Pokémon Rate My Team
8 votes

I have returned to the Uber metagame to do one thing and one thing only...
Test my newest team!...well a team that has been in building process for 2 months.

Month 1

Months ago after I had just finished building my first Uber team which ended up being quite a success with the star being Arceus-Dark which after a few Calm Minds was an unstoppable monmon. Upon seeing such force that could barely be stopped by the most powerful forces in the Uber tier, I started ti build a team that could supremely counter it. After some few experiments I came to the conclusion that there were only 3 Pokemon that could legally take a 4x Judgement from Dark Arceus that din't wield the ability Sturdy: SpDef Dialga, SpDef Ferrothorn and Multiscale Lugia who has a few percents chance to actually take the hit. Though this seemed to be rather impressive I decided not to go with any of them but to rather use the classic prime special wall that could tank more then Just Dark Arceus's attack as I realized that it would be useless building a team to counter one Pokemon that is rarely seen in Ubers despite it's divine power

I originally had in mind to make this team a sand team for a change and for this reason abandoned my precious rain that tends to be in 90% of my teams. First I shallowly thought to just use Tyranitar but after a few battles I realized that it's typing completely ruined everything as many fighting and ground type attack could just knock it out. Due to the fact that Groudon is omnipresent in Ubers, I had to look for a Pokemon that is both bulkier and has a better typing then Tyranitar. So I decided to go with one who's bulk rivals that of Groudon. Hippowdon was the new team member and is now still my prime summoner of sand. It's bulk enables it to sponge every physical attack aimed at it and with some investment in special defense it can be a surprisingly hard Pokemon to bring down

Very pleased with the team so far, I was by far not done yet as I had only tested these Pokemon in 1 vs 1 battles. With the idea of making an Uber Sand Stall team I had to have a Pokemon to lay entry hazards apart from my predestined Hippowdon who had already been set with Stealth Rock. I firstly had Deoxys-Defense in mind but this thought was quickly changed seeing as I got bombarded with a rain of critical hits and with this was not able to set up hazards. Also detesting entry hazards it was rather a dissapointment that Deoxys couldn't spin. Gravely against my own will I decided to go with a Pokemon I dislike pretty much, Forretress. Largely surpassing my expectations Forretress had proven to be the best entry hazard layer as well as rapid spinner I had ever had seeing that it could leave both status inducements as well as special attacks over to Blissey who could easily shrug them off

Month 2

One thing that gives me grey hair is when my entry hazards all disappear when that one move I love to use it used against me, Rapid Spin. Quickly a solution flew by my mind. I decided to go with a Pokemon that had long been obliterated as a fellow wall named Lugia gained an ability that made it as good as impervious to any form of attack. This obliterated colossus is Giratina. Though Lugia seems to function a little better then it, in full truth I have come to realize that Giratina can be one monster of a Pokemon to bring down, even if it's master decides to give it no form of direct offense. Also ending my issue with Spinners, Giratina had become my prime wall and spinblocker.

I have the trend of somehow using a variant of Arceus that works exceptionally well in particular teams. As you might have guessed I chose to use an Arceus that is immune to sand. originally I had Arceus-Steel but after taking a good look at my team and the Top Threat Uber Pokemon list in showdown, I had realized that Ho-oh would completely screw me over. So I decided to go with Arceus-Rock who is by far the best counter to Ho-oh taking all but Earthquake well. Seeing that Ho-oh is in most cases always slower then Arceus, one Judgement would end the rain of the Sacred Bird once and for all after Stealth Rock . With this I had also found a Pokemon who didn't fear a burn and could easily switch into any boosted fire type attack aimed at Forretress

As much as I like bulk and was loving this team I had come down to one thing. My preferred weather was the one thing that would completely screw me over. Well seeing as majority of my team is really slow, I had to have something fast and powerful that could turn the disadvantage of rain into it's main weapon. So yes, I slapped the most prominent rain sweeper on my team, Scarf Palkia. Scarf Palkia can KO Kyogre, ultimate summoner of rain with one precise Thunder. After this is done I can turn the weather's profit over to my side as well. Being extremely fast as well, Scarf Palkia serves as one of the best revenge killers in the tier and will cut the life span of many dragon type Pokemon ridiculously short.

Team will be explained in two answers

edited by
And I though I was bad with the blocks of text... anyway Swaggron may have a seal of approval, but I give you my
Lol brotad
two answers not an answer ;)

It's a nice team, I had the pleasure of battling it and had nothing to take down that damn Blissey. What do you do when handling wallbreakers such as Mixed Zekrom and Terrakion?
lol, that Mr.K :P
For Zekrom I usually switch into Hippowdon that either nulifies it's attack or sponges it and Terrakion can't do much against Giratina who threatens to cripple it with Will-O-Wisp

2 Answers

0 votes

Team Preview

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Hippowdon (M) @ Leftovers

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Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature

  • Slack Off
  • Earthquake
  • Roar
  • Stealth Rock

Hippowdon mainly serves as my sand summoner but it's task is much heavier then it seems. With it's rather impressive defense stat and appealing base HP stat, Hippowdon's ability to wall is amplified to extreme levels. Thanks to the boost it's gets in special defense, it will also be able to surprisingly tank powerful special attacks and shrug off the damage with Slack Off. With Slack Off, Hippowdon can wall and outstall for a massive amount of time. Another disadvantage it has over Tyranitar other then it's typing. Earthquake is to still make use of it's massive attack stat and kill off weakened Pokemon or force switch outs. With Roar it will be able to phaze out Set-up sweepers and mainly Extreme Killer Arceus who stands blank when Hippowdon is blocking the road. Seeing as Hippowdon has a rather shallow movepool and running Ice Fang is the most meaningless think to do in Ubers seeing there is no Pokemon in The uber tier that will take more then 40% damage from it anyways and stalling is my aim, Stealth Rock is a nice move and will enable me to run a different variant of Entry Hazards on Forretress.

Blissey (F) @Leftovers

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Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SDef / 4 Spd
Calm Nature

  • Wish
  • Toxic
  • Seismic Toss
  • Protect

Blissey's main purpose on this team is to sponge them special attacks. However it should be noted that she is an extremely annoying Pokemon to face should she be used to her fullest. I decided to chose her over her younger sister Chansey mainly because unlike Chansey, she has the ability to wield the Leftovers to make up for the repeated buffeting in sand and will therefore survive longer. Natural Cure also earned her the title of status absorber as she is one of the few Pokemon that can actually live with a status condition. She also serves as my Wisher and with the fact that she wield the largest HP in the entire world of Pokemon, her wishes will most likely always maximize the health of her teammates. It also enables her to make life sour for much longer. Toxic and Sand is a deadly combination and will bring a Pokemon to 0 before you actually notice it. Mainly here to slowly take care of Walls and threatening Pokemon should Toxic Spikes not be set up yet or should it fail. Seismic Toss+Toxic+Sand=gg. Every non-ghost Pokemon will see the light sooner or latter as this is nearly the fastest way to ware down a Pokemon. Last but certainly not least is Protect. The main purpose for me running this move is to receive a pre-ordered Wish as well as recover enough HP to order another wish and to later receive it again.

Forretress (M) @ Leftovers

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Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature

  • Spikes
  • Toxic Spikes
  • Rapid Spin
  • Toxic

Greatly surprising me is Forretress who has in fact changed my view on Forretress. With some investment in Special Defense it is very well capable of taking in special hits should Blissey not be in the state to still accomplish this. Though that has never been the case. Unlikse the others it has one role, set up entry hazards and spin us out of them. For this reason he is the cornerstone of this team and we therefore need him. The first layer of Entry Hazards is done with Spikes Which 70% of the tier doesn't like as there are only a few that can actually avoid them. Second Layer exists out of a very deadly one, Toxic Spikes. With these set up, many Pokemon will be gravely crippled and it will be harder to switch in and out of the battlefield should a spinner not be present. After setting my own layers of hazards, I just as well spin myself out of them. So for this reason Rapid Spin is present. Lat but not least is Toxic who is here to poison Pokemon that avoid Toxic Spikes due to their ability or typing.

To be continued

70&?o_o wuz that :3
Lol I had to notice that =/
lol, going to edit that
0 votes

Continued here

Arceus-Rock @ Stone Plate

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Trait: Multitype
EVs: 248 HP / 148 SDef / 112 Spd
Timid Nature

  • Judgement
  • Recover
  • Perish Song
  • Flamethrower

The Lord of this team is of course no one else but Arceus. It's presence strikes fear in many opponents but in his archaic form it is deadly. The main reason is because it no serves as my prime counter to Ho-oh as it takes all but Earthquake well. Like mentioned above Arceus is faster then Ho-oh so there is no such thing as a switching in Ho-oh especially after Stealth Rock has been set up. The Judgement used to declare the Dinosaurs instinct has now returned. Now cutting the life span of the prime sun sweepers very short as Reshiram, White-Kyurem and Ho-oh are all weak to Rock Judgement and will all be 2-1HKO by it and after all the entries have taken full damage, a guaranteed KO. I think it is obvious why I am runningRecover seeing as my intentions are to make life miserable for as long as often, I would appreciate shrugging off all possible damage. Perish Song might seem a little odd but it is the best move to end a battle with should Arceus still be breathing. Seeing as the last Pokemon can't switch out anyways, it will be doomed to fall under this deadly song. very handy to kill of Giratina should Palkia faint prematurely as seen in replay 2. Flamethrower is just to melt opposing forretress and Ferrothorn as my intentions are not to risk switching in my Palkia just to kill one Pokemon.

Giratina @ Leftovers

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Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Impish Nature

  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Rest
  • Sleep Talk
  • Dragon Tail

My prime spinblocker and second physical wall. Just a standard ResTalk Giratina which is very effective as it is one of the few variants that doesn't get destroyed by a status ailment. And....no once can disagree with the fact that Giratina is epic. Will-O-Wisp is just something to amplify it's humongous bulk with as physical attackers will be crying when facing it. Also serving as the best counter to the revenge Killing Terrakion, Giratina is just too good. Rest is for recovery since Giratina was left without recovery. Not only recovering it's health but also it's healthy status, why wouldn't I have Rest. Sleep Talk is here to indicate that despite the fact that it is asleep, it is pretty much still capably of doing it's job. Lastly Dragon Tail. Just don't like people seeing it as Set up bait+prevents it from being Taunt bait, which is not even seen that often in Ubers anyways.

Palkia @ Choice Scarf

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Trait: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature

  • Draco Meteor
  • Fire Blast
  • Thunder
  • Surf

Last but not least is Palkia. fast and dangerous define what it's purpose on this team is: Revenge Kill. With the Choice Scarf equiped it will be outspeeding majority of the unboosted tier. It also serves as my prime check to Kyogre as none of Kyogre's move will do massive damage against it whiles it threatens to KO it with Thunder . To add to that, Thunder will also do massive damage to Lugia once Multiscale has been broken thanks the hazards. I chose to use Draco Meteor instead of Spacial Rend mainly because that extra bit of power really does matter. Though I do lose some SpATk each time I fire this move off, it is worth the loss. Also helps getting rid of many if not all the unscarfed Dragon types. Fire Blast just here to melt some annoying steel types should it be the one to face it. And can serve as a nice destroying move for the rare yet dangerous Arceus-Grass. To crown the team we have surf as it's primary STAB that does a lot of damage. Seeing as Palkia will often show itself when the omnipresent rain has been set, this move will be doing extraordinary damage


Replay 1
Replay 2
Replay 3
Replay 4
Replay 5
Replay 6(Vs.Rain)
Replay 7Vs.Mixed Weather(Rain/Sun)
Replay 8Vs.Rain, again)

This was it. I will appreciate every form of constructive criticism.
Thank you for your time


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Nice team, great to see stall used again. That said stall isn't used for a reason. Its completely outclassed in the current meta by hyper offense. Its a dying playstyle in all tiers. Can't wait to see how it ladders.
Thank you Blob, yeah it is harder to keep stalling the higher I go but for now it's still seems to work quite well. I have had 10 battles with the complete team so far and haven't lost with it yet. However I should be expecting loss soon :P
Goodness gracious...
As a alternative to Slept Talk for Gira..
Roar has more reliable accuracy for a backup move and in the off-chance you run out of PP for dragon tail. Which isn't terribly much.
HP fire allows you to block the common spinner Forretress and hit him hard back.
Calm Mind for more monstrosity in the Sp.Def bulk.
Or Protect cuz Protect.

Slept talk is a good option, but I do think there are more worthwhile choices than that.

As for Forretress, Toxic and t-spikes in the same set is rather pointless. Vilt-Switch or Bug Bite to get extreme-arceus' Lum Berries.
Without Sleep Talk Giratina is rendered useless for two turns after using Rest. Also it allows him to sack a poke to Dark Void which is highly useful imo.