Pokémon Rate My Team
4 votes

Celebi @ Leftovers

Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 236 SDef / 20 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

  • Giga Drain
  • Heal Bell
  • Recover
  • U-turn

Celebi returns this generation as one of the best Pokemon still, to take on the new threats of this generation. Celebi is sometimes overlooked by many players due to it having a total of 7 weaknesses. But that Grass typing is extremely useful, as a great offensive typing that Rotom-W boasts is immediately shut down. By investing in HP and Special Defense, Celebi is able to tank a ridiculous amount of hits, even quite a few super effective moves. All those Moonblasts that are flying around from the new Fairy types are eaten up by Celebi for breakfast. EVs on Celebi grant me the ability to outspeed max Speed Magnezone, while the rest go into HP and Special Defense for bulk. In terms of moves, Celebi is my cleric and Special wall. As everyone hates that Taunt, an attacking move is almost mandatory on Celebi, which is what STAB Giga Drain does. Paired with Leftovers, Celebi can reliably keep its health up. As mentioned before, Celebi clears the status on my Pokemon using Heal Bell, which is mandatory, since VoltTurn prompts opponents to act on the Defensive, rather than the offensive. Recover keeps Celebi healthy throughout the match, as Celebi has the ability to tank quite a few hits. U-turn provides momentum for the team, allowing me to switch into an effective check to the Pokemon who is currently on the field.

Greninja (F) @ Life Orb

Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

  • Hydro Pump
  • Dark Pulse
  • Ice Beam
  • U-turn

Greninja is a prime example of what generation 6 gave us. A massive amount of new threats to watch out for. Some of these threats are extremely versatile, and can be hard to predict around. Although is may not be so anymore, as the metagame is being quite standard, Greninja was one of those versatile Pokemon. Due to it great offenses, i is capable to run either Physical or Special. It even got Spikes, quite unique for a Pokemon like Greninja. What Gamefreak really did was gave us an extremely overpowered Pokemon in he form of its ability - Protean. No matter what move you go for, whether it would be a status move, a physical move, a Special move, Greninja's type will automatically change to the type of the move that was used, immediately giving it plenty of opportunities. It can be used Defensively, such as going for Spikes on a predicted Electric move, or offensively, granting STAB on every move gone for. Offensive is what I needed to put pressure on the opponent, so offensive I went. EVs grant me power for U-turn and maximum Special Attack to increase Special Attacking potential. Naive is used over Hasty to prevent the insane amounts of priority from damaging me a whole lot. Hydro Pump, dubbed Hydro Miss by many is boosted by Protean and hits the OU tier relatively hard, most of the time. Dark Pulse is useful against Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Rotom-H, and many other Pokemon that switch in to resist Greninja's expected Water move. Ice Beam grants me coverage on Dragon Pokemon, which is mandatory, as I do not have a Fairy Pokemon with VoltTurn on the team. Finally, U-turn maintains momentum for the team.

Landorus-T (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 176 Def / 88 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

  • Stealth Rock
  • Earthquake
  • Stone Edge
  • U-turn

Landorus-T was another heavily used Pokemon last generation due to its ability to check many of the Physical sweepers in OU, and it continues to maintain the same job this generation. It handles Pokemon such as Mega Scizor, Mega Mawile, and Mega Lucario due to Intimidate and its decent bulk, and can deal damage right back. As Landorus has a large attack stat, not much investment is needed to dent opposing Pokemon. Thus, bulk was optimized over offense in terms of EVs. Otherwise, this is more or less your standard Landorus-T set. EVs grant me good Physical bulk while maintaining enough speed to outrun Pokemon such as Tentacruel and base 70 Pokemon, such as Breloom. This enables me to U-turn out to Celebi to sponge any hit and take a Spore. As for the moveset, Landorus-T is extremely important because of its ability to set up Stealth Rock, which is vital since VoltTurn teams force switches very easily, and damage is easily racked up. Earthquake is the STAB of choice, and being such a high powered move allows it to hit pretty hard throughout the tier. Stone Edge creates the infamous EdgeQuake combination with Earthquake, allowing it good neutral coverage. And finally, U-turn keeps the momentum going.

Manectric (M) @ Manectite

Ability: Lightningrod
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

  • Thunderbolt
  • Flamethrower
  • Hidden Power [Ice]
  • Volt Switch

Despite what most people think, Mega Manectric is actually a pretty good Pokemon. Although Lightningrod for Manectric-Mega would be awesome, its new Intimidate ability, VoltTurning benefits it due to the attack drops, allowing my Landorus-T to be relieved of pressure. Manectric pairs with Landorus-T really well, because not only do they both cause Intimidate drops for each other, they also can play mindgames with Rotom-W, taking advantage of the Volt Switches that Rotom-W likes to do. The moveset is pretty simple, as well as the EVs. With the EVs and a Timid Nature, Manectric gives Genesect the Special Attack boost, weakening the power of U-turn, as well as reaching 400+ Speed. That is insane, and it is able to outspeed a handful of Choice Scarfers. Thunderbolt is STAB, and there's not much to describe about this. idk, maybe a paralysis chance? :D? Flamethrower nails Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Excadrill, and more that think they can come in for free. Hidden Power [Ice], although it was nerfed this generation, is essential in hitting the Ground Pokemon that like to switch in to take Thunderbolt.And finally, STAB Volt Switch grants momentum and stuff, and hits pretty hard after boosted SAtk.

U-turn below to see the rest :D


1 Answer

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Rotom-W @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 232 HP / 56 SAtk / 220 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAt, -Atk)

- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Rotom-W is a staple for most teams mainly due a Pokemon named Talonflame. That generic bird, with priority Brave Bird in Gale Wings, terrorizes the entire OU Metagame and forces most teams to run a check to it. Rotom-W's typing, luckily, completely shuts down Talonflame's STABs, thus leaving it rather hopeless. The EVs allow Rotom-W to be an effective bulky Attacker, and allow it to live quite a few hits, such as LO Lucario's 2+ Extreme Speed, and Thunder from a Thundurus-T. EVs allow me to outspeed Pokemon such as Mamoswine and Breloom, so I can burn / do unspeakable things to them. All the things a washing machine can do... ;)
The moveset is extremely standard, due to the extreme lack of variety in Rotom-W's movepool. Hydro Pump is the only Water STAB that Rotom-W gets. Imagine if Rotom-W got Scald.. :D
Volt Switch allows Rotom-W to be an excellent pivot throughout match, and is also STAB. Its offensive presence allows it to lure Grass Pokemon in, allowing the many Pokemon that I have to deal Grass types to come out safely. Will-O-Wisp bolsters the team's Defense, and allows Rotom-W to tank hits better, and deals with Rotom-W's lack of investment in Defense. Finally, Pain Split abuses Rotom-W's low HP and almost always recovers its HP.

Scizor (M) @ Choice Band

Ability: Technician
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

  • Bullet Punch
  • U-turn
  • Superpower
  • Defog

Although Scizor here has been a shining light in BWOU, it has fallen down due to the changes in XY. Since Steel Pokemon no longer resist Ghost and Dark, they cannot switch into Shadow Balls and all that what not as reliably. Scizor's role as a Pursuit trapper was tossed aside. However, it did get a buff in Defog, which now removes hazards from both sides instead of just your own side. Technician is still as powerful as ever, as Scizor has some great priority to abuse, especially with the rage of priority that is going around. EVs allow me to outspeed base 70s that run no speed investment, and the rest in bulk to tank hits as best as possible. Bullet Punch, Scizor's primary move to spam, allows me to deal lots of damage to opposing Pokemon, as well as nailing the newly introduced Fairy Pokemon. U-turn grabs my momentum, so its all mine, mine, MINE :D
Superpower allows to to destroy the life of Steel type Pokemon, and finally, Scizor's most important job, in the form of Defog, removes hazards from both sides of the field s VoltTurning isn't punished by repeated damage.

not bad… you definitively get my vote!
I say that I have learned at least 12 things from this one team, I look forward to facing it in showdown
I'd assume that strong Fire Moves/types give your team a huge problem. Since Rotom-W (Because Greninja is way too frail) will be the only capable member of tanking a Fire move, you are at a disadvantage if it dies. You also have no Scarf pokemon, putting you at a huge disadvantage against opposing Genesect's, since they can always switch in to a threat and cause you to lose momentum, forcing you to switch again (and take possible Hazard damage or attack damage, status, or allow the opponent to get a sub). This is theoretical, of course, but it seems your momentum team wont do too well vs another team of the sort.
this team is good however if u somehow got will o wisp onto a guts pokemon with façade ur dead
Yeah, what the guy above said ^

In all seriousness though Lenub covered pretty much everything I could have said/wouldn't have bothered to say. ScarfGenesect can really scare your team because (I may be incorrect, never been that good with numbers) Scarf Genesect outspeed your Mega Manectric, so it can get the revenge kill on your entire team especially when paired with some really bulky offensive partners.