Pokémon Rate My Team
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Please ignore the lame title.

I'd like to introduce you to a fairly nice team that took many trial and errors and changes and pain to make, I hope you'll give it a try.

Here's a team preview

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So without further adieu, shall I begin?

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Trait: Scrappy-Parental Bond
EVs: 4 HP 252 atk 252 spe
Jolly Nature
-Power-up Punch
-Sucker Punch

Definitely one of the best pokemon that came out of gen 6. What can I say, easy set up, powerful STAB, priority, sub-breaking power, great stats, this guy has it all. Power-up punch makes it super easy to set up, breaking sashes and hurting pokes so that it's an easy 2HKO, something swords dance can't do. Overall it's a must on any Kangaskhan. Earthquake is to hit stuff like steels that resist my amazingly powerful STAB Return. Sucker punch is to hit stuff like Gengar who otherwise walls this set. The priority is nice but the fact that the opponent has to attack is kind of annoying to face. Therefore I'm considering replacing it with crunch to get a guaranteed hit, but I want some of you all's opinions before I make a decision like that. Jolly Nature gives me a surprising speed boost that outspeeds a lot of the tier.

Landorus-T@Choice Band
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Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 200 HP 252 atk 56 Spd
Adamant Nature
-Stone Edge

This guy THIS GUY. What can I say about this guy. If you haven't seen damage calculations on this guy...well I don't need to scare you do I? Choice Band on that massive attack kills so much. I added him to sponge fighting hits for M-Khan but he proves to play a better role than that so I made him a mass-murdering wall breaker and boy does he do his job well. Earthquake is the crux of this set, it has STAB backing it up along with great coverage. Stone Edge compliments it nicely for the edge-quake combo. Superpower is to hit stuff...I don't know what to say. And with Band backing it up it can easily be used twice. U-turn is always a good move for band users, allowing it to escape and do a good chunk of damage while doing so.

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Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP 68 def 188 Spd
Impish Nature
-Stealth Rock
-Thunder wave
-Power Whip
-Iron head

Ah Ferrothorn, a classic wall that has never been easy to kill with it's great typing. Even with the nerf to steel it's standing strong and tall. Stealth rock is always useful to have and doesn't need explanation. Thunder wave catches pokes on the switch and can stop dangerous sweepers. Power whip is always a nice thing to have on a Ferrothorn, a powerful move to use at a last resort. I was originally gonna have toxic on this set, but with fairies running all over the place, I decided to put a move that can actually hurt them. Plus, with thunder wave, I can do some sort of weird paraflinch strategy...

Starmie@life orb
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Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP 252 spa 252 spe
Timid Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Ice beam
-Rapid Spin

I was originally gonna have Gengar here as a life orb sweeper and fighting immunity because as you can see, this is one of the few problems this team has. It worked out okay for a while, but suddenly entry hazards became a lot more problematic and I saw myself getting spiked and rocked from every corner. I had to do something so I asked myself, what can perform a life orb cleanup and prevent entry hazards. Oh yeah, Starmie! After I added this girl, I had no problems with entry hazards and she even has a nice fighting resistance! Life orb gave Starmie a surprising boost of power which allowed it to dent things on the switch in and gave an easy 2HKO. Overall glad I added this thing.

Terrakion@Choice Scarf
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Trait: Justified
EVs: 4HP 252 atk 252 spe
Jolly Nature
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge

Terrakion was like number one OU pokemon of the gen, and as of now he hasn't lost any charm. I decided to make this beast into a scarfed menace, surprise revenge killing about anything that gets dented from his moves. Close Combat and Stone edge are his bread and butter. Close Combat is a godsend and with a scarf, it becomes his number one move for kills. Anything that doesn't die from CC, dies from Stone edge, specifically Talonflame, a growing threat by the minute. Earthquake does surprisingly well with Terrakion's STABs and X-scissor is mostly a filler to hit bulky psychics.

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Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 4 HP 252 spa 252 spe
-Fiery Dance
-Giga Drain
-Quiver Dance

Due to my immense fighting type weakness, I decided to be less indulgent and replace Kyurem with the almighty Volcarona. This is one of Volcarona's less used sets, replacing the standard Bug Buzz with Giga Drain. After some of Volcarona's counters have been removed such as Blissey, Talonflame, and Heatran(courtesy of Terrakion), Volcarona is free to start sweeping. Substitute is there since most people switch when they see this guy, so I take advantage of that. Fiery dance is my main STAB and acts as a pseudo moxie, raising my special attack here and there. Giga drain is to hit water types and get back HP fast. I'm glad I replaced Kyurem, working a lot better than he ever did

Counters: Fighting types in general

I know this team can use some improvement so please rate, and tiny comments would be much appreciated as well. Thanks ^.^

edited by
Pretty big Fighting weakness. Even if you have two resists, you still don't want 4 Pokemon weak to Fighting.
I was just about to point out the huge fighting weakness too.
Also, Starmie should really have Recover if it's holding Life Orb. It's going to be so short lived if it's facing something like Ferrothorn.
Landorus-T should not be banded imo. Makes it too predictable.
Banded Landorus does fine and Starmie is more of a suicide bomber, the bigger question is how do I counter fighting types
I cant even tell if you're looking for critique or just bragging. Other than what is already said about fighting types and such, I cannot find a single thing wrong with this!
Starmie shouldn't be a suicide bomber. It has to stick around and spin for a good portion of the match, even you said you had a problem with entry hazards.
I usually kill whoever's setting up hazards. Starmie is good and all but it doesn't do  much with that mediocre special attack so I added life orb for some decency.
goodbye Kyurem, welcome Volcarona
[Your new team][1] so guessing this does need to be answered now

  [1]: http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/rmt/28605/pokebanking-all-day-v-2

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