Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello, Database users. I have come to ask for help from the site that got me started in competetive battling. I decided a little while back to make a team around Parashuffling Dragonite. I had never used it before, and it seemed like it could be quite effective. For those of you who don't know what parashuffling is, I'll explain: parashuffling is where a pokemon (in this case dragonite) uses thunder wave in conjuntion with a phazing move (dragon tail/ roar) to rack up hazard damage and paralyze as many opposing pokemon as it can. This is the set I use:

Dragonite@ leftovers
enter image description here
252 hp/ 252 sp def/ 4 spe
+sp def -sp att
Dragon Tail
Thunder Wave

I have tried LOTS of different pokemon as teammates, physical and special Landorus I, Red Card Forretress, Stealth Rock+ 3 attacks Tyrranitar, Wish+ 3 attacks Jirachi, expert belt Greninja, scarfed Keldeo, Volcarona, Chandelure, Celebi, Starmie, and Vaporeon. I have a decent team right now (emphasis on decent), but I know it can be improved. The only absolutely essential team member is Dragonite. Here is what I have as my 5 team members right now:

Froslass@ focus sash
enter image description here
Cursed Body
252 spe/ 252 sp att/ 4 hp
+spe -att
Destiny Bond
Shadow Ball

Froslass is a more recent edition to the team that has done extremely well. It has a pretty easy time setting up two layers of spikes and taking someone down with her. Shadow ball gets great neutral coverage and hammers Espeon/ Xatu. Taunt shuts down a lot of leads.

Jellicent@ leftovers
enter image description here
Water Absorb
252 sp def/ 252 hp/ 4 spe
+sp def -att

Jellicent walls a lot of huge threats to the team including Keldeo. Taunt hurts Ferrothorn, Blissey, etc.

Lucario@ lucarionite
enter image description here
252 att/ 252 spe/ 4 hp
+spe -sp att
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Close Combat

Lucario is a great sweeper that can switch into a dark type attack to get an attack boost and then mega evolve and have double STAB attacks.

All of the pokes shown above work really well on the team. They could be changed, but they don't necessarily need to be changed. Below are the weaker links in my team:

Excadrill@ leftovers
enter image description here
Mold Breaker
252 hp/ 252 att/ 4 spe
+att -sp att
Swords Dance
Stealth Rock/ Rock Slide
Rapid Spin

This isn't the most common Excadrill set, but it lets him hit common levitating pokes while rapid spinning very consistently and either setting up stealth rock or sweeping with an edgequake combination. I'm still experimenting with Stealth Rock and Rock Slide.

Rotom Wash@ choice scarf
enter image description here
252 spe/ 252 sp att/ 4 hp
+spe -att
Volt Switch
Hydro Pump
Hidden Power Ice

I needed a scarfer with water moves and either grass or electric moves to dispose of water types. I chose Rotom who has done OK, but if there is a better special scarfer out there, I'd use him.

I have thought about trying espeon for dealing with status and ludicolo as a water and grass offense user. If you think they would work, let me know.

Thanks for reading. Please keep in mind the need and want list below:

NEEDS: rapid spinner, spikes setter, someone to take out water types with, revenge killer/ scarfer

Wants: stealth rock setter, water offense, fire offense,

edited by
forretress one of the best spike/ stealth rock/rapid spin setter out there. not sure if it fits in your team, but you could give it a try. probaly something like:

forretress@ leftovers
252 hp/ 252 def/ 4 sp.def
trait: sturdy
impish nature

-spikes/ toxic spikes/ gyro ball
-stealth rock
-rapid spin

just an example. not saying its the best moveset out there. the point is that foretress is a good spinner. other is: starmie (for its speed) excadrill (as you said) donphan (can be offensive too) or maybe tentacruel. there is more
I recommend Weavile for a scarfed lead/revenge killer.

Weavile @ Choice Band
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
Ability: Pressure
Adamant/Jolly Nature
- Beat Up
- Ice Shard
- Night Slash
- Poison Jab/Low Kick/Pursuit/Icicle Crash/Ice Punch

He can lead with Beat Up, or be switched in from a lead early in the match while your team is all healthy. Beat Up is worth it. And then you can save him, and have him come in with an Ice Shard revenge kill, or a very powerful STAB Night Slash, or Poison Jab for Fairy types, or Pursuit to kill off any weak Pokemon trying to switch. Low Kick if you want to hit Rock/Steel types hard, though Night Slash covers Steel.

For Spikes, I'd recommend Forretress like dr_dude_of_bananas said, except I'd use Volt Switch over EQ, just so you can switch in Weavile or a sweeper safely. It's also the best attack against Taunters. Mega Pinsir is also a good revenge killer with Quick Attack. Crawdaunt is a scary sweeper and can revenge kill with Adaptability Aqua Jet, and OHKO most Pokemon after one Dragon Dance with Crabhammer, while crippling (and even OHKO'ing) Pokemon with Knock Off, which is stronger than Crunch when it knocks off an item. Azumarill and Diggersby are also an option. And since you need something to take out water types, try a semi-offensive Ferroseed since it covers entry hazards and a really strong grass move in Power Whip. Toxic could be used to take out bulky waters.
Thanks for the advice. I think I might give Starmie + Weavile a try.

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