Pokémon Rate My Team
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Haven't made a team in ages so I guess I should make one now in my favourite tier, UU. Btw, its still Gen 5 cos I am not too familiar will all the new mechanics and stuff. So here we go!


@ Black Sludge
Trait: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Cross Poison
- Brave Bird
- Super Fang
- Roost

Weak to: Electric, Rock, Ice, Psychic


@ Expert Belt
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Spd / 248 Atk / 8 HP
Adamant Nature
- Crunch
- Drain Punch
- Zen Headbutt
- Dragon Dance

Weak to: Fighting, Flying


@ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- U-Turn
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave
- Heal Bell

Weak to: Bug, Ghost, Dark


@ Choice Scarf
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Modest Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Fighting]

Weak to: Ghost, Dark, Water, Rock, Ground


@ Eviolite
Trait: Immunity
EVs: 248 Def / 248 SDef / 12 HP
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Taunt
- Roost

Weak to: Ice, Water


@ Leftovers
Trait: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Dragon Tail
- Foresight

Weak to: Electric, Grass

Biggest weaknesses: Electric, Ice, Water, Dark, Ghost, Rock


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Ur team looks pretty sharp BUT I would considet Ice punch over zen headbutt. And taunt over cross poison.

1 Answer

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Crobat is ok but I would add Taunt somewhere on there. (Over Cross poison) It makes a great lead and I think it outspeeds Azelf(?) and then can proceed to Taunt to stop the Rocks from coming. It's also great from stopping Gligar in its tracks, being able to Super Fang it and then KO or 2HKO with Brave bird. Also add more HP Evs. You don't need Max Attack to get Super Fang working, and extra HP is always useful on a Taunt Lead.

Dragon Dance on Scrafty isn't as good as Bulk Up. The speed is nothing when your base is only 55, meaning that even if you have one DD a pokemon like Virizion can come in and still outspeed and KO with Close Combat. I would put Bulk Up on there, it adds great defense as well as having much more speeping potential than DD does. Trust me, I've seen it. Also, get rid of those speed evs. Not all of them, maybe keep like 56 to outspeed other scraftys? I'm not sure what the common set for Bulky Up Scrafty is but make sure you can outspeed them. Put a lot of EVs into Special defense: You'll need and Bulk up already boosts defense anyway. And then some EV's into HP and attack, maybe a little into defense? Atk and Def aren't really important, play around with it a little and find what suits you best. Also run Lefties and Rest > Zen Headbutt

You have way to many defensive walls, Gligar and Blastoise mainly. Make this a special wall since it synerges well with gligar. Tbh, uxie is not a good lead unless the opponent is all out attack, then you can live a hit and use SR. otherwise, in uu there are so many taunt leads that using uxie 7/10 is a bad idea. However you don't have a wish passer, and in my opinion a wish passer in uu is sooo important. Because of this, I would make this a special umbreon and give rocks to gligar. Toxic can be substitute in for t-wave, however my set would be: Wish/Protect/Heal Bell/Foul Pay (or toxic)

This is good however run timid: chandy is too slow to be risking Modest.

Gligar is good however the EV's are a little off: The only point of those SpD evs are to survive... what? It tanks Aura Sphere's well enough and it maybe able to survive one ice beam from empoleon, but that's it. Max Def and Max SpD are the best options here as gligar cannot function in uu as a mixed wall. also give it rocks > taunt, it's low speed means it won't be taunting anything soon.

Blastoise is good, however again max hp and def is the best option here, unless you want a special wall?

Overall a very well balanced team, but with these simple suggestions it can function very well i believe.

Good luck with your team and remember: Have fun!

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I'll have you know that 1.) Most Virizion carry Sacred Sword, not CC, so Bulk Up is completely useless against it, and 2.) Dragon Dance Scrafty is literally unstoppable after +2 (which is really not hard to get). Sorry, but i dont trust you on the fact that BU is better than DD.
I have to support Trust. I tried a BU DD set and it worked marvelously well. I even used it in OU.
But if we cannot use BU and DD together, then DD > BU because like Trust said, after + 2, Scrafty is literally unstoppable.
I did it after + 3, which makes it better.

Scrafty @ Leftovers:
Trait: Shed Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Def / 4 Def
Adamant Nature

~ Bulk Up
~ Dragon Dance
~ Drain Punch / Crunch
~ Rest

This makes Scrafty OP. But it needs a lot of time to work well. Rest is generally done with Chesto / Lum Berry but Shed Skin functions as well. Drain Punch will be the main heal way so maybe another item can work, but beware the Ghosts.
As nothing is immune to Dark, I prefer Crunch.
BU and DD in tandem are excellent. But I say so because this worked for me. It may not work for everyone.
Any attack can work but STAB is prefered. Ice Punch, Thunder Punch. Fire Punch, Crunch, Drain Punch, Dual Chop...
Although Thunder Punch, Dual Chop and Drain Punch are resisted by Ground, Fairies and Ghosts respectively.

I love this Scrafty.
At +2 Srafty is unstoppable? Um. no. It's still outsped by stuff like Scarf Heracross, Jolly Virizion i think (if you're running adamant), most scarfers and anything above base 110. And an expierenced battler won't let you set up +2. They'll let you set up to +1 and then bring in something to stop you.
You know that d-dance(and STAB and etc...) multiplies the actual stat by 1.5, not the base stat right? I hope....  After 2 d-dance, jolly scraftys will reach overwhelming  472 speed stat. That is equivalent to 165base stat, able to out speed  unboosted ninjask  which is second fastest pokemon . Virzion? Pffft. Oh yeah, and with intimidate and its bulk, you can quite easily set up 2 d-dances.