Pokémon Rate My Team
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I love Trick Room. It breathes life into so many Pokémon. You guys know what it is though. I don't know what mathematical process it uses (probably speed multiplied by -1) but we all know what it does. In this team there are a few holes. There's one hole in particular that needs addressed. You'll know it when you see it.
To make things easier on all of us the dragon is the only Pokémon on the team who has 31 IV's in speed. The rest have zero. Shuckle also has no IV's in his attacks or his speed. Also I don't know where I come up with some of my nicknames. I once named a Furfrou (great early in game Pokémon) Relnit. I also named my Froakie Ho Chi Minh. If you know who that was then you know exactly why I named him that.

(Destripador) Dusclops @ Eviolite.

Nature. Sassy.
Ability. Frisk.
EV's. 252 def. 252 sp def. (I would like to thank super training for making it possible to be competitive and still have a life. (no offense)).
Move Pool.
Trick Room.
Brick break.

When making a Trick Room team it's important for you to have a Pokémon that knows Trick Room. I actually did research in stats to see who the best Trick room user was. Bronzong got pretty close with all those resistances but the allure the Eviolite made was just too powerful. Will-O-Wisp is the reason I chose a Sassy nature since burns lower attack and it's also the reason I chose Hex over Shadow Ball. And Brick Break should get rid of any screens my opponents try to set up. It also stops dark types.

(Tactico) Shuckle @ Leftovers.

Nature. Relaxed.
Ability. Sturdy.
EV's 252 def. 252 sp def.
Move Pool.
Power Split.
Gyro ball.
Stone Edge.

I love Shuckle for one reason. It's extremely useful. Power Split from a Shuckle that has no investment in any attack stat can ruin just about every common competitive Pokémon. The opponent is then either forced to out wall a Shuckle, (good luck with that) or force them to switch out. I love using it with Stealth Rocks. Gyro Ball is a perfect move for Shuckle and helps me get rid of any fairies. (I see you trying to steal my job Carbink!) Stone Edge is a nice way to makes sure I do outlast my opponent. And Earthquake is the only thing I have that can deal with electric types. It's also a nice move all around.

(Berknaw) Flareon @ Muscle Band. (I can hear it already)

Nature. Brave. (With a move pool like his you've got to be to even try.)
Ability. Flash Fire.
EV's. 252 atk. 252 sp def.
Move Pool.
Fire Fang.
Shadow Ball.
Last Resort.

Consider this guy an investment in the future. One he's going to get better moves eventually. Two his mega evolution will be given a boost in special attack making him a good special tank. I'll have to change the move pool and EV's though. I do want a replacement though.
I'm not sure if Covet works on mega stones if it does great. If it doesn't I can still cripple the rest of my opponents team. It's pretty bad when Fire Fang is your best stab move, I guess there is the burn chance though. Shadow Ball is for when I meet something with Steelix like stats. I don't think I'm ever going to use Last resort but if the opportunity comes I'll take it.
Seriously though. I need a replacement.

(Allanie) Ferrothorn @ Leftovers.

Nature. Sassy.
Ability. Iron Barbs.
EV's. 252 sp def. 172 def. 80 atk.
Move Pool.
Power Whip.
Gyro Ball.
Stealth rock.

Honestly who in their right mind hits Ferrothorn with a physical move? I might actually switch the EV's of attack and defense. That's your guy's call though. Curse lets me build up if I think your going to switch out and in a Trick Room it actually boosts my speed so to say. Power Whip and Gyro Ball are for power and stab. Stealth Rocks is if I want to spam Shuckle's Power Split.

(Shola)Octillery @ Wide Lens. (If it's legal)

Nature. Quiet.
Ability. Moody.
EV's. 252 sp atk. 172 atk. 80 HP.
Move Pool.
Signal Beam.
Ice Beam.
Gunk Shot.

I know Moody is a risk but I can live with the item theft and Sniper isn't that likely.
A bug move that can confuse? Check. A water move that can burn? Check. An ice move that can freeze? Check. I got Gunk Shot just in case Moody ruins my special attack. Plus it can take down fairies.

(Salzan) Noivern @ King's Rock.
Sorry for the
lack of images.

Nature. Rash.
Ability. Infiltrator.
EV's. 252 speed. 252 sp atk.
Dragon Claw.
Boom Burst.
Air slash.

Hey, Trick Room has to end eventually. When it does most would expect me to put it back up with Dusclops that's when I surprise them by using Noivern instead. Flamethrower is going to be a serious help against ice types. Dragon Claw gives me a nice stab and helps me if I find anything like a Blissey. Boom burst is just an awesome move. 140 power, 100 accuracy, and no repercussions in a single battle. Air Slash is another stab move. I think it has a chance to make the opponent flinch too. Just like the King's Rock.

Anyways, that's the team. I don't think it's too bad minus a certain weak link. ( Please tell me you know a good Flareon replacement) I may have messed something up though. I might also need to find a new or better item for Shola. . . you know, the Octillery.
I would appreciate any help the experts, or any competent person, can provide. Thank you.


1 Answer

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you have a decent team there, but i can try to help you a little bit:

honestly: i think you should get rid of brick break. screens aren't exactly common, and you have more use of a healing move as dusclops have to switch in very many times due to trick room only lasts for five turns. then, night shade will actually for the most, do more damage than hex, unless its super effective. pressure is way more useful than frisk, draining pp from the opponent, so they will quickly run out of the dangerous moves. so you should put in that instead. also, hp ev training is much more useful than defense as nothing is able to hit you with a physical move after will-o-wisp. something like this:


trait: pressure
sassy nature
252 sp.def/ 252 hp/ 4 def.

  • night shade
  • trick room
  • pain split (this is extremely useful when you are at low health, heals and your opponent has to start over again lol please.)
  • will´o

that was very much, huh? well of course you will not take the time of breeding a whole new dusclops with pressure, but you should at least change the EVs and moves

i have personally never tested power split shuckle. if it actually works, i would suggest replacing stone edge with rollout, and earthquake with defense curl? well, i can nothing about shuckle so i leave this up to the comment felt.


yes, flareon is BEAST but you need to hit hard fast to make use of trick room as it only lasts for five turns. i would consider this move set instead:

flareon@toxic orb

trait: guts
brave nature
252 atk/ 252 hp/4 sp.def

  • flare blitz
  • quick attack
  • facade
  • superpower

flareon will have much more use of this set. reasons: you already have a special attacker, its attack is superior to its sp.atk, guts races attack with 1.5 while being affected by a status condition. (toxic orb) facades power doubles while being affected by a status condition (toxic orb) which makes an amazing combo. 70 base power X 2 = 140 X 1.5 = 210 base power= amazing **. flare blitz is an much more useful STAB than fire fang with 120 base power+guts boost+ STAB. superpower is awesome to, like a final blow if you faces an rock opponent. quick attack gives you priority if both you and your opponent has low health.
flareon is a sweeeper, not a tank, this set destroys him after around three turns, but you will have OHKO at least two of your opponents before that. if you don't wanna breed a new flareon with his hidden ability (eevee with anticipation is found in the friend safari) i would suggest replacing this one.
ferrothorn your lead hmm?
that is good, except for you should use leech seed>curse, and hp EVs will help you much more,
buuut i think you should have an trick room setter instead, well.. if you want. you don't want it right? well, ok. but keep in mind that trick room lasts for a short time, so if i was you, would i do that.

yoho! my favorite pokemon. however since this is a trick room team, you should definitively use water spout>scald. when i think about it, water spout+trick room+choice specs could be soooo awesome. do that ;) also, sniper>moody as it isn't fun when you win with just luck. or gets destroyed.

looks good:D but i can see this is a late game sweeper, so life orb>over kings rock, due to the rocks poor chance of making the opponent flinching
thats everything. here: http://pokemonshowdown.com use this site to test out my changes, and too see how your team would work. do ten battles, and think of what you could make better. each time you plan to make a team, you should do some battles, to see if it is worth raising;)

hope i helped! :D

well, he does: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Flareon

EDIT: just saw pokemondbs information about flare on, and they says he/she doesn't get it. but showdown also says he does, so either
1) bulpapedia and pokemonshowdown isn't up to date or
2)pokemondb isn't up to date
No it doesn't learn Flare Blitz yet according to Pokémon db. Maybe in the future though.
Which one should I trust; pokemon db or bulbapedia?
i have no flareon, so i don't know. I'm sorry if he doesn't get it, i have always trusted bulbapedia
I would like to thank you for the Flareon advice. In single battles in OU it is currently my strongest Pokémon. I think the team might do better in double battles though. Power Split and Will-O-Wisp when used in that order can likely decimate a pokemon.