Pokémon Rate My Team
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I decided to make an actual competitive team on my Pokemon X cartridge, as until now I've been using a non-IV bred or EV trained team. This is not for Pokemon Showdown, mind you.

This team is a work-in-progress. I do not have all the members bred and will not EV train any until I get feedback. There are some things I am not sure about, so please give me feedback :)

The team:

Alakazam @ Alakazite
Ability: Magic Guard / Trace (When evolved)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SpAtt, 4 Def
- Psychic
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
-Dazzling Gleam?

I've been on the fence on my mega-evo, Alakazam or Tyranitar. I've been debating it to myself all day, and I've decided on Alakazam. Either way, Tar still gets Sand Stream, and 175 SpAtt and 150 Spd is too good.

enter image description here

Tyranitar @ ?
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Spd, 4 HP
-Stealth Rock
-Stone Edge
-Some fighting move? (Smogon says Superpower although I don't know how to get that without PokeTransporter)

This guy acts as my Physical Wall and Stealth Rock person. I still don't know alot of the details, I may give him leftovers, not sure.

enter image description here
Togekiss @ Leftovers?
Abitity: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP, 126 Def, 126 SpDef, 4 Spd
-Nasty Plot
-Thunder Wave
-Air Slash
-Aura Sphere

This is my Special Wall-ParaFlinchHax-Nasty Plot settuper-Big Adorable Flying Thing of Awesomeness. With a 60% chance of flinch, and plenty of oppurtunities to set up, this guy can wreck.

enter image description here
Infernape @ Assault Vest
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Spd, 4 HP
-Mach Punch
-Close Combat
-Flare Blitz
-U Turn

I've loved this guy forever. Infernape is an awesome physical sweeper. I chose assault vest over Choice Band or Life Orb because I thought he needed more defenses, and as he had all attacking moves anyway, I thought it would work.

enter image description here
Garchomp @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Sand Veil
Evs: 252 Att, 252 Spd, 4 HP
-Iron Head
-Brick Break?

Garchomp goes along well with TTar, the Sandstorm giving him an evasion boost. I'm not sure about his moveset.

Now, for my last slot, I cant decide between a Galvantula with Sticky Web or a Sableye with Confuse Ray. If anyone has any tips on that, please do.

Thank you for the feedback!

Alakazam- Is this your lead? Just wondering because it's mine too, it gets rid of hazard setters and does as much as it can. Though I would put mega evo tyran instead as I used to have it as my mega and it wrecked everything. Try a kasib berry on alakazam so that you don't get surprised with a ghost move.

 Tyranitar- focus blast as a fighting move and then either have earthquake or crunch

Togekiss- I'd have toxic and a healing move on it to make it more of a troll

Infernape- Perfect

Garchomp- I run dragon claw, earthquake, fire fang and aqua tail on mine. Your choice though.

and you should put galvantula in as your last one as you need a hazard setter, bug moves and electric moves.

Your team is coming along nicely though. It has allot of potential. I hope I helped
Thank you! I've been waiting forever for an answer. Would Outrage be a bad choice for Chomp? I already bred one with it, and I thought if there wasn't a fairy on his team I would use it. And how do you get Aqua Tail on him, even with PokeTransporter, which I don't have? According to Bulbapedia there's no way.

Thank you for the feedback :D
You put aqua tail on garchomp through gen 5 tutor. You could try poison jab instead though as a fairy counter. And outrage isn't a bad move, it just has annoying side affects. Dragon rush is also better than dragon claw, but I changed mine to have dragon claw as dragon rush has a poor accuracy
Ok, I think I'm gonna try Poison Jab, Fire Fang, EQ and Dragon Claw on him. Thank you!
If Togekiss is para-flinch-hax, give it a King's Rock or a Razor Fang.
I would use Blaziken instead of Infernape as Blaziken offers Speed Boost. Otherwise, pretty good!

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