Pokémon Rate My Team
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Here's the team!


Roy(Scrafty)@Salac Berry
EV's: 252 Spd, 128 Atk, 128 HP
Jolly Nature

-Dragon Dance
-Brick Break

A SubSalac-Dancing Scrafty? Yeah. This thing Subs, Dances until the Sub breaks, and then BOOM. It destroys whatever's out, gets another attack boost because of Moxie, and then sweeps from there. I Sub twice to get that Salac boost.


EV's: 252 HP, 128 Def, 128 Sp.Def
Quiet Nature

-Slack Off

MOVE FASTER POKEY!!!!!! Mixed Wall. Scald or Surf and Psychic are STAB. Slack Off and Leftovers heal me. Flamethrower is for vs. Bugs. Regenerator would be better, but the Dream World is closing, so...


Jake(Yanmega)@Big Root
EV's: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Trait: Speed Boost
Naive/Rash Nature

-Bug Buzz
-Air Slash
-Giga Drain

Well, it's a special sweeper. AncientPower and Giga Drain are coverage. I can also revenge-kill. Send him in, and then attack. Get Speed Boost, and sweep from there.


Hotbutt(Darmanitan)@Expert Belt
EV's: 252 Atk,252 Spd, 4 HP
Trait:Sheer Force
Adamant Nature

-Flare Blitz
-Hammer Arm/Superpower
-Stone Edge

Physical Sweeper. Expert Belt means that super effective moves do 1.5x more. That's 3x damage! And I have super effective attacks on Grass, Fire, Ice, Normal, Rock, Flying, Bug, Steel, Normal, Electric, and Poison. That means only Dragon, Psychic, Ghost, Fairy, Ground, and Water escape this damage.


Lord Horn(Nidoking)@???
EV's:252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Trait: Poison Point
Adamant Nature

-Poison Jab
-Brick Break

Basically just a physical attacker. I guess it could sweep if it needed to. Mainly just used against Fairy-Types.


EV's:252 Atk, 252 Sp. Atk, 4 HP
Trait:Snow Warning
Brave Nature

-Wood Hammer
-Shadow Ball

I defintely want to replace this guy. It isn't a Hail team, and he has Snow Warning. I'm not even gonna bother giving a review.

OK, so, as I said, I want to replace Abomasnow. I don't have any ideas as to what with, and it's better to have a sixth pokemon you know you wnot use than nothing at all in the sixth slot. I'm trying a really kooky set with Scrafty, but it seems good. He is the center of my team. Thanks in advance!

edited by
Scrafty look fine, albeit it have a slightly odd EV spread.
Slowbro should almost always run Scald, due to the Burn chance.
Life Orb>Big Root on Yanmega. It does more damage=you get more healing from Giga Drain. Ancient power is not very useful due to its low power, so Protect is preferd for easy Speed Boosting.
Darmatian looks excellent.
Use Choice Scarf on Nidoking. Life Orb+Sheer Force is more used but Choice Scarf work just as well. And since it have Poison Point (I assume this is vs others players on wifi), Choice Scarf is the preferred option.
As you aren't needing Abomasnow, I have a perfect candidate for a replacement:

Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sdef / 4 Def
Careful Nature
- Close Combat
- Rapid Spin
- Sucker Punch
- Toxic

Your team is slightly weak to Bugs and Stealth Rock. With Intimidate, Hitmontop is. One of the best counters to Heracross, the prime Bug type of UU. And with Rapid Spin, it makes an excellent support for the team.
Overall though, definitely decent team, it just needs a tad bit of tweaking.
Great! Thanks! Any other options for Nidoking's item? I forgot to mention that I don't like choicing.
Life Orb is still an option, even whithout Sheer Force. Expert Belt or Muscle Band is another option if you don't want recoil.
Use Choice darm or else your team is horribly outsped (yanmega doesnt count xP)

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