Pokémon Rate My Team
0 votes

Yes, not much more to say except for HAY! 7/10 WINS (ragequit those i knew i would lose on) so this is something I threw together some hours ago, and it would mean much to me if some of you experienced guys could take a look at it :D
ssss sssss sssss sssss ssss ssss
From left to right: Sweeper, Breaker 1, Breaker 2, Stall, Lead, Speed

enter image description here
Trait: Guts/ Skill Link
Adamant Nature
252HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Spd


  • Brick Break
  • Bullet Seed
  • Pin Missile
  • Rock Blast

Yeah.. standard MegaHera set. Guess the most here is self explained, Heracross is my Sweeper and Mega. His amazing Skill Link makes all multiple hit attacks hit five times, so… I like him, especially because he can easily break substitutes.
Mamoswine@Life Orb
enter image description here
Trait: Thick Fat
Adamant Nature
252 Atk/ 252 HP/ 4 Def


  • Ice Shard
  • Earthquake
  • Icicle Crash
  • Stealth Rock

One of my two "Breakers", Mamoswine fixes the most Heracross can't take and Ninetales the rest. Ice shard and Icicle Crash for Breloom, Garchomp, Gliscor and other bulky Ground types with a secondary type that resists Steel, Earthquake takes Aegislash, and Stealth Rock is just… stealthy rocks.

Ninetales@Air Ballon
enter image description here
Trait: Drought
Calm Nature
152 Sp.Atk/ 252 HP/ 104 Sp.Def


  • Will-o-Wisp
  • Solar Beam
  • Fire Blast
  • Roar

My other Breaker, Ninetales deals with Scizor and bulky Poison/Grass types. Will-o-Wisp cripples the most of your opponents and makes up for lack in physically defensive EV training. Solar Beam covers Water types and Roar roars Fire types away. I want to replace this Pokémon with something else as the only reason for having it was that it was the most bulky Pokémon I could come up with, but I'm sure there are many more.

enter image description here
Trait: Water Absorb
Calm Nature
252 Sp.Def/ 252 HP/ 4 Sp.Atk


  • Recover
  • Shadow Ball
  • Scald
  • Will-o-Wisp

Common Jelicent, I have some water weaknesses so Water Absorb can help with that. For the Moves: STAB and things like that blah blah.

Xatu@Light Clay
enter image description here
Trait: Magic Bounce
Who cares?/ Timid? Nature
252 HP/ 252 Speed/ 4 Sp.Atk


  • Shadow Ball/ Psychic/ Thunder-Wave
  • Reflect
  • Light Screen
  • U-turn

My lead, Dual Screen set, I find the screens very helpful, so I'm trying to keep this one unless its really horrible in your eyes. U-turn gives me a free turn.. yeah, not much more to say?

Talonflame@Life Orb
enter image description here
Trait: Gale Wings
Jolly Nature
252 Spe/ 252 Atk/ 4 HP


  • Flare Blitz
  • Brave Bird
  • U-turn
  • ……..

This nice little pip-pips Ability Gale Wings is deadly awesome, but Talon is extremely fast without it too. Not sure what to put in the last slot, but maybe roost or something.
Mainstream Team
It may look poor in theory but it actually works kinda well, however please help me as its still far away from perfect. Please help? (yes i know I'm weak to rock, blah blah blah.)

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Electric weakness once Mamo is down. Honestly, I don't see the point of Sun weather here. Only one Pokemon benefits besides Ninetales.
I agree... And the rock weakness is gonna hurt you a lot. Stone edge is a common move
yeah. Crippling weakness to Electric once Mamo is down, Rock, and you have nothing to take flying hits comfortably.
Flying might not be as much of an issue if he keeps Zatu. It can easily tank a Brave Bird.
But Zatu won't be out speeding much, I suggest running a bulkier EV spread.
Yes i know about my weakness, and i know ninetaled should be replaced, so instead of reminding me of that, can you please help (i try defensive  ev spread on xatu)
I'm gonna be replaced??!!
Mamoswine should hav jolly nature and 252 spd / 252 atk  if your gonna hav lo on talon make it a swords dance set

1 Answer

1 vote

This does look like a good team. I can see how you'd win 7 out of 10 times. Anyway, here are some suggestions on how you could make it even better.

First off, great job with Heracross! Nothing to say here.

Based on how you're running your Mamoswine, I'd give it a Choice Band/Scarf. However, this is completely up to you.

Usually, Ninetales is used as a lead for a Sun team, but it could work for you. Unfortunately, the sunlight powers down Water moves, so you may want to replace it.

Great Jellicent. Moving on...

Nice Xatu. I like the Magic Bounce/dual screen lead. If I were you, I'd have Thunder Wave as my first move (for paralysis, obviously).
If you want, replace Xatu with Klefki. It's a little more tanky, has Prankster, and has better typing; however, it doesn't have Magic Bounce, so this is up to you.

For your Talonflame, you could make the last move Tailwind, as your team could really use a boost to Speed. Roost is good to have as well for priority healing. Swords Dance is a good setup move to have so you can sweep with Brave Bird. Hopefully you can find a fourth move from the ones I've listed. (You could also give up U-Turn and replace it with another of these moves.)

So all things considered, I have one thing to say: You don't need Ninetales. Your team already has a Fire type, and the Drought ability doesn't help your Jellicent out at all. You need a replacement that will cover its weaknesses. Heracross's weaknesses to Fire and Flying are covered by Rock Blast, and its Psychic weakness is covered by Pin Missle. So that just leaves Fairy types to be dealt with. Of course, you can pick any Poison or Steel type to use, but my recommendation is that you use Magnezone. Here's a set you might like:

Magnezone @ Air Balloon
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 Def
IVs: 0 Spd
Quiet Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power (Water/Ice)
- Magnet Rise/Volt Switch

Not only is Magnezone a Fairy killer, it's also very tanky and helps to handle Heracross's huge Flying weakness. Choose which Hidden Power you want (Ice for more coverage; Water for Fire coverage) and choose whether you want complete immunity to Ground or if you want to be able to switch out without hurting the Pokemon you're switching in to.

So anyway, that's what I think you could do to improve the team. If you have any questions/suggestions, feel free to leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Hope I helped!

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I would up vote this if I could. (Could someone else do it for me?)
Thanks, Noby.  You're very nice. :)