Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

Ullo. I decided to post this team I have been testing and modifying for quite a while now, which is now at its current state due to the help of Lemum. It's mainly to get suggestions from here before I go on vacation and perhaps I will post it on Smogon as well once I am done here. The whole point of this team was to basically use Raikou and Gyarados, 2 Pokemon that seemed rather interesting and powerful in my eyes. I was surely not disappointed. With the help of Lemum this team has got me a current rating of 1875 on the OU ladder, which doesn't limit me to stay on that rating o3o, but that doesn't make it perfect so I decided to perfect it more here and perhaps on smogon ;>
Without wasting more characters, the team:

Teambuilding process( For those who enjoy reading a long text, click here)

Raikou @ Leftovers

enter image description here
Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def

  • Thunderbolt
  • Substitute
  • Hidden Power [Ice]
  • Calm Mind

Just a standard lazy EV spread. 0 Ivs in Atk to take minimal damage from Foul Play while still retaining HP Ice. Its main purpose it to synergize with Gyarados and complete my dual set-up sweeper core as the special asset. Amplifies my electric resists and is basically a very good Keldeo check as it can often come in on an HP Flying aimed at Mega Venusaur. I use it over AV/Choice Specs Raikou as it has proven to pose to be a bigger threat in OU by my experiences. BoltBeam for general coverage

Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers

enter image description here
Ability: Moxie / Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 88 HP / 248 Atk / 4 Def / 168 Spd
Jolly Nature

  • Substitute
  • Waterfall
  • Bounce
  • Dragon Dance

The second member of the set-up offensive core, being the physical one. Its Dual Stab is all it really needs after a DD capable of taking on MegaSaur, Conkeldurr, Breloom(non sash variants can be dealt with when sand is up) and Waterfall is the most spammable stab
Standard gen 5 Bulky DD EVs.

Excadrill @ Life Orb

enter image description here
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature

  • Rock Slide
  • Earthquake
  • Iron Head
  • Rapid Spin

Late-game sweeper and rapid spin-support. Provides an electric immunity and is a check to T-wave+Nasty Plot Thundurus-I. Rock Slide to hit flying types while Iron Head+Earthquake are nice spammable STABs. Rapid spin for obvious reasons. I run Jolly > Adamant so that I can outpace other LO Excadrill in sand. Air Balloon variants are easier to deal with as their switch-ins are actually pretty obvious

Venusaur @ Venusaurite

enter image description here
Ability: Chlorophyll -----> Thick Fat
EVs: 172 HP / 112 Def / 124 SAtk / 100 Spd
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SAtk / 30 Spe

  • Giga Drain
  • Sleep Powder
  • Sludge Bomb
  • Hidden Power [Fire]

A little twist to the standard offensive MegaSaur. 172/112 are enough to perhaps not swallow but still get 2HKOd by an LO Psyshock coming from Latios/Latias as I need to take minimal damage as well as still being able to hit hard. The EVs in SAtk are to like 252 SAtk EVs, 2HKO Ferrothorn and Mega Scizo with Hidden Power Fire while still doing great damage to Rotom-W before it switches out or tries to burn me. The EVs in speed are to outpace 44 Spe Rotom-W and Jolly max speed Azumarill and outpace neutral natured uninvested base 75s. Mega Venusaur is my techniloom counter and general offensive tank It spreads sleep and that's pretty much it. I usually do not intend to keep it alive for long so I see no use in Synthesis as I need Sleep Powder > Synthesis on this team

Tyranitar (M) @ Choice Band

enter image description here
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 180 HP / 252 Atk / 76 Spd
Adamant Nature

  • Stone Edge
  • Earthquake
  • Pursuit
  • Crunch

This thing reks walls and serves as my Zard-Y annoyer, Talonflame check/counter and general wallbreaker. I use E-quake > Superpower because let's face it, the only thing Superpower was good for was denting Breloom and Ferrothorn.
Standard gen 5 BandTar EVs.

Keldeo @ Choice Scarf

enter image description here
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 HP / 30 Def / 30 SAtk / 30 SDef

  • Secret Sword
  • Hydro Pump
  • Hidden Power [Flying]
  • Icy Wind

My revenge killer, my baby. It is really just running a standard Mega venusaur denting Keldeo set just with Scarf over Specs. I need the scarf because outside of Excadrill in Sand, Gyarados after DD and Raikou, my team won't be outpacing much in OU and Scarf Keldeo has worked great for me. The 0 attack IVs are again to take less damage from Foul Play. Despite it resisting it, every damage is damage.
I am considering running Scald over HP Flying because really, Hp Flying will not be choking Mega Venusaur. I suppose it is a handy choice to kill it off when it is at low health and perhaps kill Breloom and possibly kill Mega Heracross but nothing more or less than that really

For more detailed descriptions, click the above headed link

Anyways, this is my team. There is always space for improvements so pls leave a relevant comment whenever you see something that can be improved :]
Stay based o3o!

edited by
Why do you run Jolly on Sand Rush Excadrill? With Adamant you get more power and with Sand Rush the extra Speed isn't worth it. Sand Rush Adamant Excadrill reaches 550 Speed, faster than Deoxys-S (it's being suspect tested though). Opposing Sand Rush Excadrills always run Adamant, so at worst it'll be a Speed Tie. Ferrothorn can wall Excadrill all day if it isn't weakend. :3
I explained why it was Jolly  :P
And relying on speedties has always been a terrible idea and really, Adamant doesn't get many more kills than Jolly does :p
Also, Ferrothorn isn't a spinblocker, lel
Why not just get rid of Icy Wind on Keldeo? Not like it'll be doing more than just Killing Garchomp tbh.

+1 because I made your team.

Erm, i mean, for the #BasedUnholyWhore part
oh lel
Wellz, I suppose I could change Icy Wind to Scald .3.!
Edit: I meant Venusaur. For some reason I typed Ferrothorn in, oh well. I still think it isn't worth using Jolly on Excadrill. You can running Air Balloon instead of Life Orb for opposing Excadrill. Assuming that you bring Excadrill when the opponent's team is already weakened, Life Orb wouldn't be needed. Adamant is just so much better than Jolly imo. o3o

1 Answer

0 votes

This is a great team, few flaws, but there are a few points.

First, remove Bounce from Gyarados. Although it is STAB, it is a terrible move, especially because it is resisted by Gyarados's major weakness: electric. Replace it with a coverage move like Ice Fang or Earthquake.

Next is Tyranitar. This set is fine, but another option is Flamethrower to surprise Ferrothorn that think that they can wall you. You would have to give up speed though, but Tyranitar isn't very fast anyway, afterall his name contains ''Tar'' which comes from Latin's ''tardus'' meaning slow.

You could run modest on Keldeo instead of timid for that extra bit of power.

That's all. I did say this team didn't have much flaws.

Just remeber that Fly and Bounce really shouldn't be used in competitive.

Even though tardus means slow, Tyranitar can viably run a choice scarf and even dragon dance, so yeah some people out there proved that Gamefreak is somewhat wrong xD
I know, I just prefer to use the slow bulky sets rather than the offensive ones.
Although I agree with Ferrothorn giving his TTar some trouble, I disagree with the usage of Flamethrower. First, he will not be OHKO'ing any Ferrothorns with a SAtk reducing nature. Second, he would either have to run a brave nature (outspeed and OHKO'd by many slow threats, such as Mega Mawile, whom he could hurt with EQ) or a Nature in which either SDef or Def is lowered, which is bad for TTar, who heavily relies on his bulk. Lastly, why would you tun Flamethrower when you could run Fire Blast or Superpower (Superpower being the better option) instead?

As for Bounce, I'm not sure how long you've been into competitive battling, but you seem to not remember how well Sub Dragon Dance Gyarados with Waterfall and Bounce did last generation. Yeah, electric types resist Flying, but the only electric typesI know of to resist Water AND flying is Rotom-Wash (and the nonexistent Lanturn),which you cannot hit with Earthquake (Levitate Ability) nor can it even scratch it with Ice Fang (water resists Ice). Also, Bounce can provide an extra turn of leftovers recovery, or force a threatening pokemon to come in and take damage, enough so dedicated revenge killers (Keldeo and Excadrill) can finish them off later.

As for a Modest Scarf Keldeo, it works fine, but since most people run a speed boosting nature on their Scarf Pokemons, Keldeo will most likely lose all battles to pokemons with a base 100 Speed stat that has a speed boosting nature and a choice scarf.
Everything Lemum said really .3., however I do appreciate the feedback
Also, a Pokemon is only as slow as you want it to be. With 76 Spe Investments Tyranitar is faster than uninvested neutral natured base 70 Pokemon.
Also, Bounce Gyarados is an exceptional Pokemon that does actually abuse Bounce to massive extent as it enables it to get past bulky water types much better while denting Mega Venusaur because if your name isn't Mega Gyarados, you won't be doing jack to Mega Venusaur with Ice Fang. Most Electric type are physically defensively frail and will usually die to a boosted Waterfall.  It should also be noted that Bounce has a decent chance of paralyzing the opponent which makes switching into it just harder as it paralyzes ground types as well.
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-132894093 In this game, Bounce and accurate calculations actually won me the battle however that was ridiculously close and I generally played bad.
The point of this whole comment is that, I do agree with you that Bounce shouldn't be used competitively, but on Bulky DD Gyarados, it is actually a viable move that actually does work.
"his name contains ''Tar'' which comes from Latin's ''tardus'' meaning slow."


That's all I have to say.