk Giratina on this team to serve as my Spinblocker however it's speed seemed to be rather disappointing as nearly everything in the tier could outpace it and thus making it harder to utilize on a team who's purpose is to work, Fast, Precise and Effective so I replaced it for a faster Spinblocker that could stop the rather rare ExtremeSpectral Killer Arceus. With this Arceus-Ghost had become part of this team.
However with him I need the most help with for I am struggling to find that one moveset that could perfectly fit in to this team with. So please help me with this one. Shaymin and I will be very grateful with any constructive criticism as well :)

So I practically built the team using a Teamcheck that I find quite useful and though this is of more utility to stall teams, it always does help me to doublecheck how well I have conjured the team.


  • Have switch-ins to the major Ubers? Yes.
  • Have a special wall? Yes (Blissey).
  • Have a physical wall? Yes. (Forretress).
  • Have resistances to Dragon(Forretress), Ice(Forretress, Kyogre), Electric(Zekrom), Dark(Forretress), Ghost(Blissey, Forretress), Bug(Arceus-Ghost, Forretress), Fighting(Arceus-Ghost), Ground(Shaymin-Sky), Water(Kyogre, Zekrom, Shaymin-Sky), Fire(Zekrom, Kyogre), Steel(Zerkrom, Forretress, Kyogre), and Rock(All are neutral)? Conclusion: I have enough resistances to the most common offensive types
  • Have a spinner? Yes. Forretress
  • Have a phazer? Yes. Arceus-Ghost
  • Have a weather changer?Yes, Kyogre
  • Have a user of Spikes / Stealth Rock? Yes. Forretress
  • Have a Sleep Talk user? Team can survive without one
  • Have a spinblocker? Yes. Arceus-Ghost

Team shall be explained in detail, hopefully in one answer


2 Answers

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The Maelström

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Kyogre @ Leftovers

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Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SAtk / 8 Spd
Modest Nature

  • Substitute
  • Calm Mind
  • Surf
  • Ice Beam

The one that makes it all happen, no one else but Kyogre. His presence is quite vital as although he is my prime check to Groudon there have been a decent amount of times that I actually got outpaced by one and hereby lost quite a lot of health once struck by an Earthquake so I usually rely on Shaymin to finish of the job, but Shaymin-Sky's bulk isn't exactly what I would call something to rely on and should it therefore faint before completing it's task, Kyogre can demolish it's Archrival with a powerful Ice Beam. I decided to use the Calm Mind +Substitute set mainly because of it's reliability. It also makes Kyogre immune to status moves and can therefore avoid Darkrai's Dark Void should it already be behind the substitute. Behind the Substitute, Kyogre becomes an extremely hard Pokemon to bring down mainly due to the fact that it can't even be broken by Thunder once it reaches 2x 2.% and higher which is relatively scary. Surf is it's only stab in this set and also it's most powerful move as it will be able to land a straight KO on opposing Kyogre when it is at 3X and higher as seen in this replay. Ice Beam is just a nice option to use to take out Groudon when he switches in should Kyogre not have enough boost to KO Groudon with Surf in sun

Zekrom @ Choice Scarf

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Zekrom @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Teravolt
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Lonely Nature

  • Bolt Strike
  • Crunch
  • Outrage
  • Dragon Claw

Zekrom oh Zekrom, how you scorch opponents with you dreadful lightingbolts have most certainly pleased me. Zekrom is one powerful scarf user. Though slower then the more popular scarfed White/Black- Kyurem and scarfed Palkia, Zekrom is one seriously hard hitting monmon. It can determine my victory in the first turn that it makes it's appearance on the battlefield I should say that I don't often need to use my other Pokemon in a match. Bolt Strike is the move I use even more then I use Outrage mainly because it is more powerful then Outrage and will enable to land a straight KO on Kyogre, Mewtwo, Lead Darkrai and of course Deoxys-Attack/Speed and 2HKo on Deoxys-D. He is pretty much The Anti-Lead and revenge killer and parallel to my expectations it even does a better job then Palkia at it. Crunch is just a move I decided to add should it be to critical and to risky to use Bolt Strike to take out Mewtwo as well as cut the life-span of Arceus-Ghost nicely short. Outrage is that move when you just want to make sure that opposing dragon is gone. Exactly what I always have in mind when I use it. It's powerful and is a nice move to Spam when you know that your opponent doesn't have any Pokemon that is resistant to it anymore which is nicely demonstrated in this replay.

Arceus-Ghost @ Spooky Plate

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Trait: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature

  • Roar/Will-O-Wisp
  • Flamethrower
  • Judgment
  • Recover

Like always the mystic overseer of this team is noone but the Lord of the souls Arceus-Ghost himself. He serves as my spinblocker and phazer however I am in a complete dillemma with him. I have to choose either Roar or Will-O-Wisp but I don't know what one to utilize. If I choose Will-O-Wisp I have no phazer making me weak to Calm Mind sweepers, but if I have no Will-O-Wisp, I can be totally demolsihed by Extreme Killer Arceus should it be the last Pokemon in the party so I will highly appreciate advise on this one in specific however feel free to point out or help with the solidising of this team c:. Flamethrower is just that move that I must have seeing as my Arceus-Rock got demolished by U-Turn from those monstrous Pokemon called Genesect (I am not going to name names but I am just saying I am looking at you in particular Brotad :P). Judgement strikes fear in both the hearts of the living as in the ones of the dead....well if they still have one at least. A nice STAB move that can be very useful when taking on Mewtwo and opposing Arceus-Ghost. Arceus must not grt cocky. It's not because it is the superior all-knowing, all-powerful Pokemon that created the Pokemon Universe that he doesn't appreciate some recovery. So I slapped on Recover so that I can still make up for the lost HP.

I really tried to limit myself but I did it again...I surpassed the character limit so unfortunately the team shall be continued below ;~;

edited by
;~; (strawberry filling)
lol what? xD
Adamant > Lonely... You have no SAtking moves on Zekrom, and are just wasting valuable bulk for your scarfer.
Oh didn't realize that I didn't adjust it's nature. Thank you leboss :)
0 votes

RMT finished continued here

Blissey @ Leftovers

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Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SDef / 4 Spd
Calm Nature

  • Wish
  • Toxic
  • Seismic Toss
  • Protect

The Blissful wishes that Blissey passes down on the team are utterly glorious and thus enable my team to enjoy blissful moments. I believe the set speaks for itself and I don't believe my explanation is needed but since you insist c:
Wish is here not only to keep itself alive but the rest of it's teammates seeing as it is the most reliable way to heal my entire team if I use smart prediction and timing. Wish is so annoying that I have had several RQ from opponents that couldn't take to what seemed to be everlasting torture. Toxic. Just the way I like to kill opponents, slowly and painful. Funny thing is that I usually just spam Wish for my entire team during this slow process c: Pretty much every Pokemon that isn't steel or poison will fall to Toxic someday, unless you want to be funny and run Heal bell or Refresh >:C Seismic Toss is that move I use when I am just to impatient to grant my target the chance to still see daylight. With a few Seismic Toss and Toxic stall, the eternal light will arrive before it is actually time to say: "Bye world". Protect is that one move you use when you want to make your opponents life extra miserable. Wish+Toxic+Seismic Toss+Protect can change a man....

Forretress @ Leftovers

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Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature

  • Spikes
  • Toxic Spikes
  • Rapid Spin
  • Pain Split

Yeah I stole Mr.K's set, liked it. Problem ._.? Anyhow This is just a standard entry hazardmon that works very effective. I am aware that I have no Stealth Rocks mainly due to the fact that Toxic Spikes is in my opinion more annoying to deal with. However I am willing to replace it with Stealth Rock to weaken Ho-oh though Zekrom can take Ho-oh out with Bolt Strike anyways. Spikes provides a hard switch in for many Pokemon and usually declares a Pokemon that isn't immune to it dead once it has been drastically weakened. Toxic Spikes I just a handier way to get a Pokemon poisoned thus making switch-ins much harder to execute. Like always setting up entry hazards is fun but having to deal with them yourself isn't. But who said the team has to suffer from entry hazards? Exactly my point. The reason why Forretress was given the divine gift in Rapid Spin which spins away all the effort the opponent has done to set them up. Seeing that Forretress don't exactly have access to reliable recovery Pain Split is the closest we can get and is a godsent move with Sturdy completely weakening the attacker to minus 50% of it's health whiles recovering yours at the times you need it the most? Why was such excellence not seen before.

Shaymin-Sky @ Choice Specs

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Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature

  • Air Slash
  • Seed Flare
  • Earth Power
  • Hidden Power [Ice]

Yeah specs Shaymin is pretty boss and hits like a truck. With specs Shaymin is an incredible hardhitting Pokemon that is in state to end the life of many Uber Pokemon as well as OHKO Darkrai
If you really want proof:

252 SpA Choice Specs Shaymin-S Seed Flare vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Darkrai:
304-358 (107.8 - 126.95%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Air Slash is a nicely spammable move especially since you have that nice chance of flinching your opponent. Also a nice move to kill of Abomasnow and grass types that form a remarkable wall such as Arceus-Grass. Seed Flare is pretty much the move that can nearly 2HKO every Pokemon in the tier when boosted by specs. The fact that it has that nice chance 80% of lowering the special defensive it's pretty much the case in:" you survived the first time but don't think you will the second." Ever had trouble with Dialga and Heatran? Shaymin is here to save the day. With a choice specs boosted Earth Power she will KO and 2HKO Dialga and Heatran respectively no matter what as well as seriously dent many Pokemon that reign in the tier such as Reshiram though I am pretty confident that Shaymin can only deal with Reshiram and or Kyurem when they switch in on Earth Power. Last but not least we have Hidden Power Ice which is very handy when it comes to taking down Rayquaza as it will OHKO it and 2HKO nearly every dragon in the tier at least.

Well I guess this was it. I will highly appreciate every form of constructive criticism as well as really really appreciate if I can get a solution to the Arceus-Ghost dilemma
Thanks in advance and thanks for reading :)


Outside of Arceus, how do you deal with Ferrothron and other Steels?
Shaymin I would guess.
Yeah I could consider running HP Fire on it

Ty for pointing that out :)
Again, Blissey is useless in this Team, it's only use in Ubers is to wall Kyogre, which you counter hard already.
Holy mother of God this RMT is awesome but it took me 11 minutes to read >.>
Like Jojo maybe next RMT cut it out a bit :[
Lol, I will do my very best Flare ;~;