Pokémon Rate My Team
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Yeah...I haven't really updated my team post-bank so not sure if there are even more flaws on this team now. So, rate my team please? :D

Also got a few suggestions as replacements at the bottom.

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Mienshao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- High Jump Kick
- Stone Edge
- Poison Jab

Mienshao is great as a lead 90% of the time being able to fit the role of a Sweeper, Non-Priority Revenge Killer, or Scouter. Jolly is there to outspeed most non-scarf users and some scarf users, and regenerator helps if Hi Jump Kick misses or is used on a switched in ghost type.

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Jolteon @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Thunderbolt
- Baton Pass
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Jolteon has a bit of a defensive role, but he has some offensive capabilities as well. He can use substitute on a predicted switch out and can then baton pass to Dragonite to possibly get an easy +2 DD. If not, he has Thunderbolt for STAB and HP Ice for coverage. Also, he can absorb some predicted Electric moves.

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Blastoise @ Blastoisinite
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Water Pulse
- Dark Pulse
- Roar
- Ice Beam

Blastoise is my mega of the team. With his bulk, he can take most hits as well as retaliate with an offense of his own. His moves cover most pokemon so he doesn't get trapped. Roar is smacked in over Aura Sphere or Dragon Pulse because it stops those who try to get a defensive or offensive setup.

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Espeon @ Light Clay
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Light Screen
- Reflect

Espeon is a Dual Screen Magic Bouncer on this team, but with offensive capabilities as well. I don't always use screens hence why I opted for 252 Sp. Atk over HP or Defense. Psychic is for STAB and Dazzling Gleam is for coverage against Dark and Dragon types.

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Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Counter
- Volt Switch

Forretress's role is the usual Hazard user and Rapid Spinner, but he can be a great revenge killer to ANY physical sweeper as long as he has full health and he enters a hazard-free field. When his job is done, he either acts as a death fodder or just Volt Switches out.

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Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Punch
- Extreme Speed

Finally, here's one of the most overused physical sweepers in the game. I used one of the most common sets with Lum and its HA. His HA usually allows a free DD as well as Lum phases prankster users trying to slow him down. Fire punch is coverage for steel types and Extreme Speed is to outspeed priority users.

However, here are some potential replacements.

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Lanturn @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Def / 216 Spd
Calm Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Confuse Ray
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Possibly replace Jolteon as a more Bulky / Annoyer role

He's running a Smogon set to be a bulky annoyer with only Volt Switch opted out for Thunderbolt since I wasn't sure what I should use. He has volt absorb to take lightning moves just like Jolteon. The only problem with this pokemon is his offensive capabilities are not really great so after he Paralyzes and Confuses, he can only whittle down the enemy's health slowly.

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Scolipede @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 34 SDef / 224 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Megahorn
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass
- Protect

Possibly replace Forretress to pass on attack and speed buffs to Dragonite or Mienshao

This is another common set, but it's pretty fun to use sometimes. Main goal is to pass on to either Mienshao or Dragonite and start a full scale sweep. If he can't pass onto either of them, he can just start attacking on his own with Megahorn. It replaces Forretress because I believe it would have a little more utility (with the exception of not using hazards or unable to use RS). However, with this pokemon easily identifying my team as a baton passing team, it might not be good to use it anymore.

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Mandibuzz (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Spd
Careful Nature
- Foul Play
- Roost
- Taunt
- Defog

If I do run Scolipede, it can replace Espeon as a hazard remover / sweeper counter

Finally, if Scolipede is used, Mandibuzz can replace Espeon to deal with the problem of no rapid spinner. It can taunt a user, defog, then get out of there or stall. If needed, it can use Foul Play against any potential sweepers or Psychic / Ghost types. Defog doesn't hurt me since I don't have any hazards.

If I think of anything else I'll add it here.

1. Opinion: I personally never liked Espeon as a hazard "counter", too much prediction.
2. On original team: You already have Forretress for spinning, Espeon is probably overkill.
3. I'd keep Jolteon, as you said Scolipede makes it obvious you are baton passing, not with just Jolteon... and especially if you take out Espeon. (Generally, 2 Eeveelutions will make people suspicious too.) I'd probably max out Jolteon's HP for the hugest subs ever.
4. You can definitely use a special wall. Espeon, I'd take out for... Blissey (sorry!), Porygon-2 or Snorlax all sound pretty good, as you have no fighting weaknesses and can cover one ghost weakness. Try Sableye too if you need the things Mandibuzz provides without the Defog and with an additional Prankster + Will-O-Wisp.
Wow, definitely something I would want to try! Most of the people I fought in the competitive tutorial chat on showdown were saying my team was fine, but I wanted something a bit different and this definitely would help. Thank you!

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